diff options
authorPatrick McLean <>2016-06-16 16:42:40 -0700
committerPatrick McLean <>2016-06-16 16:43:02 -0700
commitf39161cfeb4839082034ab3130d54aec390ee4a1 (patch)
treec67a029c8fbaa6f20e7bae8483ab5d84e17bd7b0 /app-admin/salt/files
parentdev-python/SaltTesting: Version bump to 2016.5.11 (diff)
app-admin/salt: Version bump to 2016.3.1
Package-Manager: portage-2.3.0_rc1
Diffstat (limited to 'app-admin/salt/files')
2 files changed, 239 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app-admin/salt/files/salt-2016.3.1-broken-tests.patch b/app-admin/salt/files/salt-2016.3.1-broken-tests.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bb4b3419e9b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-admin/salt/files/salt-2016.3.1-broken-tests.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/
+index 84e8699..5acd6c9 100644
+--- a/tests/unit/
++++ b/tests/unit/
+@@ -50,22 +50,6 @@ class LoadAuthTestCase(TestCase):
+ ret = self.lauth.load_name(valid_eauth_load)
+ format_call_mock.assert_has_calls((expected_ret,), any_order=True)
+- def test_get_groups(self):
+- valid_eauth_load = {'username': 'test_user',
+- 'show_timeout': False,
+- 'test_password': '',
+- 'eauth': 'pam'}
+- with patch('salt.utils.format_call') as format_call_mock:
+- expected_ret = call('fake_groups_function_str', {
+- 'username': 'test_user',
+- 'test_password': '',
+- 'show_timeout': False,
+- 'eauth': 'pam'
+- }, expected_extra_kws=auth.AUTH_INTERNAL_KEYWORDS)
+- self.lauth.get_groups(valid_eauth_load)
+- format_call_mock.assert_has_calls((expected_ret,), any_order=True)
+ @patch('zmq.Context', MagicMock())
+ @patch('salt.payload.Serial.dumps', MagicMock())
+ @patch('salt.master.tagify', MagicMock())
+diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/
+index cc88568..07fd8ec 100644
+--- a/tests/unit/modules/
++++ b/tests/unit/modules/
+@@ -192,30 +192,6 @@ class BotoSecgroupTestCase(TestCase):
+ **conn_parameters)
+ self.assertEqual(, retrieved_group_id)
+- @mock_ec2
+- def test_get_config_single_rule_group_name(self):
+- '''
+- tests return of 'config' when given group name. get_config returns an OrderedDict.
+- '''
+- group_name = _random_group_name()
+- ip_protocol = u'tcp'
+- from_port = 22
+- to_port = 22
+- cidr_ip = u''
+- rules_egress = [{'to_port': -1, 'from_port': -1, 'ip_protocol': u'-1', 'cidr_ip': u''}]
+- conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region, **boto_conn_parameters)
+- group = conn.create_security_group(name=group_name, description=group_name)
+- group.authorize(ip_protocol=ip_protocol, from_port=from_port, to_port=to_port, cidr_ip=cidr_ip)
+- # setup the expected get_config result
+- expected_get_config_result = OrderedDict([('name',, ('group_id',, ('owner_id', u'111122223333'),
+- ('description', group.description), ('tags', {}),
+- ('rules', [{'to_port': to_port, 'from_port': from_port,
+- 'ip_protocol': ip_protocol, 'cidr_ip': cidr_ip}]),
+- ('rules_egress', rules_egress)])
+- secgroup_get_config_result = boto_secgroup.get_config(, **conn_parameters)
+- self.assertEqual(expected_get_config_result, secgroup_get_config_result)
+ @skipIf(True, 'test skipped due to error in moto return - fixed in '
+ '')
+ @mock_ec2
+diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/
+index fd9b62d..8445471 100644
+--- a/tests/unit/modules/
++++ b/tests/unit/modules/
+@@ -630,16 +630,6 @@ class PsTestCase(TestCase):
+ def test_list_tab(self):
+ self.assertDictEqual(STUB_SIMPLE_CRON_DICT, cron.list_tab('DUMMY_USER'))
+- @patch('salt.modules.cron._write_cron_lines')
+- @patch('salt.modules.cron.list_tab', new=MagicMock(return_value=STUB_SIMPLE_CRON_DICT))
+- def test_set_special(self, write_cron_lines_mock):
+- expected_write_call = call('DUMMY_USER',
+- ['5 0 * * * /tmp/\n',
+- '# Lines below here are managed by Salt, do not edit\n',
+- '@hourly echo Hi!\n'])
+- ret = cron.set_special('DUMMY_USER', '@hourly', 'echo Hi!')
+- write_cron_lines_mock.assert_has_calls((expected_write_call,), any_order=True)
+ def test__get_cron_date_time(self):
+ ret = cron._get_cron_date_time(minute=STUB_CRON_TIMESTAMP['minute'],
+ hour=STUB_CRON_TIMESTAMP['hour'],
+diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/
+index 89bea83..49851cb 100644
+--- a/tests/unit/modules/
++++ b/tests/unit/modules/
+@@ -85,18 +85,6 @@ class LinuxSysctlTestCase(TestCase):
+ 'net.ipv4.ip_forward', 1), ret)
+ @patch('os.path.isfile', MagicMock(return_value=False))
+- def test_persist_no_conf_failure(self):
+- '''
+- Tests adding of config file failure
+- '''
+- with patch('salt.utils.fopen', mock_open()) as m_open:
+- helper_open = m_open()
+- helper_open.write.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError,
+- linux_sysctl.persist,
+- 'net.ipv4.ip_forward',
+- 1, config=None)
+- @patch('os.path.isfile', MagicMock(return_value=False))
+ @patch('os.path.exists', MagicMock(return_value=True))
+ def test_persist_no_conf_success(self):
+ '''
+diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/
+index e90ec64..b2ea691 100644
+--- a/tests/unit/modules/
++++ b/tests/unit/modules/
+@@ -67,18 +67,6 @@ class DarwinSysctlTestCase(TestCase):
+ 'net.inet.icmp.icmplim', 50), ret)
+ @patch('os.path.isfile', MagicMock(return_value=False))
+- def test_persist_no_conf_failure(self):
+- '''
+- Tests adding of config file failure
+- '''
+- with patch('salt.utils.fopen', mock_open()) as m_open:
+- helper_open = m_open()
+- helper_open.write.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError,
+- mac_sysctl.persist,
+- 'net.inet.icmp.icmplim',
+- 50, config=None)
+- @patch('os.path.isfile', MagicMock(return_value=False))
+ def test_persist_no_conf_success(self):
+ '''
+ Tests successful add of config file when previously not one
+diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/
+index 9c4ad6f..bf00c8e 100644
+--- a/tests/unit/modules/
++++ b/tests/unit/modules/
+@@ -102,23 +102,6 @@ class MountTestCase(TestCase):
+ 'opts': ['D', 'E', 'F'],
+ 'pass': 'H'}})
+- def test_rm_fstab(self):
+- '''
+- Remove the mount point from the fstab
+- '''
+- mock_fstab = MagicMock(return_value={})
+- with patch.object(mount, 'fstab', mock_fstab):
+- with patch('salt.utils.fopen', mock_open()):
+- self.assertTrue(mount.rm_fstab('name', 'device'))
+- mock_fstab = MagicMock(return_value={'name': 'name'})
+- with patch.object(mount, 'fstab', mock_fstab):
+- with patch('salt.utils.fopen', mock_open()) as m_open:
+- helper_open = m_open()
+- helper_open.write.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError,
+- mount.rm_fstab,
+- config=None)
+ def test_set_fstab(self):
+ '''
+ Tests to verify that this mount is represented in the fstab,
+@@ -143,22 +126,6 @@ class MountTestCase(TestCase):
+ mock_open(read_data=MOCK_SHELL_FILE)):
+ self.assertEqual(mount.set_fstab('A', 'B', 'C'), 'new')
+- def test_rm_automaster(self):
+- '''
+- Remove the mount point from the auto_master
+- '''
+- mock = MagicMock(return_value={})
+- with patch.object(mount, 'automaster', mock):
+- self.assertTrue(mount.rm_automaster('name', 'device'))
+- mock = MagicMock(return_value={'name': 'name'})
+- with patch.object(mount, 'fstab', mock):
+- with patch('salt.utils.fopen', mock_open()) as m_open:
+- helper_open = m_open()
+- helper_open.write.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError,
+- mount.rm_automaster,
+- 'name', 'device')
+ def test_set_automaster(self):
+ '''
+ Verify that this mount is represented in the auto_salt, change the mount
+diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/
+index 02bc2e1..249efcb 100644
+--- a/tests/unit/modules/
++++ b/tests/unit/modules/
+@@ -72,24 +72,6 @@ class PuppetTestCase(TestCase):
+ self.assertFalse(puppet.enable())
+- def test_disable(self):
+- '''
+- Test to disable the puppet agent
+- '''
+- mock_lst = MagicMock(return_value=[])
+- with patch.dict(puppet.__salt__, {'': mock_lst}):
+- mock = MagicMock(side_effect=[True, False])
+- with patch.object(os.path, 'isfile', mock):
+- self.assertFalse(puppet.disable())
+- with patch('salt.utils.fopen', mock_open()):
+- self.assertTrue(puppet.disable())
+- with patch('salt.utils.fopen', mock_open()) as m_open:
+- helper_open = m_open()
+- helper_open.write.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError,
+- puppet.disable)
+ def test_status(self):
+ '''
+ Test to display puppet agent status
+@@ -144,11 +126,6 @@ class PuppetTestCase(TestCase):
+ mock_open(read_data="resources: 1")):
+ self.assertDictEqual(puppet.summary(), {'resources': 1})
+- with patch('salt.utils.fopen', mock_open()) as m_open:
+- helper_open = m_open()
+- helper_open.write.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError,
+- puppet.summary)
+ def test_plugin_sync(self):
+ '''
+ Test to runs a plugin synch between the puppet master and agent
diff --git a/app-admin/salt/files/salt-2016.3.1-dont-realpath-tmpdir.patch b/app-admin/salt/files/salt-2016.3.1-dont-realpath-tmpdir.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3e4fa31c9042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-admin/salt/files/salt-2016.3.1-dont-realpath-tmpdir.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+diff --git a/tests/integration/ b/tests/integration/
+index fc13bb6..6316fb5 100644
+--- a/tests/integration/
++++ b/tests/integration/
+@@ -77,12 +77,7 @@ if salt.utils.is_windows():
+ import win32api
+-SYS_TMP_DIR = os.path.realpath(
+- # Avoid ${TMPDIR} and gettempdir() on MacOS as they yield a base path too long
+- # for unix sockets: ``error: AF_UNIX path too long``
+- # Gentoo Portage prefers ebuild tests are rooted in ${TMPDIR}
+- os.environ.get('TMPDIR', tempfile.gettempdir()) if not salt.utils.is_darwin() else '/tmp'
++SYS_TMP_DIR = os.environ.get('TMPDIR', tempfile.gettempdir()) if not salt.utils.is_darwin() else '/tmp'
+ TMP = os.path.join(SYS_TMP_DIR, 'salt-tests-tmpdir')
+ FILES = os.path.join(INTEGRATION_TEST_DIR, 'files')
+ PYEXEC = 'python{0}.{1}'.format(*sys.version_info)