diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-java/groovy/groovy-1.8.8.ebuild')
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-java/groovy/groovy-1.8.8.ebuild b/dev-java/groovy/groovy-1.8.8.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8644d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-java/groovy/groovy-1.8.8.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+# Groovy's build system is Ant based, but they use Maven for fetching the dependencies.
+# We just have to remove the fetch dependencies target, and then we can use Ant for this ebuild.
+# We currently do not build the embeddable jar (which is created using JarJar).
+# We could provide that via an USE flag.
+# We also don't use automatic build rewriting as there seems to be already some level of support
+# in the upstream build system
+# TODO: Install all 3 documentation packages. Currently only the Groovy GDK documentation is installed
+# as our java-pkg_dojavadoc function does not support multiple Javadoc installations.
+JAVA_PKG_IUSE="doc source"
+inherit base versionator java-pkg-2 java-ant-2
+DESCRIPTION="Groovy is a high-level dynamic language for the JVM"
+ >=dev-java/ant-core-1.8.0
+ >=dev-java/junit-4.6
+ dev-java/antlr:0
+ dev-java/ant-ivy:2.2
+ dev-java/xstream:0
+ dev-java/jline:0
+ dev-java/commons-cli:1
+ dev-java/jansi:0
+ java-virtuals/servlet-api:3.0
+ >=dev-java/bsf-2.4
+ java-virtuals/jmx:0"
+ dev-java/ant-ivy:2
+ test? (
+ dev-java/jmock:1.0
+ dev-java/xmlunit:1
+ dev-db/hsqldb:0
+ dev-java/commons-logging:0
+ dev-java/ant-junit:0
+ dev-java/ant-trax:0
+ )
+ doc? (
+ dev-java/ant-antlr:0
+ dev-java/qdox:1.12
+ dev-java/commons-logging:0
+ )
+PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.8-build-pref-locking-fix.patch" )
+JAVA_PKG_BSFIX_NAME+=" build-setup.xml"
+JAVA_ANT_CLASSPATH_TAGS+=" java groovyc taskdef"
+EANT_EXTRA_ARGS="-DskipFetch=true -DskipEmbeddable=true -Dgentoo.user.home='${T}'"
+src_prepare() {
+ find "${S}" -name '*.jar' -delete
+ find "${S}" -name '*.class' -delete
+ base_src_prepare
+ sed -i -e 's/fullQualifiedName/fullyQualifiedName/g' \
+ src/tools/org/codehaus/groovy/tools/DocGenerator.groovy
+ rm -rf bootstrap
+ # security directory is needed for tests, but they currently don't pass
+ #rm -rf security
+ mkdir -p target/lib/{compile,runtime,tools}
+src_compile() {
+ use doc && EANT_ANT_TASKS+=" ant-antlr"
+ use doc && EANT_GENTOO_CLASSPATH_EXTRA+=":$(java-pkg_getjars --build-only qdox-1.12,commons-logging,ant-antlr)"
+ EANT_EXTRA_ARGS+=" -DskipTests=true"
+ java-pkg-2_src_compile
+#the tests currently don't pass. The problem, seems in instantiating org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter:
+#the asm-3 package is the dependency of the groovy, while asm-1.5 is dependency of jmock-1.0
+src_test() {
+ mkdir -p target/lib/{test,extras}
+ EANT_TEST_GENTOO_CLASSPATH="jmock-1.0,ant-junit,xmlunit-1,hsqldb,commons-logging"
+ java-pkg-2_src_test
+src_install() {
+ java-pkg_newjar "target/dist/${PN}.jar"
+ use doc && java-pkg_dojavadoc "target/html/groovy-jdk/"
+ # FIXME: install those two later
+ #
+ #use doc && java-pkg_dojavadoc "target/html/api/"
+ #use doc && java-pkg_dojavadoc "target/html/gapi/"
+ use source && java-pkg_dosrc "src/main/groovy" "src/main/org"
+ java-pkg_dolauncher "groovyc" --main
+ java-pkg_dolauncher "groovy" --main groovy.ui.GroovyMain
+ java-pkg_dolauncher "groovysh" --main groovy.ui.InteractiveShell
+ java-pkg_dolauncher "groovyConsole" --main groovy.ui.Console
+ java-pkg_dolauncher "grape" --main