diff options
authorBrian Evans <>2020-10-02 15:10:45 -0400
committerBrian Evans <>2020-10-02 15:10:45 -0400
commit66b99353c268916fa29984c2631c87fd619ba570 (patch)
tree63e52db67e004b9947bdd1791d3ecaec33d9f36f /Thanks/i18n/lij.json
parentUpdate PluggableAuth to 1.35 (diff)
Update Thanks to 1.35
Signed-off-by: Brian Evans <>
Diffstat (limited to 'Thanks/i18n/lij.json')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/Thanks/i18n/lij.json b/Thanks/i18n/lij.json
index 0cb123ce..a6590b53 100644
--- a/Thanks/i18n/lij.json
+++ b/Thanks/i18n/lij.json
@@ -1,9 +1,62 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
- "Giromin Cangiaxo"
+ "Giromin Cangiaxo",
+ "S4b1nuz E.656"
+ "thanks-desc": "A l'azonze un ingancio pe ringrassiâ i utenti pe de modiffiche, di commenti, ecc.",
"thanks-thank": "{{GENDER:$1|{{GENDER:$2|ringrassia}}}}",
- "thanks-thank-tooltip": "{{GENDER:$1|Invia}} una notiffica de ringraçiamento a {{GENDER:$2|questo|questa}} utente"
+ "thanks-thanked": "{{GENDER:$1|{{GENDER:$2|ringrassiou|ringrassiâ|ringrassiou/â}}}}",
+ "thanks-button-thank": "{{GENDER:$1|{{GENDER:$2|Ringrassia}}}}",
+ "thanks-button-thanked": "{{GENDER:$1|{{GENDER:$2|ringrassiou|ringrassiâ|ringrassiou/â}}}}",
+ "thanks-button-action-queued": "{{GENDER:$1|{{GENDER:$2|Ringrassiando}}}} $1…",
+ "thanks-button-action-cancel": "Anulla",
+ "thanks-button-action-completed": "T'hæ {{GENDER:$1|{{GENDER:$2|ringrassiou}}}} $1",
+ "thanks-error-undefined": "O ringrassiamento o l'ha fæto sciacca (coddiçe errô: $1). Pe piaxei proeuvighe ancon.",
+ "thanks-error-invalid-log-id": "Intrâ do registro non trovâ",
+ "thanks-error-invalid-log-type": "O tipo de registro '$1' o no l'è inta lista gianca di tipi de registro aotorizæ.",
+ "thanks-error-log-deleted": "L'intrâ de registro recesta a l'è stæta scassâ e ringrassiamenti pe quella no se ne poei mandâ.",
+ "thanks-error-invalidrevision": "L'ID da verscion o no l'è vallido.",
+ "thanks-error-revdeleted": "Imposcibbile mandâ i ringrassiamenti percose quella verscion a l'è stæta scassâ.",
+ "thanks-error-notitle": "O tittolo da paggina o no l'ha posciuo ese recuperou",
+ "thanks-error-invalidrecipient": "No l'è stæto trovou nisciun destinataio vallido",
+ "thanks-error-invalidrecipient-bot": "No se poeu ringrassiâ di robot",
+ "thanks-error-invalidrecipient-self": "No ti poeu ringrassiâ ti mæximo",
+ "thanks-error-notloggedin": "I utenti anonnimi no poeuan mandâ di ringrassiamenti",
+ "thanks-error-ratelimited": "{{GENDER:$1|T'hæ}} passou o limmite mascimo de ringrassiamenti. Aspeta 'n po' e dapoeu proeuvighe ancon.",
+ "thanks-error-api-params": "Bezougna fornî o parammetro 'revid' ò quello 'logid'",
+ "thanks-thank-tooltip": "{{GENDER:$1|Invia}} una notiffica de ringraçiamento a {{GENDER:$2|questo|questa}} utente",
+ "thanks-thank-tooltip-no": "{{GENDER:$1|Anulla}} a notiffica de ringrassiamento",
+ "thanks-thank-tooltip-yes": "{{GENDER:$1|Invia}} a notfifica de ringrassiamento",
+ "thanks-confirmation2": "{{GENDER:$1|Inviâ}} o ringrassiamento pubricamente?",
+ "thanks-thanked-notice": "{{GENDER:$3|T'hæ ringrassiou}} {{GENDER:$2|$1}}.",
+ "thanks": "Invia 'n ringrassiamento",
+ "thanks-submit": "Invia 'n ringrassiamento",
+ "echo-pref-subscription-edit-thank": "O me ringrassia pe 'na mæ modiffica",
+ "echo-pref-tooltip-edit-thank": "Famme savei quande quarcun o me ringrassia pe 'na modiffica ch'ho fæto.",
+ "echo-category-title-edit-thank": "Ringrassiamenti",
+ "notification-thanks-diff-link": "a to modiffica",
+ "notification-header-rev-thank": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|o|a}} {{GENDER:$4|t'}}{{GENDER:$2|ha ringrassiou}} pe-a to modiffica sciu <strong>$3</strong>.",
+ "notification-header-creation-thank": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|o|a}} t'ha {{GENDER:$4|ringrassiou|ringrassiâ|ringrassiou/â}} pi avei creou a paggina <strong>$3</strong>.",
+ "notification-header-log-thank": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|o|a}} t'ha {{GENDER:$4|ringrassiou|ringrassiâ|ringrassiou/â}} pe-a to assion sciu <strong>$3</strong>.",
+ "notification-compact-header-edit-thank": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|o|a}{{GENDER:$3|t'}}}ha ringrassiou.",
+ "notification-bundle-header-rev-thank": "{{PLURAL:$1|'Na person-a a t'ha|$1 person-e t'han|100=Ciù de 99 person-e t'han}} {{GENDER:$3|ringrassiou|ringrassiâ|ringrassiou/â}} pe-a to modiffica sciu <strong>$2</strong>.",
+ "notification-bundle-header-log-thank": "{{PLURAL:$1|'Na person-a a t'ha|$1 person-e t'han|100=Ciù de 99 person-e t'han}} {{GENDER:$3|ringrassiou|ringrassiâ|ringrassiou/â}} pe-a to assion sciu <strong>$2</strong>.",
+ "log-name-thanks": "Ringrassiamenti",
+ "log-description-thanks": "De sotta gh'è 'na lista d'utenti ringrassiæ da di atri utenti.",
+ "logentry-thanks-thank": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|ha ringrassiou}} {{GENDER:$4|$3}}",
+ "logeventslist-thanks-log": "Ringrassiamenti",
+ "thanks-error-no-id-specified": "Pe ringrassiâ ti g'hæ da specificâ 'na verscion ò 'n ID de registro.",
+ "thanks-confirmation-special-log": "Ti voeu ringrassiâ pubricamente pe questa assion do registro?",
+ "thanks-confirmation-special-rev": "Ti voeu ringrassiâ pubricamente pe questa modiffica?",
+ "notification-link-text-view-post": "Amia o commento",
+ "notification-link-text-view-logentry": "Amia l'intrâ do registro",
+ "thanks-error-invalidpostid": "L'ID do messaggio o no l'è vallido.",
+ "flow-thanks-confirmation-special": "Ti voeu ringrassiâ pubricamente pe questo commento?",
+ "flow-thanks-thanked-notice": "{{GENDER:$3|Ti t'hæ ringrassiou}} $1 pe {{GENDER:$2|o so}} commento.",
+ "notification-flow-thanks-post-link": "o to commento",
+ "notification-header-flow-thank": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|o|a}} {{GENDER:$5|t'}}{{GENDER:$2|ha ringrassiou}} pe-o to commento sciu \"<strong>$3</strong>\".",
+ "notification-compact-header-flow-thank": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|o|a} {{GENDER:$3|t'}}}ha ringrassiou.",
+ "notification-bundle-header-flow-thank": "{{PLURAL:$1|'Na person-a a t'ha|$1 person-e t'han|100=Ciù de 99 person-e t'han}} {{GENDER:$3|ringrassiou|ringrassiâ|ringrassiou/â}} pe-o to commento sciu <strong>$2</strong>."