diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'MLEB/Translate/src/Synchronization/ExternalMessageSourceStateImporter.php')
1 files changed, 273 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/MLEB/Translate/src/Synchronization/ExternalMessageSourceStateImporter.php b/MLEB/Translate/src/Synchronization/ExternalMessageSourceStateImporter.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..05b1b479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MLEB/Translate/src/Synchronization/ExternalMessageSourceStateImporter.php
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+declare( strict_types = 1 );
+ * Finds external changes for file based message groups.
+ * @author Niklas Laxström
+ * @license GPL-2.0-or-later
+ * @since 2016.02
+ */
+namespace MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\Synchronization;
+use Config;
+use FileBasedMessageGroup;
+use JobQueueGroup;
+use MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\MessageSync\MessageSourceChange;
+use MessageChangeStorage;
+use MessageGroups;
+use MessageHandle;
+use MessageIndex;
+use MessageUpdateJob;
+use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
+use RuntimeException;
+use Title;
+use function wfWarn;
+class ExternalMessageSourceStateImporter {
+ /** @var Config */
+ private $config;
+ /** @var GroupSynchronizationCache */
+ private $groupSynchronizationCache;
+ /** @var JobQueueGroup */
+ private $jobQueueGroup;
+ /** @var LoggerInterface */
+ private $logger;
+ /** @var MessageIndex */
+ private $messageIndex;
+ public function __construct(
+ Config $config,
+ GroupSynchronizationCache $groupSynchronizationCache,
+ JobQueueGroup $jobQueueGroup,
+ LoggerInterface $logger,
+ MessageIndex $messageIndex
+ ) {
+ $this->config = $config;
+ $this->groupSynchronizationCache = $groupSynchronizationCache;
+ $this->jobQueueGroup = $jobQueueGroup;
+ $this->logger = $logger;
+ $this->messageIndex = $messageIndex;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param MessageSourceChange[] $changeData
+ * @param string $name
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function importSafe( array $changeData, string $name ): array {
+ $processed = [];
+ $skipped = [];
+ $jobs = [];
+ $groupSyncCacheEnabled = $this->config->get( 'TranslateGroupSynchronizationCache' );
+ foreach ( $changeData as $groupId => $changesForGroup ) {
+ $group = MessageGroups::getGroup( $groupId );
+ if ( !$group ) {
+ unset( $changeData[$groupId] );
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( !$group instanceof FileBasedMessageGroup ) {
+ $this->logger->warning(
+ '[ExternalMessageSourceStateImporter] Expected FileBasedMessageGroup, ' .
+ 'but got {class} for group {groupId}',
+ [
+ 'class' => get_class( $group ),
+ 'groupId' => $groupId
+ ]
+ );
+ unset( $changeData[$groupId] );
+ continue;
+ }
+ $processed[$groupId] = [];
+ $languages = $changesForGroup->getLanguages();
+ $groupJobs = [];
+ $groupSafeLanguages = self::identifySafeLanguages( $group, $changesForGroup );
+ foreach ( $languages as $language ) {
+ if ( !$groupSafeLanguages[ $language ] ) {
+ $skipped[$groupId] = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ $additions = $changesForGroup->getAdditions( $language );
+ if ( $additions === [] ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ [ $groupLanguageJobs, $groupProcessed ] = $this->createMessageUpdateJobs(
+ $group, $additions, $language
+ );
+ $groupJobs = array_merge( $groupJobs, $groupLanguageJobs );
+ $processed[$groupId][$language] = $groupProcessed;
+ $changesForGroup->removeChangesForLanguage( $language );
+ $group->getMessageGroupCache( $language )->create();
+ }
+ // Mark the skipped group as in review
+ if ( $groupSyncCacheEnabled && isset( $skipped[$groupId] ) ) {
+ $this->groupSynchronizationCache->markGroupAsInReview( $groupId );
+ }
+ if ( $groupJobs !== [] ) {
+ if ( $groupSyncCacheEnabled ) {
+ $this->updateGroupSyncInfo( $groupId, $groupJobs );
+ }
+ $jobs = array_merge( $jobs, $groupJobs );
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove groups where everything was imported
+ $changeData = array_filter( $changeData, static function ( MessageSourceChange $change ) {
+ return $change->getAllModifications() !== [];
+ } );
+ // Remove groups with no imports
+ $processed = array_filter( $processed );
+ $file = MessageChangeStorage::getCdbPath( $name );
+ MessageChangeStorage::writeChanges( $changeData, $file );
+ $this->jobQueueGroup->push( $jobs );
+ return [
+ 'processed' => $processed,
+ 'skipped' => $skipped,
+ 'name' => $name,
+ ];
+ }
+ /** Creates MessageUpdateJobs additions for a language under a group */
+ private function createMessageUpdateJobs(
+ FileBasedMessageGroup $group,
+ array $additions,
+ string $language
+ ): array {
+ $groupId = $group->getId();
+ $jobs = [];
+ $processed = 0;
+ foreach ( $additions as $addition ) {
+ $namespace = $group->getNamespace();
+ $name = "{$addition['key']}/$language";
+ $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( $namespace, $name );
+ if ( !$title ) {
+ wfWarn( "Invalid title for group $groupId key {$addition['key']}" );
+ continue;
+ }
+ $jobs[] = MessageUpdateJob::newJob( $title, $addition['content'] );
+ $processed++;
+ }
+ return [ $jobs, $processed ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $groupId
+ * @param MessageUpdateJob[] $groupJobs
+ */
+ private function updateGroupSyncInfo( string $groupId, array $groupJobs ): void {
+ $messageParams = [];
+ $groupMessageKeys = [];
+ foreach ( $groupJobs as $job ) {
+ $messageParams[] = MessageUpdateParameter::createFromJob( $job );
+ // Ensure there are no duplicates as the same key may be present in
+ // multiple languages
+ $groupMessageKeys[( new MessageHandle( $job->getTitle() ) )->getKey()] = true;
+ }
+ $group = MessageGroups::getGroup( $groupId );
+ if ( $group === null ) {
+ // How did we get here? This should never happen.
+ throw new RuntimeException( "Did not find group $groupId" );
+ }
+ $this->messageIndex->storeInterim( $group, array_keys( $groupMessageKeys ) );
+ $this->groupSynchronizationCache->addMessages( $groupId, ...$messageParams );
+ $this->groupSynchronizationCache->markGroupForSync( $groupId );
+ $this->logger->info(
+ '[ExternalMessageSourceStateImporter] Synchronization started for {groupId}',
+ [ 'groupId' => $groupId ]
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Identifies languages in a message group that are safe to import
+ * @return array<string,bool>
+ */
+ private static function identifySafeLanguages(
+ FileBasedMessageGroup $group,
+ MessageSourceChange $changesForGroup
+ ): array {
+ $sourceLanguage = $group->getSourceLanguage();
+ $safeLanguagesMap = [];
+ $modifiedLanguages = $changesForGroup->getLanguages();
+ // Set all languages to not safe to start with.
+ $safeLanguagesMap[ $sourceLanguage ] = false;
+ foreach ( $modifiedLanguages as $language ) {
+ $safeLanguagesMap[ $language ] = false;
+ }
+ if ( !$changesForGroup->hasOnly( $sourceLanguage, MessageSourceChange::ADDITION ) ) {
+ return $safeLanguagesMap;
+ }
+ $sourceLanguageKeyCache = [];
+ foreach ( $changesForGroup->getAdditions( $sourceLanguage ) as $change ) {
+ if ( $change['content'] === '' ) {
+ return $safeLanguagesMap;
+ }
+ $sourceLanguageKeyCache[ $change['key'] ] = true;
+ }
+ $safeLanguagesMap[ $sourceLanguage ] = true;
+ $groupNamespace = $group->getNamespace();
+ // Remove source language from the modifiedLanguage list if present since it's already processed.
+ // The $sourceLanguageKeyCache will only have values if sourceLanguage has safe changes.
+ if ( $sourceLanguageKeyCache ) {
+ array_splice( $modifiedLanguages, array_search( $sourceLanguage, $modifiedLanguages ), 1 );
+ }
+ foreach ( $modifiedLanguages as $language ) {
+ if ( !$changesForGroup->hasOnly( $language, MessageSourceChange::ADDITION ) ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ foreach ( $changesForGroup->getAdditions( $language ) as $change ) {
+ if ( $change['content'] === '' ) {
+ continue 2;
+ }
+ $msgKey = $change['key'];
+ if ( !isset( $sourceLanguageKeyCache[ $msgKey ] ) ) {
+ // This is either a new external translation which is not added in the same sync
+ // as the source language key, or this translation does not have a corresponding
+ // definition. We will check the message index to determine which of the two.
+ $sourceHandle = new MessageHandle( Title::makeTitle( $groupNamespace, $msgKey ) );
+ $sourceLanguageKeyCache[ $msgKey ] = $sourceHandle->isValid();
+ }
+ if ( !$sourceLanguageKeyCache[ $msgKey ] ) {
+ continue 2;
+ }
+ }
+ $safeLanguagesMap[ $language ] = true;
+ }
+ return $safeLanguagesMap;
+ }