diff options
authorRobin H. Johnson <>2015-08-08 13:49:04 -0700
committerRobin H. Johnson <>2015-08-08 17:38:18 -0700
commit56bd759df1d0c750a065b8c845e93d5dfa6b549d (patch)
tree3f91093cdb475e565ae857f1c5a7fd339e2d781e /sci-libs/pgplot/files/pgplot-drivers.patch
proj/gentoo: Initial commit
This commit represents a new era for Gentoo: Storing the gentoo-x86 tree in Git, as converted from CVS. This commit is the start of the NEW history. Any historical data is intended to be grafted onto this point. Creation process: 1. Take final CVS checkout snapshot 2. Remove ALL ChangeLog* files 3. Transform all Manifests to thin 4. Remove empty Manifests 5. Convert all stale $Header$/$Id$ CVS keywords to non-expanded Git $Id$ 5.1. Do not touch files with -kb/-ko keyword flags. Signed-off-by: Robin H. Johnson <> X-Thanks: Alec Warner <> - did the GSoC 2006 migration tests X-Thanks: Robin H. Johnson <> - infra guy, herding this project X-Thanks: Nguyen Thai Ngoc Duy <> - Former Gentoo developer, wrote Git features for the migration X-Thanks: Brian Harring <> - wrote much python to improve cvs2svn X-Thanks: Rich Freeman <> - validation scripts X-Thanks: Patrick Lauer <> - Gentoo dev, running new 2014 work in migration X-Thanks: Michał Górny <> - scripts, QA, nagging X-Thanks: All of other Gentoo developers - many ideas and lots of paint on the bikeshed
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-libs/pgplot/files/pgplot-drivers.patch')
1 files changed, 117 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sci-libs/pgplot/files/pgplot-drivers.patch b/sci-libs/pgplot/files/pgplot-drivers.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8201bdfaeb70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-libs/pgplot/files/pgplot-drivers.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+--- drivers.list.orig 2007-03-08 15:56:20.000000000 +0000
++++ drivers.list 2007-03-08 15:59:21.000000000 +0000
+@@ -6,71 +6,71 @@
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! File Code Description Restrictions
+ ! BCDRIV 0 /BCANON Canon Laser printer (bitmap version), landscape
+-! CADRIV 0 /CANON Canon Laser printer, LBP-8/A2, landscape
++ CADRIV 0 /CANON Canon Laser printer, LBP-8/A2, landscape
+ ! CCDRIV 0 /CCP DEC LJ250 Color Companion printer
+-! CGDRIV 1 /CGM CGM metafile, indexed colour selection C
+-! CGDRIV 2 /CGMD CGM metafile, direct colour selection C
+-! CWDRIV 0 /CW6320 Gould/Bryans Colourwriter 6320 pen plotter Std F77
++ CGDRIV 1 /CGM CGM metafile, indexed colour selection C
++ CGDRIV 2 /CGMD CGM metafile, direct colour selection C
++ CWDRIV 0 /CW6320 Gould/Bryans Colourwriter 6320 pen plotter Std F77
+ ! EPDRIV 0 /EPSON Epson FX100 dot matrix printer
+ ! EXDRIV 1 /EXCL Talaris/EXCL printers, landscape
+ ! EXDRIV 2 /EXCL Talaris/EXCL printers, portrait
+ ! GCDRIV 0 /GENICOM Genicom 4410 dot-matrix printer, landscape
+ ! Caution: use of GIDRIV may require a license from Unisys:
+-! GIDRIV 1 /GIF GIF-format file, landscape
+-! GIDRIV 2 /VGIF GIF-format file, portrait
+-! GLDRIV 1 /HPGL Hewlett-Packard HP-GL plotters, landscape Std F77
+-! GLDRIV 2 /VHPGL Hewlett-Packard HP-GL plotters, portrait Std F77
++ GIDRIV 1 /GIF GIF-format file, landscape
++ GIDRIV 2 /VGIF GIF-format file, portrait
++ GLDRIV 1 /HPGL Hewlett-Packard HP-GL plotters, landscape Std F77
++ GLDRIV 2 /VHPGL Hewlett-Packard HP-GL plotters, portrait Std F77
+ ! GODRIV 0 /GOC GOC Sigma T5670 terminal VMS
+ ! GVDRIV 0 /GVENICOM Genicom 4410 dot-matrix printer, portrait
+-! HGDRIV 0 /HPGL2 Hewlett-Packard graphics language
+-! HIDRIV 0 /HIDMP Houston Instruments HIDMP pen plotter
++ HGDRIV 0 /HPGL2 Hewlett-Packard graphics language
++ HIDRIV 0 /HIDMP Houston Instruments HIDMP pen plotter
+ ! HJDRIV 0 /HJ Hewlett-Packard Desk/Laserjet printer
+-! HPDRIV 0 /HP7221 Hewlett-Packard HP7221 pen plotter Std F77
++ HPDRIV 0 /HP7221 Hewlett-Packard HP7221 pen plotter Std F77
+ ! LADRIV 0 /LA50 Dec LA50 and other sixel printers
+ ! LJDRIV 0 /LJ Hewlett-Packard LaserJet printers VMS
+-! LSDRIV 1 /LIPS2 Canon LaserShot printer (landscape)
+-! LSDRIV 2 /VLIPS2 Canon LaserShot printer (portrait)
++ LSDRIV 1 /LIPS2 Canon LaserShot printer (landscape)
++ LSDRIV 2 /VLIPS2 Canon LaserShot printer (portrait)
+ ! LNDRIV 0 /LN03 Dec LN03-PLUS Laser printer (landscape) VMS
+ ! LVDRIV 0 /LVN03 Dec LN03-PLUS Laser printer (portrait) VMS
+-! LXDRIV 0 /LATEX LaTeX picture environment
++ LXDRIV 0 /LATEX LaTeX picture environment
+ ! MFDRIV 0 /FILE PGPLOT graphics metafile
+ ! NEDRIV 0 /NEXT Computers running NeXTstep operating system
+ NUDRIV 0 /NULL Null device (no output) Std F77
+-! PGDRIV 0 /PGMF PGPLOT metafile (new format, experimental) Std F77
+-! PNDRIV 1 /PNG Portable Network Graphics file C
+-! PNDRIV 2 /TPNG Portable Network Graphics file - transparent background C
+-! PPDRIV 1 /PPM Portable Pixel Map file, landscape
+-! PPDRIV 2 /VPPM Portable PIxel Map file, portrait
+-! PSDRIV 1 /PS PostScript printers, monochrome, landscape Std F77
+-! PSDRIV 2 /VPS Postscript printers, monochrome, portrait Std F77
+-! PSDRIV 3 /CPS PostScript printers, color, landscape Std F77
+-! PSDRIV 4 /VCPS PostScript printers, color, portrait Std F77
++ PGDRIV 0 /PGMF PGPLOT metafile (new format, experimental) Std F77
++ PNDRIV 1 /PNG Portable Network Graphics file C
++ PNDRIV 2 /TPNG Portable Network Graphics file - transparent background C
++ PPDRIV 1 /PPM Portable Pixel Map file, landscape
++ PPDRIV 2 /VPPM Portable PIxel Map file, portrait
++ PSDRIV 1 /PS PostScript printers, monochrome, landscape Std F77
++ PSDRIV 2 /VPS Postscript printers, monochrome, portrait Std F77
++ PSDRIV 3 /CPS PostScript printers, color, landscape Std F77
++ PSDRIV 4 /VCPS PostScript printers, color, portrait Std F77
+ ! PXDRIV 0 /PRINTRONI Printronix P300 or P600 dot-matrix printer
+-! QMDRIV 1 /QMS QUIC devices (QMS and Talaris), landscape Std F77
+-! QMDRIV 2 /VQMS QUIC devices (QMS and Talaris), portrait Std F77
++ QMDRIV 1 /QMS QUIC devices (QMS and Talaris), landscape Std F77
++ QMDRIV 2 /VQMS QUIC devices (QMS and Talaris), portrait Std F77
+ ! TFDRIV 0 /TFILE Tektronix-format disk file VMS
+ ! TODRIV 0 /TOSHIBA Toshiba "3-in-one" printer, model P351
+-! TTDRIV 1 /TEK4010 Tektronix 4006/4010 storage-tube terminal Std F77
+-! TTDRIV 2 /GF GraphOn terminal Std F77
+-! TTDRIV 3 /RETRO RetroGraphics terminal Std F77
+-! TTDRIV 4 /GTERM GTERM Tektronix terminal emulator Std F77
+-! TTDRIV 5 /XTERM XTERM Tektronix terminal emulator Std F77
+-! TTDRIV 6 /ZSTEM ZSTEM terminal emulator Std F77
+-! TTDRIV 7 /V603 Visual 603 terminal Std F77
++ TTDRIV 1 /TEK4010 Tektronix 4006/4010 storage-tube terminal Std F77
++ TTDRIV 2 /GF GraphOn terminal Std F77
++ TTDRIV 3 /RETRO RetroGraphics terminal Std F77
++ TTDRIV 4 /GTERM GTERM Tektronix terminal emulator Std F77
++ TTDRIV 5 /XTERM XTERM Tektronix terminal emulator Std F77
++ TTDRIV 6 /ZSTEM ZSTEM terminal emulator Std F77
++ TTDRIV 7 /V603 Visual 603 terminal Std F77
+ ! TTDRIV 8 /KRM3 Kermit 3 on IBM-PC Std F77
+-! TTDRIV 9 /TK4100 Tektronix 4100-series terminals Std F77
+-! TTDRIV 10 /VMAC Macintosh VersaTerm-PRO Tektronix-4105 emulator Std F77
++ TTDRIV 9 /TK4100 Tektronix 4100-series terminals Std F77
++ TTDRIV 10 /VMAC Macintosh VersaTerm-PRO Tektronix-4105 emulator Std F77
+ ! TXDRIV 0 /TX TeX PK Font Output files
+-! VADRIV 0 /VCANON Canon Laser printer, LBP-8/A2, portrait
+-! VBDRIV 0 /VBCANON Canon Laser printer (bitmap version), portrait
+-! VTDRIV 0 /VT125 Dec Regis terminals (VT125 etc.) Std F77
+-! WDDRIV 1 /WD X Window dump file, landscape
+-! WDDRIV 2 /VWD X Window dump file, portrait
++ VADRIV 0 /VCANON Canon Laser printer, LBP-8/A2, portrait
++! VBDRIV 0 /VBCANON Canon Laser printer (bitmap version), portrait
++ VTDRIV 0 /VT125 Dec Regis terminals (VT125 etc.) Std F77
++ WDDRIV 1 /WD X Window dump file, landscape
++ WDDRIV 2 /VWD X Window dump file, portrait
+ ! WSDRIV 0 /WS VAX workstations running VWS software VMS
+-! X2DRIV 0 /XDISP PGDISP or FIGDISP server for X workstations C
+-! XWDRIV 1 /XWINDOW Workstations running X Window System C
+-! XWDRIV 2 /XSERVE Persistent window on X Window System C
+-! ZEDRIV 0 /ZETA Zeta 8 Digital Plotter
++ X2DRIV 0 /XDISP PGDISP or FIGDISP server for X workstations C
++ XWDRIV 1 /XWINDOW Workstations running X Window System C
++ XWDRIV 2 /XSERVE Persistent window on X Window System C
++! ZEDRIV 0 /ZETA Zeta 8 Digital Plotter
+ !
+ ! The following drivers can only be used in PGPLOT installations on MS-DOS
+ ! systems with appropriate hardware and software. Do not select these