diff options
authorMichał Górny <>2024-10-12 11:45:35 +0200
committerMichał Górny <>2024-10-12 11:45:35 +0200
commit91f516ab06f78db234015e64f8e25a0f4c765c11 (patch)
tree5a82570a973ad4394aff78195cc48648b3c422ca /dev-python
parentdev-python/pypy3: Remove old (diff)
dev-python/pypy3_10: Remove old
Signed-off-by: Michał Górny <>
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-python')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 1074 deletions
diff --git a/dev-python/pypy3_10/Manifest b/dev-python/pypy3_10/Manifest
index 7d54999c4a36..cf0ee0f38044 100644
--- a/dev-python/pypy3_10/Manifest
+++ b/dev-python/pypy3_10/Manifest
@@ -1,7 +1,2 @@
-DIST pypy3.10-gentoo-patches-7.3.16.tar.xz 4752 BLAKE2B a5cd87f30c0b20bf5d49c3b5c979c12231d6b67750e777d4488093094d5998e6f0d9adba51c04704eb31d621089aeb12ee5a6b0a58dad0ecda0d60d2ecbdab6d SHA512 e2779841a3e56e384134416ce2a10e1e00a11d7c720023506370fb9f54363da6b7300b4019c121aa1874152b62d9679ebcd3dd679fd0dbd2bf524520990b6f38
-DIST pypy3.10-gentoo-patches-7.3.16_p1.tar.xz 7696 BLAKE2B d51dd45ec0fd2fd2d8e8f6afb6fdb227268d86ca03885991c085aa3b374bdbe01c909cd9c25981a89955c3fcfaf258f09470b5a5649b9235a74f37dadb9a891e SHA512 b71168518a103cccff4740efb51dfad4eaaf647d81aff727805f5ee9e2fdc6971749b69c17c72e7fd04c97bbf37777180870eb17077fb742f20130b4b00ed712
-DIST pypy3.10-gentoo-patches-7.3.16_p2.tar.xz 10348 BLAKE2B 93b2672e935e4a23e9fff70848f377211b4a0aff55384ffac59ba3b376af9d1ab1d1b3529a5148490dd6e8da55cc038390efa7e4120c60c7ea77d158da88b5bf SHA512 0bff294d8a0ed576204c00ef7befec0c960cef50eaf1130056aaed2a5dac63a8045db977c5fb4ff9c5eb1863e8df2cb9f4d608ab88cd6ffcc8bd4ab13f5d6ab2
-DIST pypy3.10-gentoo-patches-7.3.17.tar.xz 10340 BLAKE2B a9d7dc6a578dc50339574b2fcfff19e390293adfc8412592e4683fdd3ff415ed8da3ff809b00037659a6e218dc0b26efead7a2ae3c54b2c3487222144d5d9633 SHA512 b192685cc100cfb723492d29e89a522bb4ff041c78cbdfd170414e19713cf2a21c39ab8d4e1e9ca47da2559b2fed6df14f1122f96bc50dd117550c357046889a
DIST pypy3.10-gentoo-patches-7.3.17_p1.tar.xz 18104 BLAKE2B 4b6c8c012d34b7ead8f7499edbe4292f21d2d7437694341de0bfb5f74d0717a11eb1c302a60baeb3ab123851a2436657458dad47c2b86a81218eea12d6aa9344 SHA512 73e0733f07be79f444b2fbf18ca7dcad6a76368cb8c185eb630d82e6886ed909548bc1779bf618588e34a572b5d48be0f9a86fc5758d302cf3ff0e94649b4815
-DIST pypy3.10-v7.3.16-src.tar.bz2 23358556 BLAKE2B 4eddae47dea1005b9450b9d3d23bd90782dffecdc252eff4fd3195a61e0e7ebbdafaf4c4b5d318c88534f152c1110c3bc4f76f43a7e711a859dd4330841a0e0b SHA512 5b941e3b5c7b0c7a50413e16122bad3e167dcc4ee159ce53e9716e9d5af79d600823f3d7442b7562bb568ff027723e22904fc0840dc06bd26e3da38c93cc5b94
DIST pypy3.10-v7.3.17-src.tar.bz2 23350562 BLAKE2B 0a7a091976b352de61057f238fa386f767dd4d2fbcdcc0b4376066c20c2ad35d3818fa6e9e163ab5fd341856802e8ad1e2891decf5948c13cdb26726cd42019e SHA512 46e30845bbc73cf56f5033a24d3583253ce198522f3a28ae4e789884063ba167d401fc08ae7fc8c7769feed9cd942a8ab38961c8b8794d7fae8f9955479faa96
diff --git a/dev-python/pypy3_10/pypy3_10-7.3.16.ebuild b/dev-python/pypy3_10/pypy3_10-7.3.16.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e7deb31db00..000000000000
--- a/dev-python/pypy3_10/pypy3_10-7.3.16.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit multiprocessing pax-utils toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="A fast, compliant alternative implementation of the Python (${PYVER}) language"
-# pypy3 -c 'import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_config_var("SOABI"))'
-# also check pypy/interpreter/ -> pypy_incremental_magic
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm64 ~ppc64 x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
-IUSE="+ensurepip gdbm +jit ncurses sqlite tk"
-# many tests are failing upstream
-# see${PYVER}
- || (
- >=dev-python/${PN}-exe-${PYPY_PV}:${PYPY_PV}[bzip2(+),ncurses?]
- >=dev-python/${PN}-exe-bin-${PYPY_PV}:${PYPY_PV}
- )
- dev-lang/python-exec[python_targets_pypy3(-)]
- dev-libs/openssl:0=
- dev-python/gentoo-common
- ensurepip? ( dev-python/ensurepip-wheels )
- gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm:0= )
- sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3= )
- tk? (
- dev-lang/tk:0=
- dev-tcltk/tix:0=
- )
-src_prepare() {
- local PATCHES=(
- )
- default
-src_configure() {
- tc-export CC
-src_compile() {
- mkdir bin || die
- # switch to the layout expected for cffi module builds
- mkdir include/pypy${PYVER} || die
- # copy over to make sys.prefix happy
- cp -p "${BROOT}"/usr/bin/pypy${PYVER}-c-${PYPY_PV} pypy${PYVER}-c || die
- cp -p "${BROOT}"/usr/include/pypy${PYVER}/${PYPY_PV}/* include/pypy${PYVER}/ || die
- # (not installed by pypy-exe)
- rm pypy/module/cpyext/include/_numpypy/numpy/README || die
- mv pypy/module/cpyext/include/* include/pypy${PYVER}/ || die
- mv pypy/module/cpyext/parse/*.h include/pypy${PYVER}/ || die
- pax-mark m pypy${PYVER}-c
- # verify the subslot
- local soabi=$(
- ./pypy${PYVER}-c - <<-EOF
- import importlib.util
- import sysconfig
- soabi = sysconfig.get_config_var("SOABI")
- magic = importlib.util._RAW_MAGIC_NUMBER & 0xffff
- print(f"{soabi}-{magic}")
- )
- [[ ${soabi} == ${SLOT#*/} ]] || die "update subslot to ${soabi}"
- # Add to the distribution
- echo 'EPYTHON="pypy3"' > lib-python/3/ || die
- einfo "Generating caches and CFFI modules ..."
- # Generate sysconfig data
- local host_gnu_type=$(sh pypy/tool/release/config.guess)
- local overrides=(
- HOST_GNU_TYPE "${host_gnu_type:-unknown}"
- INCLUDEPY "${EPREFIX}/usr/include/pypy${PYVER}"
- LIBDIR "${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)"
- TZPATH "${EPREFIX}/usr/share/zoneinfo"
- WHEEL_PKG_DIR "${EPREFIX}/usr/lib/python/ensurepip"
- )
- ./pypy${PYVER}-c -m sysconfig --generate-posix-vars "${overrides[@]}" || die
- local outdir
- outdir=$(<pybuilddir.txt) || die
- cp "${outdir}"/_sysconfigdata__*.py lib-python/3/ || die
- # Generate Grammar and PatternGrammar pickles.
- ./pypy${PYVER}-c - <<-EOF || die "Generation of Grammar and PatternGrammar pickles failed"
- import lib2to3.pygram
- import lib2to3.patcomp
- lib2to3.patcomp.PatternCompiler()
- # Generate cffi modules
- # Please keep in sync with lib_pypy/pypy_tools/!
- # (NB: we build CFFI modules first to avoid error log when importing
- # build_cffi_imports).
- cffi_targets=(
- pypy_util blake2/_blake2 sha3/_sha3 ssl
- audioop syslog pwdgrp resource lzma posixshmem
- ctypes_test testmultiphase
- )
- use gdbm && cffi_targets+=( gdbm )
- use ncurses && cffi_targets+=( curses )
- use sqlite && cffi_targets+=( sqlite3 )
- use tk && cffi_targets+=( tkinter/tklib )
- local t
- # all modules except tkinter output to .
- # tkinter outputs to the correct dir ...
- cd lib_pypy || die
- for t in "${cffi_targets[@]}"; do
- # tkinter doesn't work via -m
- ../pypy${PYVER}-c "_${t}" || die "Failed to build CFFI bindings for ${t}"
- done
- # testcapi does not have a "build" script
- ../pypy${PYVER}-c -c "import _testcapi" || die
- # Verify that CFFI module list is up-to-date
- local expected_cksum=a4138e48
- local local_cksum=$(
- ../pypy${PYVER}-c - <<-EOF
- import binascii
- import json
- from pypy_tools.build_cffi_imports import cffi_build_scripts as x
- print("%08x" % (binascii.crc32(json.dumps(x).encode()),))
- )
- if [[ ${local_cksum} != ${expected_cksum} ]]; then
- die "Please verify cffi_targets and update checksum to ${local_cksum}"
- fi
- # Cleanup temporary objects
- find \( -name "*_cffi.c" -o -name '*.o' \) -delete || die
- find -type d -empty -delete || die
-src_install() {
- einfo "Installing PyPy ..."
- dodir /usr/bin
- dosym pypy${PYVER}-c-${PYPY_PV} /usr/bin/pypy${PYVER}
- insinto /usr/lib/pypy${PYVER}
- # preserve mtimes to avoid obsoleting caches
- insopts -p
- doins -r lib-python/3/. lib_pypy/.
- insinto /usr/include
- doins -r include/pypy${PYVER}
- # replace copied headers with symlinks
- for x in "${BROOT}"/usr/include/pypy${PYVER}/${PYPY_PV}/*; do
- dosym "${PYPY_PV}/${x##*/}" "/usr/include/pypy${PYVER}/${x##*/}"
- done
- dodoc README.rst
- local dest=/usr/lib/pypy${PYVER}
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/ensurepip/_bundled || die
- if ! use ensurepip; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/ensurepip || die
- fi
- if ! use gdbm; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/_gdbm* || die
- fi
- if ! use sqlite; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/sqlite3 \
- "${ED}${dest}"/_sqlite3* \
- "${ED}${dest}"/test/ || die
- fi
- if ! use tk; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/{idlelib,tkinter} \
- "${ED}${dest}"/_tkinter \
- "${ED}${dest}"/test/test_{tcl,tk,ttk*}.py || die
- fi
- local -x PYTHON=${ED}/usr/bin/pypy${PYVER}-c-${PYPY_PV}
- # temporarily copy to build tree to facilitate module builds
- cp -p "${BROOT}/usr/bin/pypy${PYVER}-c-${PYPY_PV}" "${PYTHON}" || die
- einfo "Byte-compiling Python standard library..."
- # exclude list from CPython
- "${PYTHON}" -m compileall -j "$(makeopts_jobs)" -o 0 -o 1 -o 2 \
- -x 'bad_coding|badsyntax|site-packages|lib2to3/tests/data' \
- --hardlink-dupes -q -f -d "${dest}" "${ED}${dest}" || die
- # remove to avoid collisions
- rm "${PYTHON}" || die
diff --git a/dev-python/pypy3_10/pypy3_10-7.3.16_p1.ebuild b/dev-python/pypy3_10/pypy3_10-7.3.16_p1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e7deb31db00..000000000000
--- a/dev-python/pypy3_10/pypy3_10-7.3.16_p1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit multiprocessing pax-utils toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="A fast, compliant alternative implementation of the Python (${PYVER}) language"
-# pypy3 -c 'import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_config_var("SOABI"))'
-# also check pypy/interpreter/ -> pypy_incremental_magic
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm64 ~ppc64 x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
-IUSE="+ensurepip gdbm +jit ncurses sqlite tk"
-# many tests are failing upstream
-# see${PYVER}
- || (
- >=dev-python/${PN}-exe-${PYPY_PV}:${PYPY_PV}[bzip2(+),ncurses?]
- >=dev-python/${PN}-exe-bin-${PYPY_PV}:${PYPY_PV}
- )
- dev-lang/python-exec[python_targets_pypy3(-)]
- dev-libs/openssl:0=
- dev-python/gentoo-common
- ensurepip? ( dev-python/ensurepip-wheels )
- gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm:0= )
- sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3= )
- tk? (
- dev-lang/tk:0=
- dev-tcltk/tix:0=
- )
-src_prepare() {
- local PATCHES=(
- )
- default
-src_configure() {
- tc-export CC
-src_compile() {
- mkdir bin || die
- # switch to the layout expected for cffi module builds
- mkdir include/pypy${PYVER} || die
- # copy over to make sys.prefix happy
- cp -p "${BROOT}"/usr/bin/pypy${PYVER}-c-${PYPY_PV} pypy${PYVER}-c || die
- cp -p "${BROOT}"/usr/include/pypy${PYVER}/${PYPY_PV}/* include/pypy${PYVER}/ || die
- # (not installed by pypy-exe)
- rm pypy/module/cpyext/include/_numpypy/numpy/README || die
- mv pypy/module/cpyext/include/* include/pypy${PYVER}/ || die
- mv pypy/module/cpyext/parse/*.h include/pypy${PYVER}/ || die
- pax-mark m pypy${PYVER}-c
- # verify the subslot
- local soabi=$(
- ./pypy${PYVER}-c - <<-EOF
- import importlib.util
- import sysconfig
- soabi = sysconfig.get_config_var("SOABI")
- magic = importlib.util._RAW_MAGIC_NUMBER & 0xffff
- print(f"{soabi}-{magic}")
- )
- [[ ${soabi} == ${SLOT#*/} ]] || die "update subslot to ${soabi}"
- # Add to the distribution
- echo 'EPYTHON="pypy3"' > lib-python/3/ || die
- einfo "Generating caches and CFFI modules ..."
- # Generate sysconfig data
- local host_gnu_type=$(sh pypy/tool/release/config.guess)
- local overrides=(
- HOST_GNU_TYPE "${host_gnu_type:-unknown}"
- INCLUDEPY "${EPREFIX}/usr/include/pypy${PYVER}"
- LIBDIR "${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)"
- TZPATH "${EPREFIX}/usr/share/zoneinfo"
- WHEEL_PKG_DIR "${EPREFIX}/usr/lib/python/ensurepip"
- )
- ./pypy${PYVER}-c -m sysconfig --generate-posix-vars "${overrides[@]}" || die
- local outdir
- outdir=$(<pybuilddir.txt) || die
- cp "${outdir}"/_sysconfigdata__*.py lib-python/3/ || die
- # Generate Grammar and PatternGrammar pickles.
- ./pypy${PYVER}-c - <<-EOF || die "Generation of Grammar and PatternGrammar pickles failed"
- import lib2to3.pygram
- import lib2to3.patcomp
- lib2to3.patcomp.PatternCompiler()
- # Generate cffi modules
- # Please keep in sync with lib_pypy/pypy_tools/!
- # (NB: we build CFFI modules first to avoid error log when importing
- # build_cffi_imports).
- cffi_targets=(
- pypy_util blake2/_blake2 sha3/_sha3 ssl
- audioop syslog pwdgrp resource lzma posixshmem
- ctypes_test testmultiphase
- )
- use gdbm && cffi_targets+=( gdbm )
- use ncurses && cffi_targets+=( curses )
- use sqlite && cffi_targets+=( sqlite3 )
- use tk && cffi_targets+=( tkinter/tklib )
- local t
- # all modules except tkinter output to .
- # tkinter outputs to the correct dir ...
- cd lib_pypy || die
- for t in "${cffi_targets[@]}"; do
- # tkinter doesn't work via -m
- ../pypy${PYVER}-c "_${t}" || die "Failed to build CFFI bindings for ${t}"
- done
- # testcapi does not have a "build" script
- ../pypy${PYVER}-c -c "import _testcapi" || die
- # Verify that CFFI module list is up-to-date
- local expected_cksum=a4138e48
- local local_cksum=$(
- ../pypy${PYVER}-c - <<-EOF
- import binascii
- import json
- from pypy_tools.build_cffi_imports import cffi_build_scripts as x
- print("%08x" % (binascii.crc32(json.dumps(x).encode()),))
- )
- if [[ ${local_cksum} != ${expected_cksum} ]]; then
- die "Please verify cffi_targets and update checksum to ${local_cksum}"
- fi
- # Cleanup temporary objects
- find \( -name "*_cffi.c" -o -name '*.o' \) -delete || die
- find -type d -empty -delete || die
-src_install() {
- einfo "Installing PyPy ..."
- dodir /usr/bin
- dosym pypy${PYVER}-c-${PYPY_PV} /usr/bin/pypy${PYVER}
- insinto /usr/lib/pypy${PYVER}
- # preserve mtimes to avoid obsoleting caches
- insopts -p
- doins -r lib-python/3/. lib_pypy/.
- insinto /usr/include
- doins -r include/pypy${PYVER}
- # replace copied headers with symlinks
- for x in "${BROOT}"/usr/include/pypy${PYVER}/${PYPY_PV}/*; do
- dosym "${PYPY_PV}/${x##*/}" "/usr/include/pypy${PYVER}/${x##*/}"
- done
- dodoc README.rst
- local dest=/usr/lib/pypy${PYVER}
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/ensurepip/_bundled || die
- if ! use ensurepip; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/ensurepip || die
- fi
- if ! use gdbm; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/_gdbm* || die
- fi
- if ! use sqlite; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/sqlite3 \
- "${ED}${dest}"/_sqlite3* \
- "${ED}${dest}"/test/ || die
- fi
- if ! use tk; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/{idlelib,tkinter} \
- "${ED}${dest}"/_tkinter \
- "${ED}${dest}"/test/test_{tcl,tk,ttk*}.py || die
- fi
- local -x PYTHON=${ED}/usr/bin/pypy${PYVER}-c-${PYPY_PV}
- # temporarily copy to build tree to facilitate module builds
- cp -p "${BROOT}/usr/bin/pypy${PYVER}-c-${PYPY_PV}" "${PYTHON}" || die
- einfo "Byte-compiling Python standard library..."
- # exclude list from CPython
- "${PYTHON}" -m compileall -j "$(makeopts_jobs)" -o 0 -o 1 -o 2 \
- -x 'bad_coding|badsyntax|site-packages|lib2to3/tests/data' \
- --hardlink-dupes -q -f -d "${dest}" "${ED}${dest}" || die
- # remove to avoid collisions
- rm "${PYTHON}" || die
diff --git a/dev-python/pypy3_10/pypy3_10-7.3.16_p2.ebuild b/dev-python/pypy3_10/pypy3_10-7.3.16_p2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e7deb31db00..000000000000
--- a/dev-python/pypy3_10/pypy3_10-7.3.16_p2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit multiprocessing pax-utils toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="A fast, compliant alternative implementation of the Python (${PYVER}) language"
-# pypy3 -c 'import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_config_var("SOABI"))'
-# also check pypy/interpreter/ -> pypy_incremental_magic
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm64 ~ppc64 x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
-IUSE="+ensurepip gdbm +jit ncurses sqlite tk"
-# many tests are failing upstream
-# see${PYVER}
- || (
- >=dev-python/${PN}-exe-${PYPY_PV}:${PYPY_PV}[bzip2(+),ncurses?]
- >=dev-python/${PN}-exe-bin-${PYPY_PV}:${PYPY_PV}
- )
- dev-lang/python-exec[python_targets_pypy3(-)]
- dev-libs/openssl:0=
- dev-python/gentoo-common
- ensurepip? ( dev-python/ensurepip-wheels )
- gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm:0= )
- sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3= )
- tk? (
- dev-lang/tk:0=
- dev-tcltk/tix:0=
- )
-src_prepare() {
- local PATCHES=(
- )
- default
-src_configure() {
- tc-export CC
-src_compile() {
- mkdir bin || die
- # switch to the layout expected for cffi module builds
- mkdir include/pypy${PYVER} || die
- # copy over to make sys.prefix happy
- cp -p "${BROOT}"/usr/bin/pypy${PYVER}-c-${PYPY_PV} pypy${PYVER}-c || die
- cp -p "${BROOT}"/usr/include/pypy${PYVER}/${PYPY_PV}/* include/pypy${PYVER}/ || die
- # (not installed by pypy-exe)
- rm pypy/module/cpyext/include/_numpypy/numpy/README || die
- mv pypy/module/cpyext/include/* include/pypy${PYVER}/ || die
- mv pypy/module/cpyext/parse/*.h include/pypy${PYVER}/ || die
- pax-mark m pypy${PYVER}-c
- # verify the subslot
- local soabi=$(
- ./pypy${PYVER}-c - <<-EOF
- import importlib.util
- import sysconfig
- soabi = sysconfig.get_config_var("SOABI")
- magic = importlib.util._RAW_MAGIC_NUMBER & 0xffff
- print(f"{soabi}-{magic}")
- )
- [[ ${soabi} == ${SLOT#*/} ]] || die "update subslot to ${soabi}"
- # Add to the distribution
- echo 'EPYTHON="pypy3"' > lib-python/3/ || die
- einfo "Generating caches and CFFI modules ..."
- # Generate sysconfig data
- local host_gnu_type=$(sh pypy/tool/release/config.guess)
- local overrides=(
- HOST_GNU_TYPE "${host_gnu_type:-unknown}"
- INCLUDEPY "${EPREFIX}/usr/include/pypy${PYVER}"
- LIBDIR "${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)"
- TZPATH "${EPREFIX}/usr/share/zoneinfo"
- WHEEL_PKG_DIR "${EPREFIX}/usr/lib/python/ensurepip"
- )
- ./pypy${PYVER}-c -m sysconfig --generate-posix-vars "${overrides[@]}" || die
- local outdir
- outdir=$(<pybuilddir.txt) || die
- cp "${outdir}"/_sysconfigdata__*.py lib-python/3/ || die
- # Generate Grammar and PatternGrammar pickles.
- ./pypy${PYVER}-c - <<-EOF || die "Generation of Grammar and PatternGrammar pickles failed"
- import lib2to3.pygram
- import lib2to3.patcomp
- lib2to3.patcomp.PatternCompiler()
- # Generate cffi modules
- # Please keep in sync with lib_pypy/pypy_tools/!
- # (NB: we build CFFI modules first to avoid error log when importing
- # build_cffi_imports).
- cffi_targets=(
- pypy_util blake2/_blake2 sha3/_sha3 ssl
- audioop syslog pwdgrp resource lzma posixshmem
- ctypes_test testmultiphase
- )
- use gdbm && cffi_targets+=( gdbm )
- use ncurses && cffi_targets+=( curses )
- use sqlite && cffi_targets+=( sqlite3 )
- use tk && cffi_targets+=( tkinter/tklib )
- local t
- # all modules except tkinter output to .
- # tkinter outputs to the correct dir ...
- cd lib_pypy || die
- for t in "${cffi_targets[@]}"; do
- # tkinter doesn't work via -m
- ../pypy${PYVER}-c "_${t}" || die "Failed to build CFFI bindings for ${t}"
- done
- # testcapi does not have a "build" script
- ../pypy${PYVER}-c -c "import _testcapi" || die
- # Verify that CFFI module list is up-to-date
- local expected_cksum=a4138e48
- local local_cksum=$(
- ../pypy${PYVER}-c - <<-EOF
- import binascii
- import json
- from pypy_tools.build_cffi_imports import cffi_build_scripts as x
- print("%08x" % (binascii.crc32(json.dumps(x).encode()),))
- )
- if [[ ${local_cksum} != ${expected_cksum} ]]; then
- die "Please verify cffi_targets and update checksum to ${local_cksum}"
- fi
- # Cleanup temporary objects
- find \( -name "*_cffi.c" -o -name '*.o' \) -delete || die
- find -type d -empty -delete || die
-src_install() {
- einfo "Installing PyPy ..."
- dodir /usr/bin
- dosym pypy${PYVER}-c-${PYPY_PV} /usr/bin/pypy${PYVER}
- insinto /usr/lib/pypy${PYVER}
- # preserve mtimes to avoid obsoleting caches
- insopts -p
- doins -r lib-python/3/. lib_pypy/.
- insinto /usr/include
- doins -r include/pypy${PYVER}
- # replace copied headers with symlinks
- for x in "${BROOT}"/usr/include/pypy${PYVER}/${PYPY_PV}/*; do
- dosym "${PYPY_PV}/${x##*/}" "/usr/include/pypy${PYVER}/${x##*/}"
- done
- dodoc README.rst
- local dest=/usr/lib/pypy${PYVER}
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/ensurepip/_bundled || die
- if ! use ensurepip; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/ensurepip || die
- fi
- if ! use gdbm; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/_gdbm* || die
- fi
- if ! use sqlite; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/sqlite3 \
- "${ED}${dest}"/_sqlite3* \
- "${ED}${dest}"/test/ || die
- fi
- if ! use tk; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/{idlelib,tkinter} \
- "${ED}${dest}"/_tkinter \
- "${ED}${dest}"/test/test_{tcl,tk,ttk*}.py || die
- fi
- local -x PYTHON=${ED}/usr/bin/pypy${PYVER}-c-${PYPY_PV}
- # temporarily copy to build tree to facilitate module builds
- cp -p "${BROOT}/usr/bin/pypy${PYVER}-c-${PYPY_PV}" "${PYTHON}" || die
- einfo "Byte-compiling Python standard library..."
- # exclude list from CPython
- "${PYTHON}" -m compileall -j "$(makeopts_jobs)" -o 0 -o 1 -o 2 \
- -x 'bad_coding|badsyntax|site-packages|lib2to3/tests/data' \
- --hardlink-dupes -q -f -d "${dest}" "${ED}${dest}" || die
- # remove to avoid collisions
- rm "${PYTHON}" || die
diff --git a/dev-python/pypy3_10/pypy3_10-7.3.17-r1.ebuild b/dev-python/pypy3_10/pypy3_10-7.3.17-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 0771425196e7..000000000000
--- a/dev-python/pypy3_10/pypy3_10-7.3.17-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit multiprocessing pax-utils toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="A fast, compliant alternative implementation of the Python (${PYVER}) language"
-# pypy3 -c 'import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_config_var("SOABI"))'
-# also check pypy/interpreter/ -> pypy_incremental_magic
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm64 ~ppc64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
-IUSE="+ensurepip gdbm +jit ncurses sqlite +test-install tk"
-# many tests are failing upstream
-# see${PYVER}
- || (
- >=dev-python/${PN}-exe-${PYPY_PV}:${PYPY_PV}[bzip2(+),ncurses?]
- >=dev-python/${PN}-exe-bin-${PYPY_PV}:${PYPY_PV}
- )
- dev-lang/python-exec[python_targets_pypy3(-)]
- dev-libs/openssl:0=
- dev-python/gentoo-common
- ensurepip? ( dev-python/ensurepip-wheels )
- gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm:0= )
- sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3= )
- tk? (
- dev-lang/tk:0=
- dev-tcltk/tix:0=
- )
-src_prepare() {
- local PATCHES=(
- )
- default
-src_configure() {
- tc-export CC
-src_compile() {
- mkdir bin || die
- # switch to the layout expected for cffi module builds
- mkdir include/pypy${PYVER} || die
- # copy over to make sys.prefix happy
- cp -p "${BROOT}"/usr/bin/pypy${PYVER}-c-${PYPY_PV} pypy${PYVER}-c || die
- cp -p "${BROOT}"/usr/include/pypy${PYVER}/${PYPY_PV}/* include/pypy${PYVER}/ || die
- # (not installed by pypy-exe)
- rm pypy/module/cpyext/include/_numpypy/numpy/README || die
- mv pypy/module/cpyext/include/* include/pypy${PYVER}/ || die
- mv pypy/module/cpyext/parse/*.h include/pypy${PYVER}/ || die
- pax-mark m pypy${PYVER}-c
- # verify the subslot
- local soabi=$(
- ./pypy${PYVER}-c - <<-EOF
- import importlib.util
- import sysconfig
- soabi = sysconfig.get_config_var("SOABI")
- magic = importlib.util._RAW_MAGIC_NUMBER & 0xffff
- print(f"{soabi}-{magic}")
- )
- [[ ${soabi} == ${SLOT#*/} ]] || die "update subslot to ${soabi}"
- # Add to the distribution
- echo 'EPYTHON="pypy3"' > lib-python/3/ || die
- einfo "Generating caches and CFFI modules ..."
- # Generate sysconfig data
- local host_gnu_type=$(sh pypy/tool/release/config.guess)
- local overrides=(
- HOST_GNU_TYPE "${host_gnu_type:-unknown}"
- INCLUDEPY "${EPREFIX}/usr/include/pypy${PYVER}"
- LIBDIR "${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)"
- TZPATH "${EPREFIX}/usr/share/zoneinfo"
- WHEEL_PKG_DIR "${EPREFIX}/usr/lib/python/ensurepip"
- )
- ./pypy${PYVER}-c -m sysconfig --generate-posix-vars "${overrides[@]}" || die
- local outdir
- outdir=$(<pybuilddir.txt) || die
- cp "${outdir}"/_sysconfigdata__*.py lib-python/3/ || die
- # Generate Grammar and PatternGrammar pickles.
- ./pypy${PYVER}-c - <<-EOF || die "Generation of Grammar and PatternGrammar pickles failed"
- import lib2to3.pygram
- import lib2to3.patcomp
- lib2to3.patcomp.PatternCompiler()
- # Generate cffi modules
- # Please keep in sync with lib_pypy/pypy_tools/!
- # (NB: we build CFFI modules first to avoid error log when importing
- # build_cffi_imports).
- cffi_targets=(
- pypy_util blake2/_blake2 sha3/_sha3 ssl
- audioop syslog pwdgrp resource lzma posixshmem
- ctypes_test testmultiphase
- )
- use gdbm && cffi_targets+=( gdbm )
- use ncurses && cffi_targets+=( curses )
- use sqlite && cffi_targets+=( sqlite3 )
- use tk && cffi_targets+=( tkinter/tklib )
- local t
- # all modules except tkinter output to .
- # tkinter outputs to the correct dir ...
- cd lib_pypy || die
- for t in "${cffi_targets[@]}"; do
- # tkinter doesn't work via -m
- ../pypy${PYVER}-c "_${t}" || die "Failed to build CFFI bindings for ${t}"
- done
- # testcapi does not have a "build" script
- ../pypy${PYVER}-c -c "import _testcapi" || die
- # Verify that CFFI module list is up-to-date
- local expected_cksum=a4138e48
- local local_cksum=$(
- ../pypy${PYVER}-c - <<-EOF
- import binascii
- import json
- from pypy_tools.build_cffi_imports import cffi_build_scripts as x
- print("%08x" % (binascii.crc32(json.dumps(x).encode()),))
- )
- if [[ ${local_cksum} != ${expected_cksum} ]]; then
- die "Please verify cffi_targets and update checksum to ${local_cksum}"
- fi
- # Cleanup temporary objects
- find \( -name "*_cffi.c" -o -name '*.o' \) -delete || die
- find -type d -empty -delete || die
-src_install() {
- einfo "Installing PyPy ..."
- dodir /usr/bin
- dosym pypy${PYVER}-c-${PYPY_PV} /usr/bin/pypy${PYVER}
- insinto /usr/lib/pypy${PYVER}
- # preserve mtimes to avoid obsoleting caches
- insopts -p
- doins -r lib-python/3/. lib_pypy/.
- insinto /usr/include
- doins -r include/pypy${PYVER}
- # replace copied headers with symlinks
- for x in "${BROOT}"/usr/include/pypy${PYVER}/${PYPY_PV}/*; do
- dosym "${PYPY_PV}/${x##*/}" "/usr/include/pypy${PYVER}/${x##*/}"
- done
- dodoc README.rst
- local dest=/usr/lib/pypy${PYVER}
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/ensurepip/_bundled || die
- if ! use ensurepip; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/ensurepip || die
- fi
- if ! use gdbm; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/_gdbm* || die
- fi
- if ! use test-install; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/{ctypes,sqlite3,tkinter,unittest}/test \
- "${ED}${dest}"/{distutils,lib2to3}/tests \
- "${ED}${dest}"/idlelib/idle_test || die
- fi
- if ! use sqlite; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/sqlite3 \
- "${ED}${dest}"/_sqlite3* \
- "${ED}${dest}"/test/ || die
- fi
- if ! use tk; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/{idlelib,tkinter} \
- "${ED}${dest}"/_tkinter \
- "${ED}${dest}"/test/test_{tcl,tk,ttk*}.py || die
- fi
- # remove test last since we have some file removals above
- if ! use test-install; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/test || die
- fi
- local -x PYTHON=${ED}/usr/bin/pypy${PYVER}-c-${PYPY_PV}
- # temporarily copy to build tree to facilitate module builds
- cp -p "${BROOT}/usr/bin/pypy${PYVER}-c-${PYPY_PV}" "${PYTHON}" || die
- einfo "Byte-compiling Python standard library..."
- # exclude list from CPython
- "${PYTHON}" -m compileall -j "$(makeopts_jobs)" -o 0 -o 1 -o 2 \
- -x 'bad_coding|badsyntax|site-packages|lib2to3/tests/data' \
- --hardlink-dupes -q -f -d "${dest}" "${ED}${dest}" || die
- # remove to avoid collisions
- rm "${PYTHON}" || die
diff --git a/dev-python/pypy3_10/pypy3_10-7.3.17.ebuild b/dev-python/pypy3_10/pypy3_10-7.3.17.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b160362ba6a..000000000000
--- a/dev-python/pypy3_10/pypy3_10-7.3.17.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit multiprocessing pax-utils toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="A fast, compliant alternative implementation of the Python (${PYVER}) language"
-# pypy3 -c 'import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_config_var("SOABI"))'
-# also check pypy/interpreter/ -> pypy_incremental_magic
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm64 ~ppc64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
-IUSE="+ensurepip gdbm +jit ncurses sqlite tk"
-# many tests are failing upstream
-# see${PYVER}
- || (
- >=dev-python/${PN}-exe-${PYPY_PV}:${PYPY_PV}[bzip2(+),ncurses?]
- >=dev-python/${PN}-exe-bin-${PYPY_PV}:${PYPY_PV}
- )
- dev-lang/python-exec[python_targets_pypy3(-)]
- dev-libs/openssl:0=
- dev-python/gentoo-common
- ensurepip? ( dev-python/ensurepip-wheels )
- gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm:0= )
- sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3= )
- tk? (
- dev-lang/tk:0=
- dev-tcltk/tix:0=
- )
-src_prepare() {
- local PATCHES=(
- )
- default
-src_configure() {
- tc-export CC
-src_compile() {
- mkdir bin || die
- # switch to the layout expected for cffi module builds
- mkdir include/pypy${PYVER} || die
- # copy over to make sys.prefix happy
- cp -p "${BROOT}"/usr/bin/pypy${PYVER}-c-${PYPY_PV} pypy${PYVER}-c || die
- cp -p "${BROOT}"/usr/include/pypy${PYVER}/${PYPY_PV}/* include/pypy${PYVER}/ || die
- # (not installed by pypy-exe)
- rm pypy/module/cpyext/include/_numpypy/numpy/README || die
- mv pypy/module/cpyext/include/* include/pypy${PYVER}/ || die
- mv pypy/module/cpyext/parse/*.h include/pypy${PYVER}/ || die
- pax-mark m pypy${PYVER}-c
- # verify the subslot
- local soabi=$(
- ./pypy${PYVER}-c - <<-EOF
- import importlib.util
- import sysconfig
- soabi = sysconfig.get_config_var("SOABI")
- magic = importlib.util._RAW_MAGIC_NUMBER & 0xffff
- print(f"{soabi}-{magic}")
- )
- [[ ${soabi} == ${SLOT#*/} ]] || die "update subslot to ${soabi}"
- # Add to the distribution
- echo 'EPYTHON="pypy3"' > lib-python/3/ || die
- einfo "Generating caches and CFFI modules ..."
- # Generate sysconfig data
- local host_gnu_type=$(sh pypy/tool/release/config.guess)
- local overrides=(
- HOST_GNU_TYPE "${host_gnu_type:-unknown}"
- INCLUDEPY "${EPREFIX}/usr/include/pypy${PYVER}"
- LIBDIR "${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)"
- TZPATH "${EPREFIX}/usr/share/zoneinfo"
- WHEEL_PKG_DIR "${EPREFIX}/usr/lib/python/ensurepip"
- )
- ./pypy${PYVER}-c -m sysconfig --generate-posix-vars "${overrides[@]}" || die
- local outdir
- outdir=$(<pybuilddir.txt) || die
- cp "${outdir}"/_sysconfigdata__*.py lib-python/3/ || die
- # Generate Grammar and PatternGrammar pickles.
- ./pypy${PYVER}-c - <<-EOF || die "Generation of Grammar and PatternGrammar pickles failed"
- import lib2to3.pygram
- import lib2to3.patcomp
- lib2to3.patcomp.PatternCompiler()
- # Generate cffi modules
- # Please keep in sync with lib_pypy/pypy_tools/!
- # (NB: we build CFFI modules first to avoid error log when importing
- # build_cffi_imports).
- cffi_targets=(
- pypy_util blake2/_blake2 sha3/_sha3 ssl
- audioop syslog pwdgrp resource lzma posixshmem
- ctypes_test testmultiphase
- )
- use gdbm && cffi_targets+=( gdbm )
- use ncurses && cffi_targets+=( curses )
- use sqlite && cffi_targets+=( sqlite3 )
- use tk && cffi_targets+=( tkinter/tklib )
- local t
- # all modules except tkinter output to .
- # tkinter outputs to the correct dir ...
- cd lib_pypy || die
- for t in "${cffi_targets[@]}"; do
- # tkinter doesn't work via -m
- ../pypy${PYVER}-c "_${t}" || die "Failed to build CFFI bindings for ${t}"
- done
- # testcapi does not have a "build" script
- ../pypy${PYVER}-c -c "import _testcapi" || die
- # Verify that CFFI module list is up-to-date
- local expected_cksum=a4138e48
- local local_cksum=$(
- ../pypy${PYVER}-c - <<-EOF
- import binascii
- import json
- from pypy_tools.build_cffi_imports import cffi_build_scripts as x
- print("%08x" % (binascii.crc32(json.dumps(x).encode()),))
- )
- if [[ ${local_cksum} != ${expected_cksum} ]]; then
- die "Please verify cffi_targets and update checksum to ${local_cksum}"
- fi
- # Cleanup temporary objects
- find \( -name "*_cffi.c" -o -name '*.o' \) -delete || die
- find -type d -empty -delete || die
-src_install() {
- einfo "Installing PyPy ..."
- dodir /usr/bin
- dosym pypy${PYVER}-c-${PYPY_PV} /usr/bin/pypy${PYVER}
- insinto /usr/lib/pypy${PYVER}
- # preserve mtimes to avoid obsoleting caches
- insopts -p
- doins -r lib-python/3/. lib_pypy/.
- insinto /usr/include
- doins -r include/pypy${PYVER}
- # replace copied headers with symlinks
- for x in "${BROOT}"/usr/include/pypy${PYVER}/${PYPY_PV}/*; do
- dosym "${PYPY_PV}/${x##*/}" "/usr/include/pypy${PYVER}/${x##*/}"
- done
- dodoc README.rst
- local dest=/usr/lib/pypy${PYVER}
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/ensurepip/_bundled || die
- if ! use ensurepip; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/ensurepip || die
- fi
- if ! use gdbm; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/_gdbm* || die
- fi
- if ! use sqlite; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/sqlite3 \
- "${ED}${dest}"/_sqlite3* \
- "${ED}${dest}"/test/ || die
- fi
- if ! use tk; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/{idlelib,tkinter} \
- "${ED}${dest}"/_tkinter \
- "${ED}${dest}"/test/test_{tcl,tk,ttk*}.py || die
- fi
- local -x PYTHON=${ED}/usr/bin/pypy${PYVER}-c-${PYPY_PV}
- # temporarily copy to build tree to facilitate module builds
- cp -p "${BROOT}/usr/bin/pypy${PYVER}-c-${PYPY_PV}" "${PYTHON}" || die
- einfo "Byte-compiling Python standard library..."
- # exclude list from CPython
- "${PYTHON}" -m compileall -j "$(makeopts_jobs)" -o 0 -o 1 -o 2 \
- -x 'bad_coding|badsyntax|site-packages|lib2to3/tests/data' \
- --hardlink-dupes -q -f -d "${dest}" "${ED}${dest}" || die
- # remove to avoid collisions
- rm "${PYTHON}" || die