diff options
authorMichał Górny <>2017-01-14 18:31:39 +0100
committerMichał Górny <>2017-01-14 19:14:19 +0100
commit4cba6046a27fb0780b856aed1b1530ecc8a2aacd (patch)
tree52f327fb436efc8f59b21d7a0265f440ed8ec901 /profiles/license_groups
parentprofiles/license_groups: Clean removed CLX license (diff)
licenses: Wipe unused BitTorrent, DSL, ODbL-1.0, SNNS-4.2 licenses
Diffstat (limited to 'profiles/license_groups')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/profiles/license_groups b/profiles/license_groups
index 0ede8c55c6eb..cad783e224cb 100644
--- a/profiles/license_groups
+++ b/profiles/license_groups
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
GPL-COMPATIBLE AGPL-3 AGPL-3+ Apache-2.0 Artistic-2 Boost-1.0 BSD BSD-2 CC0-1.0 CeCILL-2 Clarified-Artistic Clear-BSD ECL-2.0 FSFAP FTL gcc-runtime-library-exception-3.1 GPL-1 GPL-1+ GPL-2 GPL-2+ GPL-2-with-classpath-exception GPL-2-with-exceptions GPL-2-with-font-exception GPL-2-with-linking-exception GPL-2-with-MySQL-FLOSS-exception GPL-3 GPL-3+ GPL-3-with-font-exception GPL-3+-with-cuda-exception GPL-3+-with-cuda-openssl-exception GPL-3+-with-opencl-exception GPL-3+-with-opencl-openssl-exception HPND IJG ISC LGPL-2 LGPL-2+ LGPL-2-with-linking-exception LGPL-2.1 LGPL-2.1+ LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception LGPL-3 LGPL-3+ LGPL-3-with-linking-exception libgcc libstdc++ metapackage MIT MPL-2.0 Nokia-Qt-LGPL-Exception-1.1 OPENLDAP PSF-2 PSF-2.2 PSF-2.3 PSF-2.4 public-domain PYTHON qwt Ruby Ruby-BSD SGI-B-2.0 Sleepycat tanuki-community Transmission-OpenSSL-exception unicode Unlicense UoI-NCSA UPX-exception vim W3C WTFPL-2 ZLIB ZPL
# Free software licenses approved by the FSF
-FSF-APPROVED @GPL-COMPATIBLE AFL-2.1 AFL-3.0 Apache-1.1 APSL-2 BitTorrent BSD-4 CDDL CNRI CPAL-1.0 CPL-1.0 EPL-1.0 EUPL-1.1 gnuplot IBM LPPL-1.2 MPL-1.0 MPL-1.1 Ms-PL NPL-1.1 openssl OSL-1.1 OSL-2.0 OSL-2.1 PHP-3.01 QPL QPL-1.0 Zend-2.0
+FSF-APPROVED @GPL-COMPATIBLE AFL-2.1 AFL-3.0 Apache-1.1 APSL-2 BSD-4 CDDL CNRI CPAL-1.0 CPL-1.0 EPL-1.0 EUPL-1.1 gnuplot IBM LPPL-1.2 MPL-1.0 MPL-1.1 Ms-PL NPL-1.1 openssl OSL-1.1 OSL-2.0 OSL-2.1 PHP-3.01 QPL QPL-1.0 Zend-2.0
# Licenses approved by the Open Source Foundation
# FSF-approved licenses for "free documentation" and "works of
# practical use besides software and documentation" (including fonts)
-FSF-APPROVED-OTHER Arphic CC-BY-2.0 CC-BY-2.5 CC-BY-3.0 CC-BY-4.0 CC-BY-SA-2.0 CC-BY-SA-2.5 CC-BY-SA-3.0 CC-BY-SA-4.0 DSL FDL-1.1 FDL-1.1+ FDL-1.2 FDL-1.2+ FDL-1.3 FDL-1.3+ FreeArt GPL-1 GPL-1+ GPL-2 GPL-2+ GPL-3 GPL-3+ IPAfont ODbL-1.0 OFL OFL-1.1 OPL
+FSF-APPROVED-OTHER Arphic CC-BY-2.0 CC-BY-2.5 CC-BY-3.0 CC-BY-4.0 CC-BY-SA-2.0 CC-BY-SA-2.5 CC-BY-SA-3.0 CC-BY-SA-4.0 FDL-1.1 FDL-1.1+ FDL-1.2 FDL-1.2+ FDL-1.3 FDL-1.3+ FreeArt GPL-1 GPL-1+ GPL-2 GPL-2+ GPL-3 GPL-3+ IPAfont OFL OFL-1.1 OPL
# Misc licenses for free documents and other works (including fonts)
# that follow the definition at but are NOT