diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'net-voip/sflphone/files/sflphone-1.0.1-pjsip-1.14.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 110 deletions
diff --git a/net-voip/sflphone/files/sflphone-1.0.1-pjsip-1.14.patch b/net-voip/sflphone/files/sflphone-1.0.1-pjsip-1.14.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index aa16bcab29fe..000000000000
--- a/net-voip/sflphone/files/sflphone-1.0.1-pjsip-1.14.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-From 0d66570e26c6bd728d00d251e592a4154c0c9d1c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Alexandre Savard <>
-Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2012 12:12:45 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] #13961: Fix cipher handling to be compatible with pjsip
- 1.14.2
-[Alexandre Rostovtsev <>: backport to 1.0.1]
- daemon/src/sip/sipaccount.cpp | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++----
- daemon/src/sip/sipaccount.h | 7 +++++++
- 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/daemon/src/sip/sipaccount.cpp b/daemon/src/sip/sipaccount.cpp
-index fdd4634..44d169f 100644
---- a/daemon/src/sip/sipaccount.cpp
-+++ b/daemon/src/sip/sipaccount.cpp
-@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ SIPAccount::SIPAccount(const std::string& accountID)
- , cred_(NULL)
- , tlsSetting_()
-+ , ciphers(100)
- , stunServerName_()
- , stunPort_(0)
- , dtmfType_(OVERRTP)
-@@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ void SIPAccount::serialize(Conf::YamlEmitter *emitter)
- Conf::ScalarNode tlsport(portstr.str());
- Conf::ScalarNode certificate(tlsCertificateFile_);
- Conf::ScalarNode calist(tlsCaListFile_);
-- Conf::ScalarNode ciphers(tlsCiphers_);
-+ Conf::ScalarNode ciphersNode(tlsCiphers_);
- Conf::ScalarNode tlsenabled(tlsEnable_);
- Conf::ScalarNode tlsmethod(tlsMethod_);
- Conf::ScalarNode timeout(tlsNegotiationTimeoutSec_);
-@@ -207,7 +208,7 @@ void SIPAccount::serialize(Conf::YamlEmitter *emitter)
- tlsmap.setKeyValue(tlsPortKey, &tlsport);
- tlsmap.setKeyValue(certificateKey, &certificate);
- tlsmap.setKeyValue(calistKey, &calist);
-- tlsmap.setKeyValue(ciphersKey, &ciphers);
-+ tlsmap.setKeyValue(ciphersKey, &ciphersNode);
- tlsmap.setKeyValue(tlsEnableKey, &tlsenabled);
- tlsmap.setKeyValue(methodKey, &tlsmethod);
- tlsmap.setKeyValue(timeoutKey, &timeout);
-@@ -586,6 +587,18 @@ pjsip_ssl_method SIPAccount::sslMethodStringToPjEnum(const std::string& method)
- void SIPAccount::initTlsConfiguration()
- {
-+ pj_status_t status;
-+ unsigned cipherNum;
-+ // Determine the cipher list supported on this machine
-+ cipherNum = PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(ciphers);
-+ status = pj_ssl_cipher_get_availables(&ciphers.front(), &cipherNum);
-+ if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
-+ ERROR("Could not determine cipher list on this system");
-+ }
-+ ciphers.resize(cipherNum);
- // TLS listener is unique and should be only modified through IP2IP_PROFILE
- tlsListenerPort_ = tlsPort_;
-@@ -596,8 +609,8 @@ void SIPAccount::initTlsConfiguration()
- pj_cstr(&tlsSetting_.privkey_file, tlsPrivateKeyFile_.c_str());
- pj_cstr(&tlsSetting_.password, tlsPassword_.c_str());
- tlsSetting_.method = sslMethodStringToPjEnum(tlsMethod_);
-- pj_cstr(&tlsSetting_.ciphers, tlsCiphers_.c_str());
-- pj_cstr(&tlsSetting_.server_name, tlsServerName_.c_str());
-+ tlsSetting_.ciphers_num = ciphers.size();
-+ tlsSetting_.ciphers = &ciphers.front();
- tlsSetting_.verify_server = tlsVerifyServer_ ? PJ_TRUE: PJ_FALSE;
- tlsSetting_.verify_client = tlsVerifyClient_ ? PJ_TRUE: PJ_FALSE;
-@@ -605,6 +618,9 @@ void SIPAccount::initTlsConfiguration()
- tlsSetting_.timeout.sec = atol(tlsNegotiationTimeoutSec_.c_str());
- tlsSetting_.timeout.msec = atol(tlsNegotiationTimeoutMsec_.c_str());
-+ tlsSetting_.qos_type = PJ_QOS_TYPE_BEST_EFFORT;
-+ tlsSetting_.qos_ignore_error = PJ_TRUE;
- }
- void SIPAccount::initStunConfiguration()
-diff --git a/daemon/src/sip/sipaccount.h b/daemon/src/sip/sipaccount.h
-index 076fe60..7c2af13 100644
---- a/daemon/src/sip/sipaccount.h
-+++ b/daemon/src/sip/sipaccount.h
-@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
- #include "pjsip-ua/sip_regc.h"
- #include "noncopyable.h"
-+typedef std::vector<pj_ssl_cipher> CipherArray;
- namespace Conf {
- class YamlEmitter;
- class MappingNode;
-@@ -478,6 +480,11 @@ class SIPAccount : public Account {
- // a sip transport.
- pjsip_tls_setting tlsSetting_;
-+ /**
-+ * Allocate a static array to be used by pjsip to store the supported ciphers on this system.
-+ */
-+ CipherArray ciphers;
- // The STUN server name, if applicable for internal use only
- pj_str_t stunServerName_;