diff options
authorRobin Hallabro <>2018-11-17 09:18:22 +0100
committerZac Medico <>2018-11-17 07:27:39 -0800
commitc4883e0840dc985d6ffe05a65c2f943b26cea95b (patch)
tree05ee9973c815d9804900e696e798920351c355aa /app-emulation
parentprofiles/base/use.mask: Remove postgres11 mask (diff)
app-emulation/rkt: Bump version to 1.30.0
Closes: Closes: Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.51, Repoman-2.3.12 Signed-off-by: Robin Hallabro <> Signed-off-by: Zac Medico <>
Diffstat (limited to 'app-emulation')
2 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app-emulation/rkt/Manifest b/app-emulation/rkt/Manifest
index 3732460f219a..6702216c1469 100644
--- a/app-emulation/rkt/Manifest
+++ b/app-emulation/rkt/Manifest
@@ -4,5 +4,6 @@ DIST kvmtool-include-sysmacros-c0a985531f49c06fd05069024f4664740e6a0baf.patch 12
DIST linux-4.9.2.tar.xz 93189108 BLAKE2B d9eb7bd6f168aba5955da92f54c70468a5eaa6fabceb8399d8c2398672d4401012dc23ce92dfd63e80c87b57eba56f77b62dbf8ec7a8b12e6e0af2d66ea29e3f SHA512 85adf3715cba4a457efea8359ebed34413ac63ee58fe920c5713501dec1e727e167416e9d67a9e2d9430aa9f3a53ad0ac26a4f749984bc5a3f3c37ac504f75de
DIST qemu-2.8.0.tar.bz2 28368517 BLAKE2B 15177018f1f828f35e745593746228738f9bd540b3658b5ca285141867a9fc4a7a4aa9be7b174d32f5d7fc2567fb379a4ce40135b405047282cfbdcd8ab90181 SHA512 50f2988d822388ba9fd1bf5dbe68359033ed7432d7f0f9790299f32f63faa6dc72979256b5632ba572d47ee3e74ed40e3e8e331dc6303ec1599f1b4367cb78c2
DIST rkt-1.29.0.tar.gz 3434520 BLAKE2B b3e1b4e93335023e86439a5202cdb2d8c8f62a24392fd37a11fe381f76cad71ad01d0e4a6b6acdd29edaa77932530f1cdfe5a2aed403841c079f7cb40591972c SHA512 a128abddb29a246b0afea8f7dc81d77aae1e8efaf4dae8fe92aa0f2855c4e4f9dcf7a6f01efa77500ed8a6723db83933c8d1973b284dc62f8e9e0e06b6a20f6d
+DIST rkt-1.30.0.tar.gz 3655661 BLAKE2B f7ac84cdf40d64a04cb1b95cc59a33585f38ab7aac2768833a369725fccfa80c4d85d213161f0d3e265e1b84730e9224a63103dcb6085595474fafa35f8b9d5b SHA512 47b409a61960fec1352535beb2fcdc396ec1cf6feb7d66b320aed0acd908c8ae86d058b4f9b76367606f4e78db6f333bc85dac66f7d646b3b1ada9bfd1f15e44
DIST rkt-pxe-1478.0.0.img 264382497 BLAKE2B 087fc5e27fe2fe41a82d4dad727625a573eda027b3ca67e063ec6d38bb6382353e30804e21f55cda5494ad7ff3cf1db9d593ccc63a639e16a98295d976e92325 SHA512 5f462b6223a141d72a38857fff26f4f70c0a36f21d1cc69623d946ba42f8b15fa994f222b1934cd16cc5b4e306cf5a8850295492dfb637f2a8fee8b774d7c1e4
DIST systemd-233.tar.gz 4660737 BLAKE2B 38cdd74543447b3c02391b328428fed169fe2cf2df6e9341dcaf2f7d3d977612ec102301e144c1cada90d61e9e9bda3b2faaef708c8ff4bd0b52b143760a83b2 SHA512 5ad5329ea116d973cf67096f7e7ad28e9ea0905696e9451291f1d25e5064f4a9bfcfae87e912996c6a38397e9f4a148d4ccecfa9b70f7ecdf04deadb61784c8e
diff --git a/app-emulation/rkt/rkt-1.30.0.ebuild b/app-emulation/rkt/rkt-1.30.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b5ad9568d125
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/rkt/rkt-1.30.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit bash-completion-r1 autotools flag-o-matic systemd toolchain-funcs user
+ ${PXE_URI} -> ${PXE_FILE}
+SRC_URI="${PN}/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz
+rkt_stage1_coreos? ( $PXE_URI -> $PXE_FILE )
+rkt_stage1_kvm_lkvm? (
+${KVMTOOL_VERSION}.tar.gz -> kvmtool-${KVMTOOL_VERSION}.tar.gz
+ -> kvmtool-include-sysmacros-c0a985531f49c06fd05069024f4664740e6a0baf.patch
+ -> kvmtool-include-asm-msr-index-1cc05b24bfe0211bb408f3264af8e0c42dcdde9c.patch
+rkt_stage1_kvm_qemu? (
+DESCRIPTION="rkt is an App Container runtime for Linux"
+# The rkt_stage1_kvm flag has been replaced by the rkt_stage1_kvm_lkvm and rkt_stage1_kvm_qemu flags
+IUSE="doc examples +rkt_stage1_coreos +rkt_stage1_fly rkt_stage1_host rkt_stage1_kvm rkt_stage1_kvm_lkvm rkt_stage1_kvm_qemu +actool systemd"
+REQUIRED_USE="!systemd? ( !rkt_stage1_host ) || ( rkt_stage1_coreos rkt_stage1_fly rkt_stage1_host rkt_stage1_kvm_lkvm rkt_stage1_kvm_qemu ) !rkt_stage1_kvm"
+# Some tests fail.
+ app-arch/cpio
+ app-crypt/trousers
+ sys-fs/squashfs-tools
+ dev-perl/Capture-Tiny
+ rkt_stage1_kvm_qemu? (
+ sys-apps/attr[static-libs(+)]
+ sys-libs/libcap[static-libs(+)]
+ sys-libs/zlib[static-libs(+)]
+ >=x11-libs/pixman-0.28.0[static-libs(+)]
+ )"
+ rkt_stage1_host? ( systemd? (
+ >=sys-apps/systemd-222
+ app-shells/bash:0
+ ) )"
+pkg_setup() {
+ enewgroup rkt-admin
+ enewgroup rkt
+src_unpack() {
+ local dest x
+ for x in ${A}; do
+ case ${x} in
+ *.img|linux-*) continue ;;
+ kvmtool-include-*) #627564 #635274
+ dest=${S}/stage1/usr_from_kvm/lkvm/patches
+ mkdir -p "${dest}" || die
+ cp "${DISTDIR}/${x}" "${dest}" || die
+ ;;
+ kvmtool-*)
+ mkdir kvmtool || die
+ pushd kvmtool >/dev/null || die
+ unpack ${x}
+ popd >/dev/null || die
+ ;;
+ *)
+ unpack ${x}
+ esac
+ done
+src_prepare() {
+ eapply_user
+ # This patch breaks linux kernel cc-option checks when the
+ # compiler doesn't recognize the -no-pie option.
+ rm stage1/usr_from_kvm/kernel/patches/0002-for-debian-gcc.patch || die
+ # avoid sdjournal include for bug 595874
+ if ! use systemd; then
+ sed -e "s/^\\(LOCAL_DIST_SRC_FILTER := .*\\)'$/\\1|api_service'/" \
+ -i rkt/ || die
+ fi
+ sed -e 's|^RKT_REQ_PROG(\[GIT\],.*|#\0|' -i || die
+ # disable git fetch of systemd
+ sed -e 's~^include makelib/$~'\
+'ifneq ($(wildcard $(RKT_STAGE1_SYSTEMD_SRC)),)\n\n'\
+'get_systemd_sources: | $(UFS_SYSTEMDDIR)\n'\
+'$(UFS_SYSTEMD_CONFIGURE): get_systemd_sources\n\n'\
+'else ifneq ($(wildcard $(UFS_SYSTEMD_SRCDIR)),)\n\n'\
+'endif~' -i stage1/usr_from_src/ || die
+ # disable git fetch of kvmtool
+ sed -e 's~^include makelib/$~'\
+'ifneq ($(wildcard $(shell echo "$${WORKDIR}/kvmtool")),)\n\n'\
+'$(call forward-vars, get_lkvm_sources, LKVM_SRCDIR)\n'\
+'get_lkvm_sources: | $(LKVM_TMPDIR)\n'\
+'\tmv "$${WORKDIR}/kvmtool" "$(LKVM_SRCDIR)"\n\n'\
+'$(LKVM_PATCH_STAMP): get_lkvm_sources\n\n'\
+'else ifneq ($(wildcard $(LKVM_SRCDIR)),)\n\n'\
+'endif~' -i stage1/usr_from_kvm/ || die
+ # disable git fetch of qemu
+ sed -e 's~^include makelib/$~'\
+'ifneq ($(wildcard $(shell echo "$${WORKDIR}/qemu-'${QEMU_VERSION#v}'")),)\n\n'\
+'$(call forward-vars, get_qemu_sources, QEMU_SRCDIR)\n'\
+'get_qemu_sources: | $(QEMU_TMPDIR)\n'\
+'\tmv "$${WORKDIR}/qemu-'${QEMU_VERSION#v}'" "$(QEMU_SRCDIR)"\n\n'\
+'$(QEMU_CONF_STAMP): get_qemu_sources\n\n'\
+'else ifneq ($(wildcard $(QEMU_SRCDIR)),)\n\n'\
+'endif~' \
+ -e 's|QEMU_CONFIGURATION_OPTS :=|\0 --disable-bzip2 --disable-libssh2 --disable-opengl|' \
+ -i stage1/usr_from_kvm/ || die
+ # disable fetch of kernel sources
+ sed -e 's|wget .*|ln -s "$${DISTDIR}/linux-'${KVM_LINUX_VERSION}'.tar.xz" "$@"|' \
+ -i stage1/usr_from_kvm/ || die
+ if use rkt_stage1_host; then
+ # Make systemdUnitsPath consistent with host
+ sed -e 's|\(systemdUnitsPath := \).*|\1"'$(systemd_get_systemunitdir)'"|' \
+ -i stage1/init/init.go || die
+ fi
+ if use rkt_stage1_kvm_qemu; then
+ sed '1i#include <sys/sysmacros.h>' -i "${WORKDIR}/qemu-${QEMU_VERSION#v}/hw/9pfs/9p.c" || die
+ fi
+ eautoreconf
+src_configure() {
+ local flavors hypervisors myeconfargs=(
+ --with-stage1-default-images-directory="/usr/share/rkt"
+ --with-stage1-default-location="${STAGE1_DEFAULT_LOCATION}"
+ )
+ use systemd || myeconfargs+=( --enable-sdjournal=no )
+ # enable flavors (first is default)
+ use rkt_stage1_host && flavors+=",host"
+ use rkt_stage1_coreos && flavors+=",coreos"
+ use rkt_stage1_fly && flavors+=",fly"
+ { use rkt_stage1_kvm_lkvm || use rkt_stage1_kvm_qemu; } && flavors+=",kvm"
+ myeconfargs+=( --with-stage1-flavors="${flavors#,}" )
+ if use rkt_stage1_coreos || use rkt_stage1_kvm_lkvm || use rkt_stage1_kvm_qemu; then
+ myeconfargs+=(
+ --with-coreos-local-pxe-image-path="${DISTDIR}/${PXE_FILE}"
+ --with-coreos-local-pxe-image-systemd-version="${PXE_SYSTEMD_VERSION}"
+ )
+ fi
+ if use rkt_stage1_kvm_lkvm || use rkt_stage1_kvm_qemu; then
+ use rkt_stage1_kvm_lkvm && hypervisors+=",lkvm"
+ use rkt_stage1_kvm_qemu && hypervisors+=",qemu"
+ myeconfargs+=( --with-stage1-kvm-hypervisors="${hypervisors#,}" )
+ fi
+ # Go's 6l linker does not support PIE, disable so cgo binaries
+ # which use 6l+gcc for linking can be built correctly.
+ if gcc-specs-pie; then
+ append-ldflags -nopie
+ fi
+ export CC=$(tc-getCC)
+ export CGO_ENABLED=1
+ export CGO_CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}"
+ export BUILDDIR
+ econf "${myeconfargs[@]}"
+src_compile() {
+ local arch=${ARCH}
+ case ${arch} in
+ amd64) arch=x86_64;;
+ esac
+ ARCH=${arch} emake V=3
+ ARCH=${arch} emake V=3 bash-completion
+src_install() {
+ dodoc
+ use doc && dodoc -r Documentation
+ use examples && dodoc -r examples
+ use actool && dobin "${S}/${BUILDDIR}/tools/actool"
+ dobin "${S}/${BUILDDIR}/target/bin/rkt"
+ insinto /usr/share/rkt
+ doins "${S}/${BUILDDIR}/target/bin/"*.aci
+ # create symlink for default stage1 image path
+ if use rkt_stage1_host; then
+ dosym stage1-host.aci "${STAGE1_DEFAULT_LOCATION}"
+ elif use rkt_stage1_coreos; then
+ dosym stage1-coreos.aci "${STAGE1_DEFAULT_LOCATION}"
+ elif use rkt_stage1_fly; then
+ dosym stage1-fly.aci "${STAGE1_DEFAULT_LOCATION}"
+ elif use rkt_stage1_kvm_lkvm; then
+ dosym stage1-kvm-lkvm.aci "${STAGE1_DEFAULT_LOCATION}"
+ elif use rkt_stage1_kvm_qemu; then
+ dosym stage1-kvm-qemu.aci "${STAGE1_DEFAULT_LOCATION}"
+ fi
+ systemd_dounit "${S}"/dist/init/systemd/*.service \
+ "${S}"/dist/init/systemd/*.timer \
+ "${S}"/dist/init/systemd/*.socket
+ insinto /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d
+ doins "${S}"/dist/init/systemd/tmpfiles.d/*
+ newbashcomp "${S}"/dist/bash_completion/rkt.bash rkt
+ keepdir /etc/${PN}
+ fowners :rkt-admin /etc/${PN}
+ fperms 2775 /etc/${PN}