diff options
authorMarek Szuba <>2020-09-02 14:17:23 +0200
committerMarek Szuba <>2020-09-02 14:17:54 +0200
commit06a1a1f1aa62379219229dad9c1eddfc1dc06088 (patch)
tree8633a501d1943fe3cab341e0e18cd64e8df097bd /sys-cluster/singularity
parentwww-client/vivaldi: Version 3.3.2022.26_p1 (diff)
sys-cluster/singularity: bump to 3.6.2
Signed-off-by: Marek Szuba <>
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-cluster/singularity')
2 files changed, 74 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys-cluster/singularity/Manifest b/sys-cluster/singularity/Manifest
index 6c8131d5a0ed..8bd83c7f905b 100644
--- a/sys-cluster/singularity/Manifest
+++ b/sys-cluster/singularity/Manifest
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
DIST singularity-3.6.0.tar.gz 6169388 BLAKE2B ea07da3d586a96625a1016f9b4aa6b99072c89393dcb7c80aab624807e51fc107eee2629020bf3e1c19d6103544b63aad960d2ac27804fa6e03323a806fdf270 SHA512 695f3b4c1bd8cc4049fc3e8e296b369f5aadcd6b4717521b9aca68d997fd8a8c0bf349a2851c31b8a22f37fa010b4c7b93562fd6ac24cdc9699230a182f36d29
DIST singularity-3.6.1.tar.gz 6170806 BLAKE2B fa92bf4df3c2a4ab4345ab0022862f19dde240d7275a79c8433164f02bc495f33d44e4c63b39b9bd3de60361e49fec3f2d258a3bafaadeba34b5d4a7cd3f514e SHA512 3037a14fec086e17b42ee8306624af39fd87c80821c73e0e1ab3d8a717dbdad86237f042d97c6a7870fc6beeced67d6cd52c8e445c41c39cdab7ccce1ce6adb5
+DIST singularity-3.6.2.tar.gz 5933938 BLAKE2B 86b79687ef7591a255d01b83e857d87b7ab45aa9a84c40a7c90b493c0fc04cb33ff4f1616f38c5178e22ff1b19d390ab3b96f0fb05d6c66534e60d9ef2d7ea33 SHA512 fed2ebd286a3f250d8f4a7677e4bc0b13ec9b2e2eacff91c9a7f6efe6abc766a2d1b713bc291f0239585d5dacd5d4657309ef81eceb77f849f01be934a76499f
diff --git a/sys-cluster/singularity/singularity-3.6.2.ebuild b/sys-cluster/singularity/singularity-3.6.2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..23232305c173
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-cluster/singularity/singularity-3.6.2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit linux-info toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="Application containers for Linux"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
+IUSE="examples +network +suid"
+# Do not complain about CFLAGS etc since go projects do not use them.
+ >=dev-lang/go-1.13.0
+ app-crypt/gpgme
+ dev-libs/openssl
+ sys-apps/util-linux
+ sys-fs/cryptsetup"
+ sys-fs/squashfs-tools"
+src_configure() {
+ local myconfargs=(
+ -c "$(tc-getBUILD_CC)" \
+ -x "$(tc-getBUILD_CXX)" \
+ -C "$(tc-getCC)" \
+ -X "$(tc-getCXX)" \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --runstatedir=/run \
+ --localstatedir=/var \
+ $(usex network "" "--without-network") \
+ $(usex suid "" "--without-suid")
+ )
+ ./mconfig -v ${myconfargs[@]} || die "Error invoking mconfig"
+src_compile() {
+ emake -C builddir
+src_install() {
+ emake DESTDIR="${ED}" -C builddir install
+ keepdir /var/singularity/mnt/session
+ # As of version 3.5.3 this seems to be very much broken, affecting
+ # commands which have got nothing to do with singularity (example:
+ # completion on 'udisks mount -b /dev/' rejects all files from that
+ # directory other than 'autofs'). Moreover, this should go into
+ # $(get_bashcompdir) (from bash-completion-r1.eclass) rather than /etc.
+ # Hopefully temporary, which is why we delete this at install time
+ # instead of patching build scripts not to generate bash-completion
+ # data in the first place.
+ rm -rf "${ED}"/etc/bash_completion.d || die
+ dodoc
+ if use examples; then
+ dodoc -r examples
+ fi