diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'media-libs/oyranos/files/oyranos-0.9.1-fix-more-compiler-warnings.patch')
1 files changed, 496 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/media-libs/oyranos/files/oyranos-0.9.1-fix-more-compiler-warnings.patch b/media-libs/oyranos/files/oyranos-0.9.1-fix-more-compiler-warnings.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..207589e3b0c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-libs/oyranos/files/oyranos-0.9.1-fix-more-compiler-warnings.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+From c65685939185b4f1eced04f227dea72b249dd065 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Kai-Uwe Behrmann <>
+Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2012 10:50:28 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/1] * [core]: fix compiler warnings
+dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules
+set but unused variable
+possible use of uninitialised variables
+2013-03-30: backport to oyranos-0.9.1
+ examples/devices/test_device.c | 15 ++----------
+ examples/taxi/taxi.c | 30 ++++++++++---------------
+ modules/oyranos_cmm_lcm2.c | 32 +++++++++++++-------------
+ modules/oyranos_cmm_lcms.c | 32 +++++++++++++-------------
+ modules/oyranos_cmm_lraw.cpp | 5 ++-
+ modules/oyranos_cmm_oyIM_profile.c | 4 +-
+ oyjl/oyjl_tree_parse.c | 2 +-
+ test2.cpp | 6 ++--
+ tests/test_oyranos.c | 2 +-
+ examples/oyranos_convert/oyranos_convert.c | 15 ++++++------
+ oyranos_gamma.c | 2 +-
+diff --git a/examples/devices/test_device.c b/examples/devices/test_device.c
+index 7ef2de8..016754b 100644
+--- a/examples/devices/test_device.c
++++ b/examples/devices/test_device.c
+@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ oyConfig_s * oy_device = 0;
+ oyProfile_s * profile = 0;
+ const char * tmp = 0;
+- icSignature profile_class;
++ icSignature profile_class = icSigDisplayClass;
+ oyOptions_s * options = 0;
+ oyOptions_SetFromText( &options,
+ "//"OY_TYPE_STD"/config/icc_profile.x_color_region_target",
+@@ -331,7 +331,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ oyConfig_s * oy_device = 0;
+ oyProfile_s * profile = 0;
+ const char * tmp = 0;
+- icSignature profile_class;
+ oyOptions_s * options = 0;
+ oyOptions_SetFromText( &options,
+ "//"OY_TYPE_STD"/config/icc_profile.x_color_region_target",
+@@ -344,15 +343,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ oyConfDomain_s * d = oyConfDomain_FromReg( device_class, 0 );
+ const char * icc_profile_class = oyConfDomain_GetText( d,
+ "icc_profile_class", oyNAME_NICK );
+- if(icc_profile_class && strcmp(icc_profile_class,"display") == 0)
+- profile_class = icSigDisplayClass;
+- else if(icc_profile_class && strcmp(icc_profile_class,"output") == 0)
+- profile_class = icSigOutputClass;
+- else if(icc_profile_class && strcmp(icc_profile_class,"input") == 0)
+- profile_class = icSigInputClass;
+- printf("icc_profile_class: %s\n", icc_profile_class );
+- oyConfDomain_Release( &d );
++ printf("icc_profile_class: %s\n", icc_profile_class );
++ oyConfDomain_Release( &d );
+ }
+ error = oyDeviceGet( 0, device_class, device_name, 0, &oy_device );
+@@ -374,14 +367,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ oyProfile_s * profile = 0;
+ oyConfigs_s * taxi_devices = 0;
+ oyConfig_s * device = oy_device;
+- const char * profile_file_name = 0;
+ oyDevicesFromTaxiDB( device, 0, &taxi_devices, 0 );
+ size = oyConfigs_Count( taxi_devices );
+ error = oyDeviceGetProfile( device, options, &profile );
+- profile_file_name = oyProfile_GetFileName( profile, 0 );
+ int show_only_device_related = 1;
+ int empty_added = -1;
+diff --git a/examples/taxi/taxi.c b/examples/taxi/taxi.c
+index 81c415a..ae3953f 100644
+--- a/examples/taxi/taxi.c
++++ b/examples/taxi/taxi.c
+@@ -7,9 +7,13 @@
+ #include <oyConfigs_s.h>
+ #include <oyProfile_s.h>
++#include "oyranos_config_internal.h"
+ #include <oyranos_devices.h>
+ #include "oyranos_helper_macros_cli.h"
++#include "oyranos_helper.h"
++#include "oyranos_i18n.h"
+ #include "oyranos_sentinel.h"
++#include "oyranos_string.h"
+ #include "oyjl/oyjl_tree.h"
+@@ -86,7 +90,7 @@ int oyLowerStrcmpWrap (const void * a_, const void * b_)
+ #endif
+ }
+-int oyStrCmp(char * a, char * b) { return (a && b) ? strcmp(a,b) : 1; }
++int oyStrCmp(const char * a, const char * b) { return (a && b) ? strcmp(a,b) : 1; }
+ "{\n" \
+@@ -107,8 +111,8 @@ void storeTaxiProfile( const char * taxi_id, const char * taxi_full_id, const ch
+ {
+ oyOptions_s * options = 0;
+ oyProfile_s * profile;
+- int error = oyOptions_SetFromText( &options,
+- "//" OY_TYPE_STD "/argv/TAXI_id",
++ oyOptions_SetFromText( &options, "//" OY_TYPE_STD "/argv/TAXI_id",
+ taxi_full_id,
+@@ -138,15 +142,9 @@ void storeTaxiProfile( const char * taxi_id, const char * taxi_full_id, const ch
+ int main( int argc, char ** argv )
+ {
+- oyConfig_s * moni = NULL,
+- * device = NULL;
+ int error = 0;
+- oyConfigs_s * devices = NULL;
+- oyOptions_s * options = NULL;
+- oyProfile_s * profile = NULL;
+ char * profile_name = 0; /* the file to write to */
+- int32_t rank_value = 0, max_rank_value = 0;
+- int i,n, max_device_pos = -1,
++ int i,
+ verbose = 0,
+ list_manufacturers = 0,
+ list_urls = 0;
+@@ -156,11 +154,9 @@ int main( int argc, char ** argv )
+ size_t size = 0;
+ const char * short_name = NULL,
+- * long_name = NULL,
+- * name = NULL;
++ * long_name = NULL;
+ oyjl_value_s * root = 0;
+- char * val = NULL,
+- * key = NULL;
++ char * val = NULL;
+ oyjl_value_s * v = 0, * tv = 0;
+ int count;
+@@ -229,10 +225,8 @@ int main( int argc, char ** argv )
+ error = oyjl_tree_from_json( manufacturers, &root, NULL );
+ if(root)
+ {
+- int level = 0;
+ int count = oyjl_value_count(root);
+- char ** sort = calloc( sizeof(char**), 2*count + 2 );
++ const char ** sort = calloc( sizeof(char**), 2*count + 2 );
+ for(i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+@@ -392,5 +386,5 @@ int main( int argc, char ** argv )
+ if(device_db) oyDeAllocateFunc_(device_db); device_db = 0;
+ }
+- return 0;
++ return error;
+ }
+diff --git a/modules/oyranos_cmm_lcm2.c b/modules/oyranos_cmm_lcm2.c
+index c50df87..56c2228 100644
+--- a/modules/oyranos_cmm_lcm2.c
++++ b/modules/oyranos_cmm_lcm2.c
+@@ -215,8 +215,8 @@ lcm2ProfileWrap_s * lcm2CMMProfile_GetWrap_( oyPointer_s* cmm_ptr )
+ {
+ lcm2ProfileWrap_s * s = 0;
+- char type_[4] = lcm2PROFILE;
+- int type = *((int*)&type_);
++ char * type_ = lcm2PROFILE;
++ int type = *((int32_t*)type_);
+ if(cmm_ptr && !lcm2CMMCheckPointer( cmm_ptr, lcm2PROFILE ) &&
+ oyPointer_GetPointer(cmm_ptr))
+@@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ lcm2ProfileWrap_s * lcm2CMMProfile_GetWrap_( oyPointer_s* cmm_ptr )
+ int lcm2CMMTransform_GetWrap_ ( oyPointer_s * cmm_ptr,
+ lcm2TransformWrap_s ** s )
+ {
+- char type_[4] = lcm2TRANSFORM;
+- int type = *((int*)&type_);
++ char * type_ = lcm2TRANSFORM;
++ int type = *((int32_t*)type_);
+ if(cmm_ptr && !lcm2CMMCheckPointer( cmm_ptr, lcm2TRANSFORM ) &&
+ oyPointer_GetPointer(cmm_ptr))
+@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@ int lcm2CMMProfileReleaseWrap(oyPointer *p)
+ int error = !p;
+ lcm2ProfileWrap_s * s = 0;
+- char type_[4] = lcm2PROFILE;
+- int type = *((int*)&type_);
++ char * type_ = lcm2PROFILE;
++ int type = *((int32_t*)type_);
+ char s_type[4];
+ if(!error && *p)
+@@ -315,8 +315,8 @@ int lcm2CMMData_Open ( oyStruct_s * data,
+ if(!error)
+ {
+- char type_[4] = lcm2PROFILE;
+- int type = *((int*)&type_);
++ char * type_ = lcm2PROFILE;
++ int type = *((int32_t*)type_);
+ size_t size = 0;
+ oyPointer block = 0;
+ lcm2ProfileWrap_s * s = calloc(sizeof(lcm2ProfileWrap_s), 1);
+@@ -482,8 +482,8 @@ lcm2TransformWrap_s * lcm2TransformWrap_Set_ (
+ if(!error)
+ {
+- char type_[4] = lcm2TRANSFORM;
+- int type = *((int*)&type_);
++ char * type_ = lcm2TRANSFORM;
++ int type = *((int32_t*)type_);
+ lcm2TransformWrap_s * ltw = calloc(sizeof(lcm2TransformWrap_s), 1);
+ ltw->type = type;
+@@ -991,8 +991,8 @@ cmsHPROFILE lcm2AddProofProfile ( oyProfile_s * proof,
+ {
+ oyPointer_s * oy = cmm_ptr;
+- char type_[4] = lcm2PROFILE;
+- uint32_t type = *((uint32_t*)&type_);
++ char * type_ = lcm2PROFILE;
++ uint32_t type = *((uint32_t*)type_);
+ cmsUInt32Number size = 0;
+ oyPointer block = 0;
+ lcm2ProfileWrap_s * s = calloc(sizeof(lcm2ProfileWrap_s), 1);
+@@ -2182,10 +2182,10 @@ int lcm2FilterPlug_CmmIccRun ( oyFilterPlug_s * requestor_plug,
+ {
+ uint8_t * array_in_tmp = 0,
+ * array_out_tmp = 0;
+- float * array_in_tmp_flt,
+- * array_out_tmp_flt;
+- double * array_in_tmp_dbl,
+- * array_out_tmp_dbl;
++ float * array_in_tmp_flt = 0,
++ * array_out_tmp_flt = 0;
++ double * array_in_tmp_dbl = 0,
++ * array_out_tmp_dbl = 0;
+ uint8_t ** array_in_data = oyArray2d_GetData( array_in ),
+ ** array_out_data = oyArray2d_GetData( array_out );
+ int threads_n =
+diff --git a/modules/oyranos_cmm_lcms.c b/modules/oyranos_cmm_lcms.c
+index bea56ed..b42fc99 100644
+--- a/modules/oyranos_cmm_lcms.c
++++ b/modules/oyranos_cmm_lcms.c
+@@ -213,8 +213,8 @@ lcmsProfileWrap_s * lcmsCMMProfile_GetWrap_( oyPointer_s * cmm_ptr )
+ {
+ lcmsProfileWrap_s * s = 0;
+- char type_[4] = lcmsPROFILE;
+- int type = *((int*)&type_);
++ char * type_ = lcmsPROFILE;
++ int type = *((int32_t*)type_);
+ if(cmm_ptr && !lcmsCMMCheckPointer( cmm_ptr, lcmsPROFILE ) &&
+ oyPointer_GetPointer(cmm_ptr))
+@@ -236,8 +236,8 @@ lcmsProfileWrap_s * lcmsCMMProfile_GetWrap_( oyPointer_s * cmm_ptr )
+ int lcmsCMMTransform_GetWrap_ ( oyPointer_s * cmm_ptr,
+ lcmsTransformWrap_s ** s )
+ {
+- char type_[4] = lcmsTRANSFORM;
+- int type = *((int*)&type_);
++ char * type_ = lcmsTRANSFORM;
++ int type = *((int32_t*)type_);
+ if(cmm_ptr && !lcmsCMMCheckPointer( cmm_ptr, lcmsTRANSFORM ) &&
+ oyPointer_GetPointer(cmm_ptr))
+@@ -264,8 +264,8 @@ int lcmsCMMProfileReleaseWrap(oyPointer *p)
+ int error = !p;
+ lcmsProfileWrap_s * s = 0;
+- char type_[4] = lcmsPROFILE;
+- int type = *((int*)&type_);
++ char * type_ = lcmsPROFILE;
++ int type = *((int32_t*)type_);
+ char s_type[4];
+ if(!error && *p)
+@@ -313,8 +313,8 @@ int lcmsCMMData_Open ( oyStruct_s * data,
+ if(!error)
+ {
+- char type_[4] = lcmsPROFILE;
+- int type = *((int*)&type_);
++ char * type_ = lcmsPROFILE;
++ int type = *((int32_t*)type_);
+ size_t size = 0;
+ oyPointer block = 0;
+ lcmsProfileWrap_s * s = calloc(sizeof(lcmsProfileWrap_s), 1);
+@@ -466,8 +466,8 @@ lcmsTransformWrap_s * lcmsTransformWrap_Set_ (
+ if(!error)
+ {
+- char type_[4] = lcmsTRANSFORM;
+- int type = *((int*)&type_);
++ char * type_ = lcmsTRANSFORM;
++ int type = *((int32_t*)type_);
+ lcmsTransformWrap_s * ltw = calloc(sizeof(lcmsTransformWrap_s), 1);
+ ltw->type = type;
+@@ -879,8 +879,8 @@ cmsHPROFILE lcmsAddProofProfile ( oyProfile_s * proof,
+ {
+ oyPointer_s * oy = cmm_ptr;
+- char type_[4] = lcmsPROFILE;
+- uint32_t type = *((uint32_t*)&type_);
++ char * type_ = lcmsPROFILE;
++ uint32_t type = *((uint32_t*)type_);
+ size_t size = 0;
+ oyPointer block = 0;
+ lcmsProfileWrap_s * s = calloc(sizeof(lcmsProfileWrap_s), 1);
+@@ -1821,10 +1821,10 @@ int lcmsFilterPlug_CmmIccRun ( oyFilterPlug_s * requestor_plug,
+ {
+ uint8_t * array_in_tmp = 0,
+ * array_out_tmp = 0;
+- float * array_in_tmp_flt,
+- * array_out_tmp_flt;
+- double * array_in_tmp_dbl,
+- * array_out_tmp_dbl;
++ float * array_in_tmp_flt = 0,
++ * array_out_tmp_flt = 0;
++ double * array_in_tmp_dbl = 0,
++ * array_out_tmp_dbl = 0;
+ uint8_t ** array_in_data = oyArray2d_GetData( array_in ),
+ ** array_out_data = oyArray2d_GetData( array_out );
+ int threads_n =
+diff --git a/modules/oyranos_cmm_lraw.cpp b/modules/oyranos_cmm_lraw.cpp
+index 5494091..eacbc46 100644
+--- a/modules/oyranos_cmm_lraw.cpp
++++ b/modules/oyranos_cmm_lraw.cpp
+@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ typedef struct {
+ oyCIExyY v[3];
+ } oyCIExyYTriple;
+-void _oyMAT3toCIExyYTriple ( const oyMAT3* a,oyCIExyYTriple * triple )
++int _oyMAT3toCIExyYTriple ( const oyMAT3* a,oyCIExyYTriple * triple )
+ {
+ int i,j,
+ fail=0;
+@@ -380,6 +380,7 @@ void _oyMAT3toCIExyYTriple ( const oyMAT3* a,oyCIExyYTriple * triple )
+ triple->v[i].xy[1] = 1;
+ }
+ }
++ return fail;
+ }
+ const char * _oyMAT3show ( const oyMAT3* a )
+ {
+@@ -488,7 +489,7 @@ oyProfile_s * createMatrixProfile ( libraw_colordata_t & color )
+ _oyMAT3per( &ab_cm, &cam_zyx, &pre_mul );
+ if(_oyMAT3inverse( &ab_cm, &ab_cm_inverse ))
+ // convert to CIE*xyY
+- _oyMAT3toCIExyYTriple( &ab_cm_inverse, &ab_cm_inverse_xyY );
++ fail = _oyMAT3toCIExyYTriple( &ab_cm_inverse, &ab_cm_inverse_xyY );
+ else
+ {
+ fail = 1;
+diff --git a/modules/oyranos_cmm_oyIM_profile.c b/modules/oyranos_cmm_oyIM_profile.c
+index 0bbb412..c98aba7 100644
+--- a/modules/oyranos_cmm_oyIM_profile.c
++++ b/modules/oyranos_cmm_oyIM_profile.c
+@@ -249,9 +249,9 @@ int oyWriteIcSigLutAtoBType ( oyStructList_s * texts,
+ size_t tag_size )
+ {
+ int error = 0;
+- int size, i;
++ int size = 0, i;
+ size_t off;
+- uint8_t * dimensions, precission, *u8;
++ uint8_t * dimensions = 0, precission = 1, *u8;
+ uint16_t u16;
+ char * tmp = 0;
+ char * text = oyAllocateFunc_(128);
+diff --git a/oyjl/oyjl_tree_parse.c b/oyjl/oyjl_tree_parse.c
+index 78c9882..e43117d 100644
+--- a/oyjl/oyjl_tree_parse.c
++++ b/oyjl/oyjl_tree_parse.c
+@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ yajl_status oyjl_tree_from_json ( const char * text,
+ #if YAJL_VERSION < 20000
+ yajl_parser_config yconfig = { 1, 1 };
+ #endif
+- yajl_handle yhandle;
++ yajl_handle yhandle = 0;
+ if(!error && context)
+ {
+diff --git a/test2.cpp b/test2.cpp
+index a71f484..476c3be 100644
+--- a/test2.cpp
++++ b/test2.cpp
+@@ -3573,7 +3573,7 @@ oyTESTRESULT_e testImagePixel()
+ /* all other buffer pixels shall remain untouched */
+ buf_16out2x2[3]==0 && buf_16out2x2[4]==0 && buf_16out2x2[5]==0 &&
+ buf_16out2x2[6]==0 && buf_16out2x2[7]==0 && buf_16out2x2[8]==0 &&
+- buf_16out2x2[9]==0 && buf_16out2x2[10]==0 && buf_16out2x2[10]==0
++ buf_16out2x2[9]==0 && buf_16out2x2[10]==0 && buf_16out2x2[11]==0
+ )
+ "lower right source pixel in 1 pixel RoI %s",
+@@ -3621,7 +3621,7 @@ oyTESTRESULT_e testImagePixel()
+ buf_16in2x2[6]==0 && buf_16in2x2[7]==0 && buf_16in2x2[8]==0 &&
+ buf_16in2x2[9]==65535 && buf_16in2x2[10]==65535 &&buf_16in2x2[11]==65535&&
+ /* the result shall appear in the lower right corner / last pixel */
+- buf_16out2x2[9]==65535 && buf_16out2x2[10]>20000&&buf_16out2x2[20]<40000&&
++ buf_16out2x2[9]==65535 && buf_16out2x2[10]>20000&&buf_16out2x2[11]<40000&&
+ /* all other buffer pixels shall remain untouched */
+ buf_16out2x2[0]==0 && buf_16out2x2[1]==0 && buf_16out2x2[2]==0 &&
+ buf_16out2x2[3]==0 && buf_16out2x2[4]==0 && buf_16out2x2[5]==0 &&
+@@ -3986,7 +3986,7 @@ oyTESTRESULT_e oyTestRun ( oyTESTRESULT_e (*test)(void),
+ /* main */
+ int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ {
+- int i, error;
++ int i, error = 0;
+ if(getenv("OY_DEBUG"))
+ {
+diff --git a/tests/test_oyranos.c b/tests/test_oyranos.c
+index bb3f521..bccec7c 100644
+--- a/tests/test_oyranos.c
++++ b/tests/test_oyranos.c
+@@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ oyTESTRESULT_e testObserver ()
+ /* main */
+ int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ {
+- int i, error;
++ int i, error = 0;
+ /* init */
+ for(i = 0; i <= oyTESTRESULT_UNKNOWN; ++i)
+diff --git a/examples/oyranos_convert/oyranos_convert.c b/examples/oyranos_convert/oyranos_convert.c
+index 099b872..51dd59d 100644
+--- a/examples/oyranos_convert/oyranos_convert.c
++++ b/examples/oyranos_convert/oyranos_convert.c
+@@ -135,16 +135,10 @@ int main( int argc , char** argv )
+ int levels = 0;
+- const char * result_xml = 0;
+- char * text = 0, * t = 0;
+- const char * opt_names = 0;
+- oyFormsArgs_s * forms_args = oyFormsArgs_New( 0 );
+- const char * data = 0, * ct = 0;
+ char ** other_args = 0;
+ int other_args_n = 0;
+- int i;
++ char * text = 0, * t = 0;
+ oyOptions_s * opts = 0;
+- oyOption_s * o = 0;
+ oyImage_s * image = 0;
+ #ifdef USE_GETTEXT
+@@ -275,6 +269,13 @@ int main( int argc , char** argv )
+ #if 0
+ if(other_args)
+ {
++ const char * result_xml = 0;
++ const char * opt_names = 0;
++ oyFormsArgs_s * forms_args = oyFormsArgs_New( 0 );
++ const char * data = 0, * ct = 0;
++ int i;
++ oyOption_s * o = 0;
+ forms_args->print = 0;
+ error = oyXFORMsRenderUi( text, oy_ui_cmd_line_handlers, forms_args );
+diff --git a/oyranos_gamma.c b/oyranos_gamma.c
+index 598aa2d..0c5b09e 100644
+--- a/oyranos_gamma.c
++++ b/oyranos_gamma.c
+@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ int main( int argc , char** argv )
+ else if(OY_IS_ARG("profile"))
+ { OY_PARSE_STRING_ARG2(prof_name, "profile"); break; }
+ else if(OY_IS_ARG("display"))
+- { const char * t; OY_PARSE_STRING_ARG2(t, "display");
++ { const char * t=0; OY_PARSE_STRING_ARG2(t, "display");
+ if(t) display_name = strdup(t); break; }
+ else if(OY_IS_ARG("modules"))
+ { list_modules = 1; i=100; break; }