diff options
authorAndreas Sturmlechner <>2017-07-10 22:35:22 +0200
committerAndreas Sturmlechner <>2017-07-10 22:35:22 +0200
commit9fb0fb0616581cd4388c2d981a9802b1c582c015 (patch)
tree6cab10f987df58aea7f7f479fe1fe310209b852b /kde-frameworks
parentdev-perl/XML-Simple: add Prefix keywords, bug #608236 (diff)
kde-frameworks/syntax-highlighting: Fix tests
Reported-by: Kent Fredric <> Gentoo-bug: 624438 Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.6, Repoman-2.3.1
Diffstat (limited to 'kde-frameworks')
2 files changed, 337 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kde-frameworks/syntax-highlighting/files/syntax-highlighting-5.36.0-tests.patch b/kde-frameworks/syntax-highlighting/files/syntax-highlighting-5.36.0-tests.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f96562471983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kde-frameworks/syntax-highlighting/files/syntax-highlighting-5.36.0-tests.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+From 7c861d948f766f9624a13d0ee7af03ba9d4cef48 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Dominik Haumann <>
+Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2017 22:01:42 +0200
+Subject: Haskell: fix unit tests
+BUG: 382169
+ autotests/folding/highlight.hs.fold | 10 ++
+ autotests/html/highlight.hs.html | 10 ++
+ autotests/reference/highlight.hs.ref | 4 +-
+ data/syntax/haskell.xml | 198 +++++++++++++++++------------------
+ 4 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 101 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/autotests/folding/highlight.hs.fold b/autotests/folding/highlight.hs.fold
+index 4aa90e2..9b41478 100644
+--- a/autotests/folding/highlight.hs.fold
++++ b/autotests/folding/highlight.hs.fold
+@@ -122,3 +122,13 @@ RealFrac, Real, Show
+ -- data constructors
+ EQ, False, GT, Just, LT, Left, Nothing, Right, True
++-- pragma with compiler flags
++{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
++-- multiline pragma with language extensions
++{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances,
++ BangPatterns
+diff --git a/autotests/html/highlight.hs.html b/autotests/html/highlight.hs.html
+index 0551dc0..664d9f4 100644
+--- a/autotests/html/highlight.hs.html
++++ b/autotests/html/highlight.hs.html
+@@ -128,4 +128,14 @@ justtesting'' <span style="color:#b08000;">9</span> <span style="color:#644a9b;"
+ <span style="color:#898887;">-- data constructors</span>
+ <span style="font-weight:bold;">EQ</span>, <span style="font-weight:bold;">False</span>, <span style="font-weight:bold;">GT</span>, <span style="font-weight:bold;">Just</span>, <span style="font-weight:bold;">LT</span>, <span style="font-weight:bold;">Left</span>, <span style="font-weight:bold;">Nothing</span>, <span style="font-weight:bold;">Right</span>, <span style="font-weight:bold;">True</span>
++<span style="color:#898887;">-- pragma with compiler flags</span>
++<span style="color:#006e28;">{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}</span>
++<span style="color:#898887;">-- multiline pragma with language extensions</span>
++<span style="color:#006e28;">{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances,</span>
++ <span style="color:#0057ae;">BangPatterns</span>
++<span style="color:#006e28;">#-}</span>
+ </pre></body></html>
+diff --git a/autotests/reference/highlight.hs.ref b/autotests/reference/highlight.hs.ref
+index cc05ebf..5b9a108 100644
+--- a/autotests/reference/highlight.hs.ref
++++ b/autotests/reference/highlight.hs.ref
+@@ -130,5 +130,5 @@
+ <Comment>-- multiline pragma with language extensions</Comment><br/>
+ <dsNormal></dsNormal><br/>
+ <Pragma>{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances,</Pragma><br/>
+-<Pragma> BangPatterns</Pragma><br/>
++<Normal> </Normal><Type>BangPatterns</Type><br/>
++<C Preprocessor>#-}</C Preprocessor><br/>
+diff --git a/data/syntax/haskell.xml b/data/syntax/haskell.xml
+index d0fa213..e5d54bd 100644
+--- a/data/syntax/haskell.xml
++++ b/data/syntax/haskell.xml
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <!DOCTYPE language SYSTEM "language.dtd">
+-<language name="Haskell" version="6" kateversion="3.4" section="Sources" extensions="*.hs;*.chs" mimetype="text/x-haskell" author="Nicolas Wu (" license="LGPL" indenter="haskell" style="haskell">
++<language name="Haskell" version="7" kateversion="3.4" section="Sources" extensions="*.hs;*.chs" mimetype="text/x-haskell" author="Nicolas Wu (" license="LGPL" indenter="haskell" style="haskell">
+ <highlighting>
+ <list name="keywords">
+ <item> case </item>
+@@ -335,124 +335,124 @@
+ <item> hiding </item>
+ </list>
+ <list name="language_pragmas">
+- <item> OverlappingInstances </item>
+- <item> UndecidableInstances </item>
+- <item> IncoherentInstances </item>
++ <item> AllowAmbiguousTypes </item>
++ <item> ApplicativeDo </item>
++ <item> Arrows </item>
++ <item> AutoDeriveTypeable </item>
++ <item> BangPatterns </item>
++ <item> BinaryLiterals </item>
++ <item> CApiFFI </item>
++ <item> CPP </item>
++ <item> ConstrainedClassMethods </item>
++ <item> ConstraintKinds </item>
++ <item> DataKinds </item>
++ <item> DatatypeContexts </item>
++ <item> DefaultSignatures </item>
++ <item> DeriveAnyClass </item>
++ <item> DeriveDataTypeable </item>
++ <item> DeriveFoldable </item>
++ <item> DeriveFunctor </item>
++ <item> DeriveGeneric </item>
++ <item> DeriveLift </item>
++ <item> DeriveTraversable </item>
++ <item> DisambiguateRecordFields </item>
++ <item> DoAndIfThenElse </item>
+ <item> DoRec </item>
+- <item> RecursiveDo </item>
+- <item> ParallelListComp </item>
+- <item> MultiParamTypeClasses </item>
+- <item> MonomorphismRestriction </item>
+- <item> FunctionalDependencies </item>
+- <item> Rank2Types </item>
+- <item> RankNTypes </item>
+- <item> PolymorphicComponents </item>
++ <item> DuplicateRecordFields </item>
++ <item> EmptyCase </item>
++ <item> EmptyDataDecls </item>
+ <item> ExistentialQuantification </item>
+- <item> ScopedTypeVariables </item>
+- <item> PatternSignatures </item>
+- <item> ImplicitParams </item>
++ <item> ExplicitForAll </item>
++ <item> ExplicitNamespaces </item>
++ <item> ExtendedDefaultRules </item>
++ <item> ExtensibleRecords </item>
+ <item> FlexibleContexts </item>
+ <item> FlexibleInstances </item>
+- <item> EmptyDataDecls </item>
+- <item> CPP </item>
+- <item> KindSignatures </item>
+- <item> BangPatterns </item>
+- <item> TypeSynonymInstances </item>
+- <item> TemplateHaskell </item>
+ <item> ForeignFunctionInterface </item>
+- <item> Arrows </item>
+- <item> Generics </item>
+- <item> ImplicitPrelude </item>
+- <item> NamedFieldPuns </item>
+- <item> PatternGuards </item>
++ <item> FunctionalDependencies </item>
++ <item> GADTSyntax </item>
++ <item> GADTs </item>
++ <item> GHCForeignImportPrim </item>
+ <item> GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving </item>
+- <item> ExtensibleRecords </item>
+- <item> RestrictedTypeSynonyms </item>
++ <item> Generics </item>
+ <item> HereDocuments </item>
+- <item> MagicHash </item>
+- <item> TypeFamilies </item>
+- <item> StandaloneDeriving </item>
+- <item> UnicodeSyntax </item>
+- <item> UnliftedFFITypes </item>
++ <item> ImplicitParams </item>
++ <item> ImplicitPrelude </item>
++ <item> ImpredicativeTypes </item>
++ <item> IncoherentInstances </item>
++ <item> InstanceSigs </item>
+ <item> InterruptibleFFI </item>
+- <item> CApiFFI </item>
++ <item> JavaScriptFFI </item>
++ <item> KindSignatures </item>
++ <item> LambdaCase </item>
+ <item> LiberalTypeSynonyms </item>
+- <item> TypeOperators </item>
+- <item> RecordWildCards </item>
+- <item> RecordPuns </item>
+- <item> DisambiguateRecordFields </item>
+- <item> TraditionalRecordSyntax </item>
+- <item> OverloadedStrings </item>
+- <item> GADTs </item>
+- <item> GADTSyntax </item>
++ <item> MagicHash </item>
++ <item> MonadComprehensions </item>
++ <item> MonadFailDesugaring </item>
++ <item> MonoLocalBinds </item>
+ <item> MonoPatBinds </item>
+- <item> RelaxedPolyRec </item>
+- <item> ExtendedDefaultRules </item>
+- <item> UnboxedTuples </item>
+- <item> DeriveDataTypeable </item>
+- <item> DeriveGeneric </item>
+- <item> DefaultSignatures </item>
+- <item> InstanceSigs </item>
+- <item> ConstrainedClassMethods </item>
+- <item> PackageImports </item>
+- <item> ImpredicativeTypes </item>
++ <item> MonomorphismRestriction </item>
++ <item> MultiParamTypeClasses </item>
++ <item> MultiWayIf </item>
++ <item> NPlusKPatterns </item>
++ <item> NamedFieldPuns </item>
++ <item> NamedWildCards </item>
++ <item> NegativeLiterals </item>
+ <item> NewQualifiedOperators </item>
++ <item> NondecreasingIndentation </item>
++ <item> NullaryTypeClasses </item>
++ <item> NumDecimals </item>
++ <item> OverlappingInstances </item>
++ <item> OverloadedLabels </item>
++ <item> OverloadedLists </item>
++ <item> OverloadedStrings </item>
++ <item> PackageImports </item>
++ <item> ParallelArrays </item>
++ <item> ParallelListComp </item>
++ <item> PartialTypeSignatures </item>
++ <item> PatternGuards </item>
++ <item> PatternSignatures </item>
++ <item> PatternSynonyms </item>
++ <item> PolyKinds </item>
++ <item> PolymorphicComponents </item>
+ <item> PostfixOperators </item>
+ <item> QuasiQuotes </item>
+- <item> TransformListComp </item>
+- <item> MonadComprehensions </item>
+- <item> ViewPatterns </item>
+- <item> XmlSyntax </item>
+- <item> RegularPatterns </item>
+- <item> TupleSections </item>
+- <item> GHCForeignImportPrim </item>
+- <item> NPlusKPatterns </item>
+- <item> DoAndIfThenElse </item>
+- <item> MultiWayIf </item>
+- <item> LambdaCase </item>
++ <item> Rank2Types </item>
++ <item> RankNTypes </item>
+ <item> RebindableSyntax </item>
+- <item> ExplicitForAll </item>
+- <item> DatatypeContexts </item>
+- <item> MonoLocalBinds </item>
+- <item> DeriveFunctor </item>
+- <item> DeriveTraversable </item>
+- <item> DeriveFoldable </item>
+- <item> NondecreasingIndentation </item>
+- <item> SafeImports </item>
+- <item> Safe </item>
+- <item> Trustworthy </item>
+- <item> Unsafe </item>
+- <item> ConstraintKinds </item>
+- <item> PolyKinds </item>
+- <item> DataKinds </item>
+- <item> ParallelArrays </item>
++ <item> RecordPuns </item>
++ <item> RecordWildCards </item>
++ <item> RecursiveDo </item>
++ <item> RegularPatterns </item>
++ <item> RelaxedPolyRec </item>
++ <item> RestrictedTypeSynonyms </item>
+ <item> RoleAnnotations </item>
+- <item> OverloadedLists </item>
+- <item> EmptyCase </item>
+- <item> AutoDeriveTypeable </item>
+- <item> NegativeLiterals </item>
+- <item> BinaryLiterals </item>
+- <item> NumDecimals </item>
+- <item> NullaryTypeClasses </item>
+- <item> ExplicitNamespaces </item>
+- <item> AllowAmbiguousTypes </item>
+- <item> JavaScriptFFI </item>
+- <item> PatternSynonyms </item>
+- <item> PartialTypeSignatures </item>
+- <item> NamedWildCards </item>
+- <item> DeriveAnyClass </item>
+- <item> DeriveLift </item>
++ <item> Safe </item>
++ <item> SafeImports </item>
++ <item> ScopedTypeVariables </item>
++ <item> StandaloneDeriving </item>
+ <item> StaticPointers </item>
+- <item> StrictData </item>
+ <item> Strict </item>
+- <item> ApplicativeDo </item>
+- <item> DuplicateRecordFields </item>
++ <item> StrictData </item>
++ <item> TemplateHaskell </item>
++ <item> TemplateHaskellQuotes </item>
++ <item> TraditionalRecordSyntax </item>
++ <item> TransformListComp </item>
++ <item> Trustworthy </item>
++ <item> TupleSections </item>
+ <item> TypeApplications </item>
++ <item> TypeFamilies </item>
+ <item> TypeInType </item>
++ <item> TypeOperators </item>
++ <item> TypeSynonymInstances </item>
++ <item> UnboxedTuples </item>
++ <item> UndecidableInstances </item>
+ <item> UndecidableSuperClasses </item>
+- <item> MonadFailDesugaring </item>
+- <item> TemplateHaskellQuotes </item>
+- <item> OverloadedLabels </item>
++ <item> UnicodeSyntax </item>
++ <item> UnliftedFFITypes </item>
++ <item> Unsafe </item>
++ <item> ViewPatterns </item>
++ <item> XmlSyntax </item>
+ </list>
+ <contexts>
+ <context attribute="Normal" lineEndContext="#stay" name="code">
+cgit v0.11.2
+From efd1968c4a82f5a27dacf2147d555e68beee3c23 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Dominik Haumann <>
+Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2017 22:10:44 +0200
+Subject: Haskell: next attempt to fix unit tests
+ autotests/html/highlight.hs.html | 2 +-
+ autotests/reference/highlight.hs.ref | 4 ++--
+ 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/autotests/html/highlight.hs.html b/autotests/html/highlight.hs.html
+index 664d9f4..d38d237 100644
+--- a/autotests/html/highlight.hs.html
++++ b/autotests/html/highlight.hs.html
+@@ -136,6 +136,6 @@ justtesting'' <span style="color:#b08000;">9</span> <span style="color:#644a9b;"
+ <span style="color:#898887;">-- multiline pragma with language extensions</span>
+ <span style="color:#006e28;">{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances,</span>
+- <span style="color:#0057ae;">BangPatterns</span>
++<span style="color:#006e28;"> BangPatterns</span>
+ <span style="color:#006e28;">#-}</span>
+ </pre></body></html>
+diff --git a/autotests/reference/highlight.hs.ref b/autotests/reference/highlight.hs.ref
+index 5b9a108..cc05ebf 100644
+--- a/autotests/reference/highlight.hs.ref
++++ b/autotests/reference/highlight.hs.ref
+@@ -130,5 +130,5 @@
+ <Comment>-- multiline pragma with language extensions</Comment><br/>
+ <dsNormal></dsNormal><br/>
+ <Pragma>{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances,</Pragma><br/>
+-<Normal> </Normal><Type>BangPatterns</Type><br/>
+-<C Preprocessor>#-}</C Preprocessor><br/>
++<Pragma> BangPatterns</Pragma><br/>
+cgit v0.11.2
diff --git a/kde-frameworks/syntax-highlighting/syntax-highlighting-5.36.0.ebuild b/kde-frameworks/syntax-highlighting/syntax-highlighting-5.36.0.ebuild
index d8e1b700f083..5c96bc1c51c3 100644
--- a/kde-frameworks/syntax-highlighting/syntax-highlighting-5.36.0.ebuild
+++ b/kde-frameworks/syntax-highlighting/syntax-highlighting-5.36.0.ebuild
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ DEPEND="${RDEPEND}
nls? ( $(add_qt_dep linguist-tools) )
+PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/${P}-tests.patch" )
src_install() {
dobin "${BUILD_DIR}"/src/indexer/katehighlightingindexer