path: root/2013
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authorDavid Abbott <>2015-04-09 08:10:33 -0400
committerDavid Abbott <>2015-04-09 08:10:33 -0400
commit34f083f03223df09e7c5c84bd752a9fcd0046d08 (patch)
tree4321489656e51e8d106aac881400d8a83a43806b /2013
initial trustee meeting logs import
Diffstat (limited to '2013')
12 files changed, 2545 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2013/meeting-01-20.log b/2013/meeting-01-20.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa7d394
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+++ b/2013/meeting-01-20.log
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+20:00 * NeddySeagoon bangs the virtual gavel to open the Jan 20, 2013 Trustees Meeting
+20:00 <@NeddySeagoon> Roll call
+20:00 <@NeddySeagoon> robbat2, quantumsummers dabbott rich0 ?
+20:00 <@dabbott> here glad you made it :)
+20:01 <@NeddySeagoon> I knackered but I'm here :)
+20:01 <@NeddySeagoon> I should be logging - both my VPS and my shiney new dedicated servers are here
+20:02 <@quantumsummers> howdy folks
+20:02 <@dabbott> hi Dad
+20:02 <@NeddySeagoon> hi quantumsummers - hows things ?
+20:02 <@quantumsummers> really well, thanks. My son turns 1 in 3 days
+20:03 <@quantumsummers> getting big, walking, etc
+20:03 <@NeddySeagoon> talking? getting cheeky? curious .. always asking why ?
+20:04 <@NeddySeagoon> We'll give rich0 and robbat2 a few minuites
+20:04 <@NeddySeagoon> but we have a quorum
+20:04 <@quantumsummers> heh, not talking too much yet
+20:04 <@quantumsummers> just a few words, etc
+20:05 <@NeddySeagoon> heh - Mum, Dad, beer ... just the essentials
+20:05 <@dabbott> tits
+20:05 <@NeddySeagoon> That will be Mom not Mum
+20:06 <@NeddySeagoon> OK, thats 5 min past so lets start.
+20:06 <@NeddySeagoon> Copyright Policies ... we have to nail this one, its important to everyone who contributes
+20:07 <@quantumsummers> main thing we need to do is keep it easy to contrib
+20:08 <@NeddySeagoon> Copyright the Foundation is just a convience, so we can be the target of action and take action on Gentoo owned code. As long as we have a licence to use the code, copyright is no so important
+20:08 <@quantumsummers> I agree with NeddySeagoon
+20:09 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, where are you getting with legal advice? Can we usefully start a public discussion yet ?
+20:09 <@quantumsummers> I think we can. The SFLC is a fan of a CLA-type document generally
+20:09 <@quantumsummers> however, I think some broad discussion would be good
+20:10 <@quantumsummers> I would consider posting to a ML of other OSS non-profits
+20:10 <@quantumsummers> if you guys think it would be good
+20:10 <@NeddySeagoon> Greg-KH seems to have some strong opinions - make sure he sees the discussion
+20:10 <@quantumsummers> we are somewhat unique in comparison, since we are a distro, not a software project
+20:10 <@quantumsummers> Greg is on that list
+20:11 <@quantumsummers> I will CC all trustees individually
+20:11 <@NeddySeagoon> well, we package upstream - our IPR is portage and the tree. Does that make us a distro ?
+20:11 <@quantumsummers> in fact, I would like to see you all on that list anyway
+20:11 <@rich0> I'm here...
+20:11 <@NeddySeagoon> welcome rich0
+20:11 <@rich0> Got the time wrong...
+20:11 <@quantumsummers> we package and sometimes patch
+20:11 <@quantumsummers> hi Rich
+20:12 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, ok. Do you have a link for that ML ?
+20:12 <@quantumsummers> at any rate, this is something we should discuss in daylight
+20:12 <@quantumsummers> NeddySeagoon: its private, but let me see if I can find a link
+20:12 <@rich0> I need to ping some of the contacts I reached out to before the holidays.
+20:12 <@quantumsummers> JacobKM from django invited me
+20:12 <@rich0> We did have a discussion on -nfp thouhg.
+20:12 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, can you organise invites ?
+20:12 <@quantumsummers> yes
+20:12 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, please do then
+20:13 <@rich0> What are we doing?
+20:13 <@quantumsummers> this list
+20:13 * NeddySeagoon is sipping a beer
+20:13 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, all of them ?
+20:14 <@quantumsummers> NeddySeagoon: all of whom?
+20:14 <@quantumsummers> OSS foundations?
+20:14 <@quantumsummers> no
+20:14 <@quantumsummers> but a large number
+20:14 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, forget it. Can we subscribe trustees@ ?
+20:14 <@quantumsummers> no
+20:14 <@quantumsummers> needs to be an individual
+20:14 <@quantumsummers> human
+20:14 <@quantumsummers> from what I recall of the rules
+20:14 <@NeddySeagoon> I'm OK with that
+20:14 <@quantumsummers> its a good list
+20:15 <@quantumsummers> low traffic
+20:15 <@quantumsummers> I mostly lurk
+20:15 <@rich0> From the discussion on our own lists it seemed like there really wasn't much consensus for having the foundation own copyright on our projects.
+20:16 <@rich0> At least a few basically said they'd stop contributing if that were the policy, most notably Greg.
+20:16 <@quantumsummers> seems like we can make it optional, as long as the license it free
+20:16 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, I've filled in the form
+20:16 <@rich0> I was thinking that a KDE-like approach would make sense.
+20:16 <@rich0> They make it optional.
+20:16 <@quantumsummers> makes sense to me
+20:16 <@rich0> And use the FSFe FLA.
+20:17 <@rich0> That leaves us with details like what to do with our copyright notice lines. That could use some legal advice. Not sure what KDE does there - should be easy enough to check on that.
+20:17 <@NeddySeagoon> Once we have boild down the useful options have the discussion on -nfp and an announce on -announce
+20:17 <@rich0> We did have discussion already.
+20:17 <@rich0> Though not a final proposal.
+20:17 <@quantumsummers> good to note that you are talking mainly EU-type policy
+20:18 <@rich0> Well, the FLA is designed to handle both US and EU regimes.
+20:18 <@quantumsummers> ah, good
+20:18 <@rich0> We should have a clear policy that everybody agrees to when becoming a dev - just stating that they license their contributions under GPL2+, and so on.
+20:18 <@rich0> Even that gets a bit messy now that we have eudev.
+20:19 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, I'm not sure our copyright lines have any legal standaing as nobody ever filled in a copyright assignment form. fmmcor thought that the line in ebuilds would be OK in the USA though
+20:19 <@rich0> If we won't hold contributions I'd really prefer the GPL2+ to GPL2, otherwise we're stuck like Linux.
+20:19 <@rich0> NeddySeagoon, I'm not sure either. That's why we need to come up with a new policy on those.
+20:19 <@rich0> We can't have every ebuild have at the top a list of everybody who ever contributed to that one ebuild.
+20:19 <@rich0> Or I guess we could, but that would be a mess.
+20:19 <@rich0> Would like to have something reasonably simple.
+20:20 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, nope, nor can we list every contributor in a file - we don't even know them all
+20:20 <@rich0> Maybe something generic, like copyright gentoo developers, see cvs log for current list of contributors or something.
+20:20 <@rich0> That definitely requires legal advice.
+20:20 <@NeddySeagoon> what about non dev contributions from bugs ?
+20:21 <@quantumsummers> a separate "contributors" file would suffice, but I thought that the cvs/git log would be sufficient
+20:21 <@NeddySeagoon> do we know enough yet to post on -nfp ?
+20:21 <@rich0> Well, Linux does it like this: Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Linus Torvalds & authors (see below)
+20:22 <@NeddySeagoon> yeah - its maintaining the see below ...
+20:22 <@rich0> They also have a concept of signoff where the person doing the commit declares that the code is unencumbered and GPL2.
+20:22 <@NeddySeagoon> I like that
+20:22 <@rich0> That is also my concern.
+20:23 <@rich0> In Linux they seem to stick a header in every file that varies.
+20:23 <@dabbott> can we remove the copyright from ebuilds
+20:24 <@NeddySeagoon> Lets stop this here - it sonds like there are too many options to open discussion on -nfp just yet
+20:24 <@rich0> We already opened discussion on this.
+20:24 <@rich0> Thought it must not have been on -nfp - it wasn't in the archives.
+20:24 <@NeddySeagoon> dabbott, as nobody signed a copyright assignment ... maybe
+20:25 <@rich0> Err, it was discussed, but the archives are incomplete...
+20:25 <@quantumsummers> gentoo-dev too, seems the discussion was split
+20:25 <@rich0>
+20:25 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, it wasn't organised - it started from eudev changing all the copyright notices ... which was just wrong
+20:26 <@rich0> Well, in any case, I think the discussion was still useful.
+20:26 <@quantumsummers> it is/was
+20:26 <@rich0> I was mainly interested in general direction, not details.
+20:26 <@quantumsummers> seems like I had a point to add, but never finished the email.
+20:26 <@rich0> It sounds like we're going to move away from foundation ownership.
+20:26 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, it was
+20:26 <@rich0> I think the next step is to focus on that direction and step down a level in detail.
+20:26 <@quantumsummers> mainly: if you an an independent contractor the IP rules are different for software projects and generally not considered "work for hire"
+20:27 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, agreed
+20:27 <@rich0> The copyright line will be a big issue. So will be tracking what licenses are used by what files, and ensuring contributors are aware they are licensing appropriately.
+20:27 <@quantumsummers> yes
+20:27 <@dabbott> yep
+20:27 <@rich0> I also want to make sure we don't get stuck on GPL2 - so everybody really needs to license 2+
+20:28 <@NeddySeagoon> If we revert copyright to original authors, I don't see it being an issue
+20:28 <@rich0> At least for all new contributions - we could argue that past ones are already covered, or not, but over time that becomes less of an issue.
+20:28 <@rich0> It is if we want to make Gentoo GPL4+ or something in the future.
+20:28 <@rich0> We can do that if we're 2+, not if we're 2-only.
+20:29 <@NeddySeagoon> copyright and licence are separate issues
+20:29 <@rich0> Maybe we'll never do that, but seems wise to be prepared for it.
+20:29 <@rich0> Sure, but it is still something that we need covered by the policy.
+20:29 <@rich0> If we don't have copyright, then we need a license to use our own code.
+20:29 <@NeddySeagoon> agreed
+20:29 <@rich0> So we need to make sure we get that from contributors, much as linux/etc does.
+20:29 <@NeddySeagoon> but the code is licences anyway
+20:30 <@NeddySeagoon> lets move on
+20:30 <@rich0> So, what are our next steps then?
+20:31 <@quantumsummers> I have requested invitations for each trustee to the floss foundations list I mentioned above
+20:32 <@NeddySeagoon> Consolidate what we know for the advice we have and open a discussion on -nfp. Seek more advice if we don't yet have enough and a view of how we want to end emp
+20:32 <@NeddySeagoon> When we go to -nfp it should be with a reccommendation
+20:32 <@rich0> Ok, I'll open a next-steps discussion on -nfp
+20:32 <@quantumsummers> we need to formalize what the KDE-type agreement actually means for Gentoo in practice
+20:32 <@dabbott> thanks rich0
+20:32 <@rich0> Maybe send it to trustees@ first
+20:32 <@quantumsummers> as it seems like that is the best option
+20:32 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, sould like a plan
+20:32 <@quantumsummers> +1
+20:33 <@rich0> It will be a straw man that actually starts to look like a policy document.
+20:33 <@rich0> Greg/etc can pick it apart, and that is fine.
+20:33 <@rich0> Once we get past that we can start getting formal legal advice.
+20:33 <@rich0> I might also re-ping the FSF/etc.
+20:33 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, make sure Greg knows its there
+20:33 <@rich0> They basically took a big holiday break.
+20:33 <@NeddySeagoon> yes - that sounds good
+20:33 <@rich0> Oh, I'll CC to dev-announce to start it.
+20:33 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, Certified Public Accountant and 501(c)(3) registration status
+20:33 <@rich0> Greg hasn't had trouble notcing them so far. :)
+20:34 <@NeddySeagoon> hehe
+20:34 <@quantumsummers> nothing too interesting to report here. I know that Rich was asking earlier about filings, etc. We are all finished there (save reimbursing postage for David and I)
+20:35 <@NeddySeagoon> I was expecting an invoice from the CPA
+20:35 <@quantumsummers> I need to run a couple things by our SFLC contact soon regarding the 1023 app
+20:35 <@rich0> Can you send me dates for the tracker?
+20:36 <@quantumsummers> NeddySeagoon: yes, let me talk with them in the morning. It can take them 90 days to invoice (something I found odd, but whatever)
+20:36 <@rich0> Oh, and that includes the 990, AG-Missouri, annual report Missouri, and annual report New Mexico?
+20:36 <@quantumsummers> rich0: annual report was filed by Nov 15th
+20:36 <@rich0> Which one?
+20:36 <@quantumsummers> the exact day, I do not recall
+20:36 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, thats your bit next.
+20:36 <@quantumsummers> let me find my notes
+20:36 <@rich0> I'll just put down Nov, but I want to make sure we hit them all.
+20:36 <@quantumsummers> surely
+20:37 <@rich0> There are 4 documents in all.
+20:37 <@NeddySeagoon> the NM one is filed and the web site updated
+20:37 <@quantumsummers> yep
+20:37 <@dabbott> rich0: there is no Missouri afaik
+20:37 <@rich0> dabbott, are you saying it wasn't done, or that you don't think we need to do it?
+20:38 <@dabbott> i don't think it was ever set up
+20:38 <@quantumsummers> nope. the initial paperwork was not filed. I stopped it for some reason.
+20:38 <@quantumsummers> I need to locate my notes
+20:38 <@quantumsummers> the main reason was to simplify banking
+20:38 <@rich0> Ah, in that case I can drop it from the tracker.
+20:38 <@quantumsummers> which is not super important at the moment
+20:38 <@quantumsummers> iirc
+20:38 <@quantumsummers> let me check on some things here
+20:39 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0 over to you and the tracker ...
+20:39 <@rich0> Np either way - that is why we have a tracker. :)
+20:39 <@rich0> Just want to check the boxes.
+20:39 <@rich0> Well, the tracker just shows the 4 reports I listed above as past-due.
+20:39 <@rich0> If both the 990 and the NM reports are done in Nov I can update that.
+20:40 <@rich0> The other two I can leave on the list until somebody confirms we never filed, unless we're sure about that now.
+20:40 <@dabbott> NM done 990 not sure
+20:40 <@rich0> Ok, then I'll only mark NM done.
+20:40 <@NeddySeagoon> ok
+20:40 <@rich0> The 990 is definitely due though, or at least a request for extension.
+20:40 <@quantumsummers> 990-N
+20:40 <@quantumsummers>
+20:40 <@quantumsummers> that is what was filed
+20:40 <@rich0> Also, can we get some kind of private git repo for this stuff.
+20:41 <@rich0> Scans and such?
+20:41 <@quantumsummers> since we have <50,00 in gross receipts per year
+20:41 <@rich0> Seems way too painful to figure out if we did something or not.
+20:41 <@quantumsummers> rich0: been asking for that for awhile
+20:41 <@rich0> Maybe we should ping infra/Robin or something?
+20:41 <@quantumsummers> the e-filed 990-N was very simple
+20:41 <@NeddySeagoon> Its on -infras todo list
+20:41 <@quantumsummers> our CPA actually did it
+20:41 <@rich0> Ok, so we're sure 990 was done then?
+20:42 <@NeddySeagoon> Lets move on to item 4 Bugs
+20:42 <@rich0> If so I'll mark it as Nov-2012?
+20:42 <@quantumsummers> I am still waiting for amended forms for previous years
+20:42 <@quantumsummers> since we need some done
+20:42 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, where from ?
+20:42 <@quantumsummers> at any rate, there is no penalty
+20:42 <@rich0> Ok, and are we sure we're not filed in Missouri?
+20:42 <@quantumsummers> the beginning of the foundation to 2009 or 2010
+20:42 <@rich0> Wasn't sure if that was a confirmed yes/no.
+20:42 <@quantumsummers> rich0: yes, sure
+20:42 <@rich0> ok, I'll drop those then.
+20:42 <@quantumsummers> positive
+20:42 <@rich0> That's it for the tracker.
+20:43 <@NeddySeagoon> Lets move on to item 4 Bugs
+20:43 <@quantumsummers> there were some reasons that I wrote down to let you all know, but I am having some trouble finding the notes
+20:43 <@quantumsummers> mainly, not necessary at this time
+20:43 <@quantumsummers> per cpa recommendation
+20:44 <@NeddySeagoon> Bug 447486 is the first one that needs discussion
+20:45 <@quantumsummers> ah, I think should be ok, no?
+20:45 <@NeddySeagoon> Originally I was in favour ... but it seems poor value for money
+20:45 <@NeddySeagoon> Also, why not an infra box if there is one ?
+20:45 <@dabbott> the more i think about it he needs a fully sponsered box for stages not personal
+20:45 <@quantumsummers> we have sufficient HW for his purposes, I believe
+20:45 <@rich0> ++
+20:46 <@quantumsummers> its a matter of getting infra to finish up the ganeti nodes
+20:46 <@quantumsummers> and make the easily available
+20:46 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, if we say yes we have to say yes to other similar applcations
+20:46 <@rich0> I too would rather spend a bit more on an infra box if we needed it than having critical stuff going on elsewhere.
+20:46 <@rich0> Plus, that stuff needs to be documented and such.
+20:46 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, +1
+20:46 <@dabbott> rich0: agreed
+20:46 <@quantumsummers> in this case, let's not fund this request. Whomever sees Jorge next buys him some beers
+20:46 <@rich0> Seems like stages break from time to time because only a few do them and knowledge is too compartmentalized.
+20:47 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, that will be robbat2 at FOSDEM
+20:47 <@rich0> And if he wants to work with infra and they come back with a proposal I'm all for it.
+20:47 <@quantumsummers> very good
+20:47 <@dabbott> yes
+20:47 <@NeddySeagoon> Who will comment on the bug ?
+20:47 <@quantumsummers> we could even purchase a dedicated machine for him to use, in the case we do not have the HW. However, I think we do
+20:47 <@quantumsummers> I will comment
+20:48 <@NeddySeagoon> thanks quantumsummers
+20:48 <@dabbott> yep thanks quantumsummers
+20:48 <@NeddySeagoon> I think the others can wait ... the copyright stuff we have already discussed anyway
+20:49 <@NeddySeagoon> 6. Membership Applications
+20:49 <@NeddySeagoon> Community Members Damien Moody based on work on Gentoo Studio
+20:49 <@dabbott> yes
+20:49 <@rich0> seconded :)
+20:49 <@rich0> aye
+20:50 <@NeddySeagoon> I've provided encouragement and support to this project so am not neutral
+20:50 <@quantumsummers> aye
+20:50 <@NeddySeagoon> I vote yest too
+20:50 <@NeddySeagoon> I'll write the email and ask for his gpg key
+20:51 <@NeddySeagoon> Cleanup
+20:51 <@rich0> FYi - support and encouragement is not a conflict. :)
+20:51 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, thanks
+20:51 <@rich0> I'd hope we support and encourage half the stuff we discuss. :)
+20:51 <@quantumsummers> email sent
+20:51 <@NeddySeagoon> Date of Next Meeting - 17 Feb 2013 19:00 UTC
+20:51 <@dabbott> NeddySeagoon: I added a folder for 2013 please put the logs here thanks
+20:51 <@quantumsummers> to Jorge
+20:51 <@quantumsummers> that meeting, I may miss or be late
+20:51 <@NeddySeagoon> dabbott, cvs -d up ?
+20:52 <@quantumsummers> will be traveling back home
+20:52 <@rich0> wfm
+20:52 <@NeddySeagoon> wfm too
+20:52 <@quantumsummers> I should be in time, but one never knows
+20:52 <@dabbott> fine here
+20:53 <@NeddySeagoon> Responsibilities - I'll post the log - It will be from UTC+1 as my new server is in France
+20:53 <@dabbott> NeddySeagoon: cat .cvsrc
+20:53 <@dabbott> cvs -q -z0
+20:53 <@dabbott> diff -u -B
+20:53 <@dabbott> checkout -P
+20:53 <@dabbott> update -d -P
+20:53 <@dabbott> cvs update
+20:53 <@quantumsummers> the -d -P is key there
+20:53 <@NeddySeagoon> dabbott thanks - I'll need to make a .cvsrc
+20:53 <@dabbott> i will do the motions 1
+20:53 <@quantumsummers> when are we moving to git ;)
+20:53 <@rich0> Ugh - when will we ever get on git. :)
+20:53 <@quantumsummers> heheh
+20:54 <@rich0> Especially for the website. Don't get why that is still on cvs.
+20:54 <@NeddySeagoon> yuck - I barely know enough CVS yet
+20:54 <@rich0> I can see why our ebuilds are a mess.
+20:54 <@quantumsummers> that financial update bug, that can be closed yeah?
+20:54 <@rich0> Actually, you're due on 3-4Q quarterly updates.
+20:54 <@quantumsummers> rich0: there was some movement towards git for the web stuff
+20:54 <@dabbott> quantumsummers: fine by me
+20:54 <@quantumsummers> rich0: I stopped doing quarterly updates
+20:54 <@rich0> Oh?
+20:55 <@quantumsummers> mainly, they are not necessary
+20:55 <@rich0> There was a request back in Sep-Oct to add quarterly updates to the tracker.
+20:55 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, isn't that a NM requirement ?
+20:55 <@quantumsummers> actually, I never did them
+20:55 <@rich0> I'll remove them again.
+20:55 <@quantumsummers> not requred, only yearly
+20:55 <@quantumsummers> if you guys would like to see some quarterly numbers, I can do that
+20:55 <@rich0> Yeah, all the NM stuff is in the tracker.
+20:55 <@NeddySeagoon> I'm all for not inventing work
+20:55 <@quantumsummers> just seemed like extra wor
+20:55 <@quantumsummers> work
+20:55 <@rich0> Honestly, I'd really like to see everything in git so we could just see whatever we want.
+20:55 <@rich0> And stop pestering you. :)
+20:55 <@rich0> But...
+20:56 <@rich0> As long as we're approving by line-item I don't think we need the quarterly numbers.
+20:56 <@NeddySeagoon> Any other Business ?
+20:56 <@quantumsummers> well, I have a gitolite setup with ~400 repos. we could use it for now if you want
+20:56 <@quantumsummers> although I think asking infra would take little time
+20:56 <@rich0> Well, the thing about git is that it is easy to migrate.
+20:57 <@rich0> Just push to a new repository.
+20:57 <@rich0> So, I'm all for getting something running now and migrating later.
+20:57 <@rich0> But let's aim to get it on infra.
+20:57 <@quantumsummers> I love git, been hosting my own setup (first gitosis now gitolite) for 5 years or so
+20:57 <@NeddySeagoon> I'm concerned about the bus factor if its not on -infra hardware
+20:57 <@rich0> Heck, you can just email bundles around if you have to.
+20:57 <@quantumsummers> tis true
+20:57 <@quantumsummers> let me see about infra real fast
+20:58 <@rich0> Well, as long as it is published SOMEWHERE we can all clone.
+20:58 <@rich0> And published on non-infra is better than what we have now.
+20:58 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, agreed
+20:58 <@rich0> But let's try to get infra going because that is the ideal state.
+20:58 <@quantumsummers> poking them now
+20:58 <@quantumsummers> we just need 1 repo
+20:58 <@NeddySeagoon> Any other Business ?
+20:58 <@NeddySeagoon> dabbott, ?
+20:58 <@quantumsummers> of course, submodules would be nice for a few things
+20:58 <@dabbott> none here
+20:59 <@rich0> nope
+20:59 <@NeddySeagoon> nothing from me
+20:59 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, AoB ?
+20:59 <@quantumsummers> nope
+20:59 <@quantumsummers> err wait
+20:59 <@quantumsummers> nope (ha ha)
+20:59 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, AoB ?
+20:59 <@quantumsummers> I did get the PO from google for GSOC this past year
+21:00 <@quantumsummers> I need to add that to the bug
+21:00 * quantumsummers hides
+21:00 <@NeddySeagoon> Did you invoice too ?
+21:00 <@quantumsummers> we were paid in December
+21:00 <@NeddySeagoon> Ah ok
+21:00 <@quantumsummers> Donnie does the invoicing
+21:00 <@quantumsummers> I just collect the money and paperwork
+21:00 <@NeddySeagoon> Open Floor
+21:02 * NeddySeagoon bangs the virtual gavel to close the meeting
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new file mode 100644
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+20:00 * NeddySeagoon bangs the virtual gavel to open the Feb 17 Gentoo Trustees meeting
+20:00 <@NeddySeagoon> Who do we have ?
+20:00 * NeddySeagoon is here
+20:00 < pengfield> hi neddy
+20:00 <@dabbott> here
+20:00 <@_robbat2|irssi> so missing quantumsummers?
+20:00 <@NeddySeagoon> _robbat2|irssi, ? rich0 ? quantumsummers|c ?
+20:01 <@dabbott> and rich0
+20:01 <@NeddySeagoon> We have a quorum, so we can start
+20:01 <@NeddySeagoon> Do you want to give them a few min ?
+20:01 <@_robbat2|irssi> sure
+20:01 <@dabbott> ok
+20:02 <@_robbat2|irssi> say 5?
+20:02 <@dabbott> rich0 wanted to go over his mail about Copyright Policies
+20:02 <@NeddySeagoon> I keep offering to post logs then not doing it. I won't offer this month
+20:02 <@rich0> here...
+20:02 <@_robbat2|irssi> i'll post up my logs
+20:02 <@NeddySeagoon> hi rich0
+20:03 <@NeddySeagoon> Thats 4 out of 5. quantumsummers|c can catch up ...
+20:03 <@dabbott> i moved it to
+20:03 <@NeddySeagoon> 3. Old Business
+20:03 <@dabbott> for this year
+20:03 <@NeddySeagoon> Copyright Policies ... over the rich0
+20:04 <@rich0> I sent out my proposed wording.
+20:04 <@rich0> The only concrete change I got was from robbat2 and that was requiring a DCO signoff on every commit.
+20:04 <@rich0> I'll add that to the email, with the details of how that is implemented tbd.
+20:04 <@_robbat2|irssi> for the record, since the mail was only to trustees, proposed wording to an RFC on copyright
+20:04 <@rich0> (commit comment, etc)
+20:04 <@NeddySeagoon> I was good with it subject ro _robbat2|irssi appraisal saying no changes as a result of FODEM meetings
+20:05 <@rich0> Yes, and it will go out to -nfp once we're ok with the draft.
+20:05 <@_robbat2|irssi> rich0: i'll see if I can edit in my DCO/fosdem notes into it
+20:05 <@_robbat2|irssi> and send that to you later today
+20:05 <@rich0> Sound sgood.
+20:06 <@NeddySeagoon> wfm
+20:06 <@rich0> Ok, I'll incorporate his suggestions, and send it out to -nfp.
+20:06 <@rich0> It is only a proposal - everything is still subject to change anyway.
+20:06 <@NeddySeagoon> no need to have it reviewed on the alias again ... go for -nfp and -announce
+20:06 <@rich0> ++
+20:07 <@NeddySeagoon> we will pass on 501(c)(3) registration status as quantumsummers|c isn't here. If he shows up, we can come back to it
+20:07 <@rich0> That's it for me.
+20:08 <@NeddySeagoon> Foundation Activity Tracker Update ... rich0 nothing ?
+20:08 <@rich0> Not till May.
+20:08 <@rich0> That's a break.
+20:08 <@NeddySeagoon> Item 4 Bugs
+20:08 <@_robbat2|irssi> i'll action bug 350759 myself
+20:08 < willikins> _robbat2|irssi: "fix copyright in"; Gentoo Infrastructure, gpackages -; IN_P; ago:trustees
+20:09 <@NeddySeagoon> _robbat2|irssi, do you need the policy agreed first ?
+20:09 <@_robbat2|irssi> not really, it's just changing the footer
+20:10 <@NeddySeagoon> ok
+20:10 <@rich0> I'd just say update that page when we get to it.
+20:10 <@NeddySeagoon> any more bugs we need to discuss today ?
+20:10 <@rich0> For any in-tree copyright notices those are likely to change a fair bit with new policy.
+20:10 <@_robbat2|irssi> bug 443832 is relevant for today
+20:12 <@_robbat2|irssi> i think for it, we need to outright admit that if there were any prior signed copyright assignments, we as the new trustees never got them
+20:12 <@_robbat2|irssi> and do a blanket release
+20:13 <@rich0> Release of what? Copyright back to the original holders?
+20:14 <@_robbat2|irssi>
+20:14 <@NeddySeagoon> _robbat2|irssi, sounds good. IF there are any forms Grant may know about them but as he sent us what he had in 2008, I doubt he has them.
+20:14 <@_robbat2|irssi> yeah, it's stuff that was mostly drobbins era
+20:15 <@NeddySeagoon> yep
+20:15 <@rich0> I understand the desire to figure out who signed what and when.
+20:16 <@rich0> What I'm not understanding is why we would want to undo any agreements that have been signed. Perhaps I'm just missing something.
+20:16 <@_robbat2|irssi> i also want to ask drobbins, klieber, dsd
+20:16 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, if we do a blanket release, we don't need to name names
+20:16 <@rich0> Release of what?
+20:16 <@_robbat2|irssi> to make that bug public
+20:16 <@_robbat2|irssi> rich0: the original copyright assignment document
+20:17 <@rich0> What do you mean by "releasing" it exactly?
+20:17 -!- quantumsummers [~yaaic@gentoo/developer/quantumsummers] has joined #gentoo-trustees
+20:17 -!- mode/#gentoo-trustees [+o quantumsummers] by ChanServ
+20:17 <@_robbat2|irssi> we outright don't know who signed drobbin's original copyright assignment doc
+20:17 <@NeddySeagoon> hi quantumsummers
+20:17 <@rich0> So?
+20:18 <@rich0> Those who signed it assigned copyrights, and those who did not may or may not have done so. (That is probably murky legally.)
+20:18 <@quantumsummers> sorry I'm late.
+20:18 <@NeddySeagoon> We do have drobbins assignment of copyright from GTI to the Foundation but thats all it says ... no original forms ever reached the 2008 Trustees
+20:18 <@NeddySeagoon> np quantumsummers
+20:18 <@_robbat2|irssi> actually, sorry, my prior research did turn up one dev
+20:19 <@_robbat2|irssi> that signed it definetly
+20:19 <@_robbat2|irssi> but mostly we don't know
+20:19 <@rich0> With the agreements in place the foundation has very clear legal ownership of copyright of some portion of our code base, and less clear ownership of the rest. If we "release" people from the agreement then we have less clear ownership of the whole thing. How is that an improvement?
+20:19 <@quantumsummers> btw i am on my phone. sorry ... out of town.
+20:19 <@rich0> Again, I might be missing some nuance here.
+20:19 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, the agreements, if any, are lost
+20:20 <@rich0> So, why the need to "release" them?
+20:20 <@_robbat2|irssi> 1. we would need the actual agreements to ever enforce it
+20:20 <@rich0> Perhaps.
+20:21 <@rich0> But we can't enforce it if we release it either. So how is that an improvement?
+20:21 <@_robbat2|irssi> ah, there's another nuance for you
+20:22 <@_robbat2|irssi> the release is of duties
+20:22 <@_robbat2|irssi> it doesn't remove us owning the code
+20:22 <@_robbat2|irssi> it simply removes the requirement that they MUST assign
+20:22 <@quantumsummers> seems we have a pickle.
+20:22 <@_robbat2|irssi> copying from the bug:
+20:22 <@_robbat2|irssi> Proposed wording for now:
+20:22 <@_robbat2|irssi> > Gentoo Foundation, Inc. does hereby release all individuals who have
+20:22 <@_robbat2|irssi> > signed the contract known as the "Gentoo Technologies, Inc. Copyright
+20:22 <@_robbat2|irssi> > Assignment Form" from any future duties and obligations of these
+20:22 <@_robbat2|irssi> > individuals associated with that contract. As of this date any
+20:22 <@_robbat2|irssi> > provision of that contract requiring any future duties is hereby
+20:23 <@_robbat2|irssi> > nullified.
+20:23 <@rich0> Is anybody actually asking for this relief?
+20:23 <@rich0> Do they want to make new contributions that aren't assigned in the future?
+20:24 <@quantumsummers> what Robin states seems fine for some of things and less fine for others.
+20:24 <@rich0> (That actually is something we should cover in any FLA - the period of time it applies to, and the ability to declare that at some point future contributions are no longer covered, but not the retroactive ability to unassign past ones).
+20:24 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, in practice nobody has legally assigned copyright since the drobbins days ... its all very murky.
+20:24 <@rich0> NeddySeagoon, agreed. We /might/ be able to make a case that we have it, but it is murky at best.
+20:25 <@rich0> But, my question is really, what exactly is broken? Is anybody being harmed by our failure to issue some kind of release?
+20:25 <@NeddySeagoon> I think that what we do about the past may come from a policy, when we have one
+20:25 <@rich0> If not, I'd suggest waiting until somebody asks us for one.
+20:26 <@_robbat2|irssi> if anybody still around has agreed to the past policy, they should agree to the FLA again, and not try and say that i signed before
+20:26 <@rich0> If harm is being done I'm all for taking action, but it seems unclear what is best at the moment. I agree with NeddySeagoon that the appropriate action may be more clear when we have a policy.
+20:26 <@_robbat2|irssi> but if we want to postpone until we have the new policy, that's reasonable
+20:26 <@_robbat2|irssi> and just enact it at the same time
+20:26 <@NeddySeagoon> I would wait until we have a policy in place. If all we require is a licence (not copyright) then we should make that retroactive
+20:26 <@rich0> Makes sense.
+20:26 <@rich0> Let's get the future cleared up, then we can go back and clean up the past.
+20:26 <@NeddySeagoon> agreed
+20:27 * NeddySeagoon wants a ride in rich0s time machine
+20:27 <@NeddySeagoon> Any more buds for today ?
+20:27 * rich0 likes the leather seats and sunroof in the time machine.
+20:27 <@NeddySeagoon> bugs?
+20:28 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, do you want to say anything on 501(c)(3) registration status and the CPA. I'm aware you are on your 'phone
+20:29 <@NeddySeagoon> I'll take the pause as a 'its too difficult to type' :)
+20:30 <@NeddySeagoon> 7. Advertising Requests
+20:30 <@NeddySeagoon> link to
+20:30 < pengfield> that would be me
+20:30 <@quantumsummers> laggy. sorry. nothing to report re financials. I do have got repos for us now. I need to push some stuff including all financial data for the foundations history.
+20:31 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, thanks for the update
+20:32 <@_robbat2|irssi> sorry was afk for a sec
+20:33 <@_robbat2|irssi> re the advertising request
+20:34 <@NeddySeagoon> yes - a link from link.
+20:34 <@_robbat2|irssi> pengfield's request isn't the first that had a side of google pagerank effect
+20:34 <@_robbat2|irssi> but the prior ones had been hardware sponsors
+20:34 < pengfield> there are some that aren't
+20:35 <@_robbat2|irssi> pengfield: aren't in which way?
+20:35 -!- quantumsummers [~yaaic@gentoo/developer/quantumsummers] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
+20:36 <@_robbat2|irssi> some of our existing sponsors donated to us explicitly because they wanted the pagerank, they happened to use gentoo already so they qualified
+20:36 < pengfield> well there are links to a christmas card manufakturer, toner etc.
+20:36 < pengfield> so am I. so they donated goods?
+20:36 <@_robbat2|irssi> err a christmas card manuf?
+20:36 <@_robbat2|irssi> where do you see that on the sponsor page?
+20:36 < pengfield> yeh :-)
+20:37 < pengfield> "Kartenzia is a young start-up based in germany...."
+20:37 <@rich0> My sense is that hardware and money are fungible at some level. I think the main considerations for listing sponsorships should be some kind of connection to Gentoo (using Gentoo, contributing, etc), and some kind of reasonably fair equivalence in the value of any donations.
+20:37 <@_robbat2|irssi> hotelkatalog24, indoorcycling, kartenzia donate servers
+20:37 <@_robbat2|irssi> from ovh/hetzner etc
+20:38 < pengfield> ah, ok
+20:38 <@_robbat2|irssi> ditto kredit, buchhorn, tintenalarm
+20:38 <@_robbat2|irssi> so what the question really should be
+20:38 <@_robbat2|irssi> is twofold:
+20:38 <@_robbat2|irssi> assuming we keep the must-use-gentoo requirement
+20:39 <@_robbat2|irssi> 1. are sponsors donating to boost their pagerank acceptable
+20:39 <@NeddySeagoon> thats a given
+20:39 <@_robbat2|irssi> 2. what's the fair value of donations?
+20:39 <@rich0> Many orgs would just focus on monetary value, but the tradition in Gentoo has been to look more towards some kind of connection, and we'd probably want to discuss any move to outright buying of placement on -nfp. I suspect it would not be popular with our culture.
+20:39 <@_robbat2|irssi> i would want to keep the must-use-gentoo requirement
+20:40 <@NeddySeagoon> +1
+20:40 <@rich0> I'm fine with #1. Most don't outright say it, but I suspect it is a major consideration for some (not all, and perhaps not even most).
+20:40 < pengfield> I am not just wanting to "buy" a link. It's also about supporting the project, buying links can be done anywhere especially on sites that are more in the area I am focusing on.
+20:40 <@_robbat2|irssi> but the slippery slope of donating for pagerank is happening, and I would like some outright approval from trustees of it
+20:41 -!- quantumsummers [~yaaic@gentoo/developer/quantumsummers] has joined #gentoo-trustees
+20:41 -!- mode/#gentoo-trustees [+o quantumsummers] by ChanServ
+20:41 <@rich0> I think the current community-approved stance is that we can accept money for sponsor listings as long as there is some kind of real connection to Gentoo (ie using it, etc).
+20:41 <@dabbott> _robbat2|irssi: as an example what does Kartenzia donate
+20:41 <@NeddySeagoon> _robbat2|irssi, we have a cash sponsors policy endorsed by members, if we want to deviate from it, we would need to hold a vote of the members again
+20:42 <@rich0> I don't think the pagerank benefits really change that - and switching to "nofollow" links and such would be a big change. If contribution has some kind of benefit I'm fine with that, though if it becomes too big if we ever get 401c status we might have to declare what that is.
+20:42 <@_robbat2|irssi> dabbott: kartenzia & indoorcycling collectively donate one server to infra
+20:43 <@_robbat2|irssi> i think pricing for that box at OVH is around 100EUR/mo, it's one of the nicer servers
+20:45 <@dabbott> pengfield: would you be willing to do something similar
+20:45 < pengfield> actually I was hoping for a one time donation and not something recurring
+20:45 <@_robbat2|irssi> wrt to the existing cash sponsors policy, it was explicitly because kartenzia/indoor-cycling (well, their common sysadmin) didn't want to write up the document required
+20:46 <@NeddySeagoon> pengfield, a one time donation for the link to last how long ?
+20:46 -!- quantumsummers [~yaaic@gentoo/developer/quantumsummers] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
+20:46 < pengfield> basically permanent
+20:47 < pengfield> they way I see it, without a link I would probably ever only donate for the amount of EUR50 or so. If I could get a link I would be willing to pay EUR200-EUR250 for it.
+20:47 <@NeddySeagoon> Thats a new suggestion ... I think we would want to consider that outside of the meeting
+20:48 <@_robbat2|irssi> so that's more in line with the prior one-time hardware donations
+20:48 < pengfield> fair enough
+20:48 <@_robbat2|irssi> than any ongoing donations
+20:48 < pengfield> yeh
+20:48 <@_robbat2|irssi> the closest prior art we have
+20:48 <@_robbat2|irssi> is OSTC
+20:49 <@_robbat2|irssi> the polish financial trading company
+20:49 <@_robbat2|irssi> but their donation was an order of magnitude larger than what you're proposing, and the explicitly couldn't donate hardware due to local law stuff
+20:50 <@_robbat2|irssi> *they explictly
+20:50 <@rich0> Looking at quantumsummers|c interview with them, that was also a pretty big and noteworthy Gentoo install as well.
+20:50 < pengfield> I unfortunately don't have the same sort of backing as OSTC...
+20:50 <@rich0> pengfield, a problem we both share. :)
+20:50 < pengfield> :-)
+20:50 <@_robbat2|irssi> pengfield: how big is your gentoo deployment then?
+20:51 < pengfield> nothing noteworthy, I have one server and one pc...
+20:51 < pengfield> server is running nagios etc...
+20:52 <@_robbat2|irssi> the cash sponsor policy did propose fractional stuff, and we have the sidebar code for it, but what should the cutoff point be?
+20:52 <@dabbott> pengfield: i understand and want to make sure you understand that i appreciate your offer of support
+20:53 < pengfield> dabbot: no prob, I understand your dilemma. It's more of a bigger-picture question you're asking then my donation it seems to me
+20:53 <@NeddySeagoon> _robbat2|irssi, thats sidebar though, not sponsors page
+20:53 <@rich0> My personal sense is that the proposed contribution isn't really on the same level as those of our other listed sponsors. We certainly do value all our supporters - there are countless who contribute money, time, effort, encouragement, etc and most remain fairly unacknowledged.
+20:53 <@NeddySeagoon> pengfield, whatever we agree with your will set a precedent for others ...
+20:53 <@_robbat2|irssi> we should put together another large thanks list from the last year of paypal donations
+20:54 <@_robbat2|irssi> maybe we can take a page from OSL's donation drive years ago
+20:54 <@rich0> _robbat2|irssi, ++ I think we can't do enough to thank those who contribute in one way or another.
+20:54 <@_robbat2|irssi> as background, in prior OSL donation drives
+20:54 <@rich0> And countless contribute just by offering help on user forums and such.
+20:54 <@NeddySeagoon> lets discuss this further ... we have learned a lot from today and need to digest in the light of any precedent we may set
+20:55 <@_robbat2|irssi> they collected funds and put up small signs on their racks, log(donation) scaled your font size
+20:55 < pengfield> sounds reasonable to me.
+20:55 <@NeddySeagoon> pengfield, we might even kick off something new based on your offer ...
+20:56 <@rich0> pengfield, thanks for bearing with us as we work through this stuff. And thanks all the same for your support in whatever ways you can offer it!
+20:56 < pengfield> hehe, glad to hear it. My offer is on the table and you can contact me anytime, even for another meeting :-)
+20:56 <@_robbat2|irssi> crazy idea: say paypal donations 0-A get your name, A-B link, B-C link+blurb etc, in a regular news posting thanking donations?
+20:57 <@NeddySeagoon> pengfield, we will be here on the 3rd Sunday in March. As there is no resolution, it will be on the MArch agenda
+20:57 <@_robbat2|irssi> not the sponsorship page, but still getting recognition
+20:57 <@_robbat2|irssi> but need to work in the sidebar to that as well
+20:57 <@_robbat2|irssi> maybe easier if we publish sidebar as actual ad rates
+20:57 <@NeddySeagoon> lets take it to the alias ...
+20:57 <@_robbat2|irssi> yeah
+20:58 <@_robbat2|irssi> we're at 1 hour already
+20:58 <@NeddySeagoon> pengfield, thanks for your time and your offer
+20:58 <@dabbott> i could commit to doing the "regular news posting thanking donations"
+20:58 <@NeddySeagoon> Cleanup ...
+20:58 <@_robbat2|irssi> i'll post up the log as I said at hte start
+20:58 <@NeddySeagoon> Date of Next Meeting - 17 Mar 2013 19:00 UTC
+20:58 < pengfield> dabbott: makes sense
+20:58 <@rich0> wfm
+20:58 <@NeddySeagoon> me too
+20:59 <@_robbat2|irssi> wfm
+20:59 < pengfield> thanks all and dabbott please let me know how the decision goes one way or the other
+20:59 <@dabbott> pengfield: will do
+20:59 <@NeddySeagoon> Any other business ...
+20:59 < pengfield> c u all!
+20:59 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, ?
+20:59 -!- pengfield [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
+20:59 <@rich0> yes?
+21:00 <@NeddySeagoon> AoB ?
+21:00 <@rich0> no
+21:00 <@NeddySeagoon> dabbott, AoB ?
+21:00 <@dabbott> non here
+21:00 <@_robbat2|irssi> none from me
+21:00 <@NeddySeagoon> thats odd _robbat2|irssi you alway have something :)
+21:00 <@NeddySeagoon> I have one
+21:01 <@NeddySeagoon> PayPal Dispute ... what are we doing about it,
+21:01 <@_robbat2|irssi> real life has been busy for me, and my foundation business was focused on the actual agenda of copyright stuff instead of AoBZ
+21:01 <@NeddySeagoon> hehe
+21:01 <@_robbat2|irssi> who has the paypal login? I couldn't find it in my notes
+21:01 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c, for one.
+21:01 <@dabbott> quantumsummers|c: ^^
+21:01 <@rich0> paypal dispute?
+21:02 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, don't you get our PayPal emais ?
+21:02 <@dabbott> someond donated 20 now is disputing it :)
+21:02 <@_robbat2|irssi> i'll liase with the compliant if you want, but i didn't see his original donation email either
+21:02 <@NeddySeagoon> +l
+21:02 <@rich0> normally I do...
+21:02 <@_robbat2|irssi> he claimed item not recieved
+21:02 <@NeddySeagoon> _robbat2|irssi I'll forward the mail to the alias
+21:03 <@_robbat2|irssi> i have the dispute email, but not the original dontation email
+21:03 <@dabbott> i never saw it
+21:03 <@_robbat2|irssi> that's why I wanted the login
+21:03 <@dabbott> strange
+21:03 <@_robbat2|irssi> to go and look up the transaction
+21:04 <@NeddySeagoon> How do you tie them together - I will have the original mail.
+21:04 <@_robbat2|irssi> the dispute email has the transaction id
+21:04 <@_robbat2|irssi> i'll pm it to you as well
+21:04 <@_robbat2|irssi> date was feb 11th
+21:04 <@NeddySeagoon> Ah OK, I'll see what I can find
+21:04 <@dabbott> NeddySeagoon: you look up the tranaction to see if it is legit
+21:04 <@_robbat2|irssi> which should be unique enough anyway
+21:04 <@_robbat2|irssi> we don't get that many donations
+21:05 <@_robbat2|irssi> feb 11th for $20
+21:05 <@NeddySeagoon> ok, I'll look after the meeting
+21:05 <@NeddySeagoon> Who will post the log? _robbat2|irssi has offered
+21:05 <@_robbat2|irssi> i'll do log
+21:06 <@NeddySeagoon> Who will update the motions page? dabbott gets of lightly this month
+21:06 <@dabbott> _robbat2|irssi: could you do Jan also ?
+21:06 <@_robbat2|irssi> if my client was here yes
+21:06 <@_robbat2|irssi> i'll check and do it if possible
+21:06 <@_robbat2|irssi> since I was awol myself
+21:06 <@NeddySeagoon> Who will send emails? - none to send
+21:06 <@_robbat2|irssi> who's doing minutes?
+21:06 <@NeddySeagoon> Open Floor ...
+21:06 <@dabbott> NeddySeagoon: see if you have Jan
+21:07 <@NeddySeagoon> _robbat2|irssi, we don't do minutes
+21:07 <@NeddySeagoon> dabbott, ok
+21:07 <@NeddySeagoon> I'll wrestle with cvs if I do before _robbat2|irssi converts it to git
+21:08 * rich0 dreams of never having to look at cvs again.... Dreams that turn into rcs file nightmares...
+21:08 * NeddySeagoon bangs the gavel to close the meeting
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5380361
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+20:00 <@rich0> NeddySeagoon: FYI, I'll end up having to go mobile in about 20 min - suggest we cover copyrights early and for the activity tracker I don't believe there is anything new, but I'll take any requests for updated via email.
+20:00 * NeddySeagoon bangs the gavel to open the March 17, 2013 Gentoo Foundation Inc., Trustees Meeting
+20:01 <@quantumsummers> hello
+20:01 <@NeddySeagoon> I'm logging
+20:01 <@dabbott> hi everyone
+20:01 <@NeddySeagoon> hi quantumsummers ... roll call
+20:01 <@rich0> here
+20:01 <@dabbott> here
+20:01 <@NeddySeagoon> robbat2, ?
+20:02 <@NeddySeagoon> we have a quorum -lets start
+20:02 <@NeddySeagoon> Copyright Policies .. rich0 ?
+20:02 <@rich0> Well, sounds like there aren't any complaints with the proposal - next step is to create an actual policy.
+20:03 <@rich0> I'd like to suggest making DCO signoff on each commit optional until we're on git.
+20:03 <@rich0> That is, unless somebody comes up with a proposal for how to do it without much overhead.
+20:03 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0 I don't have a problem with small steps ... anything has to be an improvement
+20:04 <@rich0> Otherwise we can start circulating wording - style should be less explanatory and more actionable than previous communications.
+20:04 <@robbat2> hi
+20:04 <@robbat2> sorry a few mins late
+20:04 <@rich0> ie, when doing commits do a,b,c
+20:04 <@robbat2> doing it without overhead: repoman
+20:04 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, will you draft something, since you seem to be running with this so far ?
+20:04 <@rich0> Sure, happy to draft something.
+20:04 <@rich0> robbat2: we can chat offline about that if you want. I'm fine with it as long as it doesn't create stress for devs.
+20:05 <@NeddySeagoon> robbat2, its got to be visible to the commiter - every time
+20:05 <@rich0> If it just gets auto-added to commit messages with some kind of confirmation that the dev is Ok with it that is fine by me.
+20:05 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, ++
+20:05 <@rich0> I just don't want to end up having a strict format on commit messages and repoman yells at you if it isn't there. git -s makes it easy
+20:05 <@robbat2> ok, we can discuss that w/ zmedico re implementation then
+20:05 <@rich0> agreed
+20:06 <@rich0> Oh, what level of legal counsel do we want on this, if any?
+20:06 <@NeddySeagoon> any more on copyright ?
+20:06 <@rich0> We'll have an FLA, a DCO, and a policy statement.
+20:06 <@quantumsummers> +1 for me
+20:06 <@rich0> I'll prioritize the last two.
+20:06 <@NeddySeagoon> we want to run it by legal before it becomes policy but after its been on -nfp
+20:06 <@rich0> WFM
+20:07 <@dabbott> +1
+20:07 <@NeddySeagoon> any more on copyright ?
+20:07 <@rich0> nothing here
+20:07 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, Financial | Legal Status
+20:07 <@NeddySeagoon> Certified Public Accountant
+20:08 <@quantumsummers> nothing terribly interesting. Getting a head start on our filings. Need to push some files to our repo, will try to get to that this afternoon.
+20:08 <@NeddySeagoon> sounds pretty boring :(
+20:08 <@quantumsummers> I also need to order some checks (cheques)
+20:09 <@quantumsummers> will do that on Monday
+20:09 <@NeddySeagoon> 501(c)(3) registration status
+20:09 <@quantumsummers> I think I will get the sort that have stubs
+20:09 <@quantumsummers> no change in status
+20:09 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, has already said no change to the Foundation Activity Tracker
+20:10 <@NeddySeagoon> 4. Bugs
+20:10 <@rich0> Yup, send any update requests to me offline
+20:11 <@rich0> NeddySeagoon: if we ever get anything more actionable on that possible license violation email I suggest we log that as a bug, but I don't think we have enough to do anything with that yet.
+20:11 <@NeddySeagoon> agreed
+20:11 <@rich0> Should be a private bug though - sensitive issue.
+20:11 <@NeddySeagoon> yep. Its NEEDINFO right now
+20:11 <@rich0> (FYI - for the record - Gentoo hasn't been accused of any license violations.)
+20:12 <@rich0> Just don't want any libel.
+20:12 <@NeddySeagoon> do we need to go through the bug list?
+20:12 <@NeddySeagoon> only 445584 is new
+20:12 <@dabbott> i don't see anything
+20:13 <@robbat2> bug 445584 looks more like it's pending on IEEE
+20:13 < willikins> robbat2: "sys-apps/hwids: {iab,oui}.txt isn't "freely distributable""; Gentoo Linux, Ebuilds; CONF; ulm:flameeyes
+20:13 <@rich0> I don't think 445584 has anything actionable on our part there - no risk to Gentoo that I see.
+20:13 <@NeddySeagoon> do we need to keep an eye on it ?
+20:14 <@robbat2> nope, i think drop trustees from it
+20:14 <@robbat2> comment 5 said RedHat was contacting IEEE
+20:14 <@robbat2> ulm wanted to know if it could be public-domain meanwhile
+20:14 <@rich0> works for me - in general I don't see the need for us to follow every licensing issue unless the licensing team or somebody else asks us to.
+20:15 <@NeddySeagoon> agreed
+20:15 <@rich0> (ie, we should be an escalation point, not a starting point)
+20:15 <@robbat2> ok, i'll send it back to licenses@ and let it be public-domain for now
+20:15 <@NeddySeagoon> ok
+20:15 <@rich0> Sounds good - the main time I'd want the trustees closely involved is if we got some kind of notice of violation from a 3rd party, etc. That means legal risk/etc and we need to show due diligence.
+20:16 <@rich0> Licensing team does a good job.
+20:16 <@NeddySeagoon> yep
+20:16 <@dabbott> yep
+20:16 <@rich0> Question - all those GSCO invoices - anything going on there.?
+20:16 <@rich0> err, GSOC
+20:16 <@rich0> No need to rehash, it just seems like those have been open for ages and I'm not sure how much if any money is still floating out there waiting for us to ask for it.
+20:17 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, ^^^
+20:17 <@quantumsummers> reordering checks and I will close it out
+20:17 <@quantumsummers> or do you mean the google invoices
+20:18 <@quantumsummers> I have them all up to date
+20:18 <@quantumsummers> we can keep that bug around or close it now and open it when we need it again, doesnt matter
+20:18 <@rich0> I'd close it and open a new one each year.
+20:18 <@quantumsummers> could just forget the bug and put the files in a repo too
+20:18 <@rich0> It seems like it needs action if it is open.
+20:18 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, thats cleaner
+20:18 <@quantumsummers> I like having them all in one bug
+20:19 <@quantumsummers> but will defer, no biggie
+20:19 <@rich0> Oh, and for historical record, by all means stick them in the repo. I'd like to see stuff going there from the start in the future - less bus factor.
+20:19 <@quantumsummers> will put this in a repo anyway
+20:19 <@quantumsummers> yessir
+20:19 <@rich0> If you really want to re-open and re-summary it annually it isn't a big deal, but I don't like open bugs that aren't really open.
+20:19 <@quantumsummers> ok
+20:19 <@quantumsummers> that one can be closed then
+20:20 <@quantumsummers> also FTR we have been paid in fill
+20:20 <@quantumsummers> **full
+20:20 <@quantumsummers> for all years
+20:20 <@rich0> Excellent!
+20:20 -!- jmbsvicetto [~jmbsvicet@gentoo/developer/jmbsvicetto] has quit [Quit: leaving]
+20:20 <@robbat2> nice
+20:21 <@quantumsummers> nice it is
+20:21 <@NeddySeagoon> That brings us to Cleanup
+20:21 <@NeddySeagoon> Date of Next Meeting - 21 Apr 2013 19:00 UTC
+20:21 <@quantumsummers> wtf
+20:21 <@quantumsummers> mem
+20:21 <@NeddySeagoon> works for me
+20:21 <@quantumsummers> WFM!
+20:21 <@rich0> wfm
+20:21 <@robbat2> checking cal
+20:22 <@dabbott> fine here
+20:22 <@quantumsummers> (must be typing wtf a lot these days)
+20:22 <@robbat2> no conflicts on my cal
+20:22 <@NeddySeagoon> Any other business ...
+20:22 <@quantumsummers> robbat2: how we doing on infra needs? (ssl, servers, gear, etc, etc)
+20:22 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, ^^
+20:22 <@robbat2> ssl, I need to put together my plans into a bug w/ a funding request
+20:23 <@quantumsummers> ok
+20:23 <@robbat2> server-wise, we're mostly happy for the moment, we've been decommisioning some of the oldest boxes that were underutillized and very aging
+20:23 <@quantumsummers> robbat2: good
+20:23 <@quantumsummers> @trustees
+20:23 <@robbat2> sparrow.g.o is the most recent retirement, a few days short of 8 years of active gentoo services
+20:23 <@quantumsummers> wow, fine machine that one
+20:24 <@quantumsummers> OSUOSL has privately asked us (via me) if we can foot some of our bill
+20:24 <@quantumsummers> Lance said he would send me a proposal, but that was 4 weeks back
+20:24 <@quantumsummers> sounded like ~500 USD/month
+20:24 <@rich0> I need to go mobile - don't wait for me if you don't need me on a vote, but I will try to monitor what remains of the meeting...
+20:24 <@quantumsummers> they have run into budget issues or something
+20:25 <@robbat2> is that paying for electrical, bandwidth, or manpower?
+20:25 <@quantumsummers> anyway, from my end, it looks like we could easily do that as long as it was not a long term proposition
+20:25 <@NeddySeagoon> lets wait until we see the proposal ...
+20:25 <@quantumsummers> robbat2: electrical and bandwidth
+20:25 <@quantumsummers> mainly electrical iirc
+20:25 <@quantumsummers> NeddySeagoon: surely, but I wanted to give a heads up to expect something in the ballpark
+20:26 <@quantumsummers> we are not obligated, but it would be a good idea to help them out if we can
+20:26 <@quantumsummers> since we depend so heavily
+20:26 <@robbat2> if electrical, we can probably do better by updating some of hardware, to use less power
+20:26 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, that sounds like its more than our regular monthly income ...
+20:26 <@quantumsummers> robbat2: couldn't hurt
+20:26 <@quantumsummers> NeddySeagoon: we are averaging ~1000 iirc
+20:27 <@quantumsummers> I'll run the new numbers soon, so I'll have a better idea
+20:27 <@robbat2> is that with the GSOC averaged?
+20:27 <@quantumsummers> no
+20:27 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, Ah, ok. $500/month won't be too painful then
+20:27 <@quantumsummers> I do not count gsoc in, just paypal
+20:27 <@robbat2> ok, that's not too bad then
+20:27 <@robbat2> i thought we were way less
+20:27 <@quantumsummers> right, and if we do say a year
+20:27 <@quantumsummers> it will ahve little impact on our total deposits
+20:28 <@NeddySeagoon> I with robbat2 for updating hardware to reduce operating costs on power
+20:28 <@quantumsummers> sure. we should do that regardless
+20:28 <@quantumsummers> just to keep things sane
+20:28 <@NeddySeagoon> yep
+20:28 <@quantumsummers> I enabled the conservative governor on my servers and am saving ~$50 a month
+20:28 <@quantumsummers> about 1/3 in savings
+20:29 <@NeddySeagoon> Thats impressive.
+20:29 <@quantumsummers> I don't have a lot of load currently
+20:29 <@quantumsummers> should just turn off a bunch of cores really
+20:29 <@robbat2> on the $work sides, we've gained 6A by moving from older 75% efficency PSUs to 92%+ ones
+20:29 <@robbat2> *efficiency
+20:29 <@quantumsummers> nice
+20:30 <@quantumsummers> also electrical is really expensive in my colo
+20:30 <@NeddySeagoon> I moved 4 boxes into KVMs and saved ?40/month ... which pays for the hardware over a year
+20:30 <@robbat2> yup
+20:30 <@quantumsummers> that covers my AoB
+20:30 <@NeddySeagoon> dabbott, AoB ?
+20:31 <@dabbott> none here :)
+20:31 <@NeddySeagoon> robbat2, AoB ?
+20:31 <@robbat2> i said mine already re ssl
+20:31 <@NeddySeagoon> :)
+20:31 <@NeddySeagoon> I have one
+20:32 <@NeddySeagoon> We briefly discussed a permanent link in exchange for a small one time payment - I don't see how we can make that work, so I suggest not doing it
+20:32 <@quantumsummers> +1
+20:33 <@quantumsummers> we are not a link farm
+20:33 <@dabbott> +1
+20:33 <@robbat2> one of the other OSS teams I do also had this discussion recently, they decided to strictly keep it tied to time limits
+20:33 <@robbat2> and charge a lot more for their links
+20:33 <@robbat2> like $200/mo for the top ones
+20:33 <@quantumsummers> robbat2: we could, in theory, build this sort of thing into the sidebar app
+20:34 <@quantumsummers> with time limits
+20:34 <@robbat2> yep
+20:34 <@NeddySeagoon> That might work. We have never been offered that - its simpler not to do it at all
+20:34 <@robbat2> that's what it was built for
+20:34 <@robbat2> NeddySeagoon, that more closely models our hardware sponsors
+20:34 <@quantumsummers> yes, (not considering the time bit, but no biggie there)
+20:35 <@quantumsummers> if we did this, it would be considered unrelated income, which will be interesting to the cpa. easily dealt with though
+20:35 <@NeddySeagoon> robbat2, well, if we can factor appearances so the values to gentoo match
+20:36 <@NeddySeagoon> Lets toke it off line on the alias
+20:36 <@quantumsummers> also, we dont really need that income so much, but it could help with osuosl support and so forth
+20:36 <@robbat2> anyway, that is if we did go with the need for income
+20:36 <@quantumsummers> toke it NeddySeagoon?
+20:36 <@quantumsummers> ;)
+20:36 <@NeddySeagoon> take*
+20:36 <@quantumsummers> hippy
+20:36 <@NeddySeagoon> hehe
+20:36 <@NeddySeagoon> I'll post logs - there are no emails nor motions
+20:37 * quantumsummers straightens his tie
+20:37 <@quantumsummers> ok thanks NeddySeagoon
+20:37 <@NeddySeagoon> Open Floor ...
+20:37 <@dabbott> thanks NeddySeagoon
+20:38 * NeddySeagoon bangs the gale to close the meeting
diff --git a/2013/meeting-04-21.log b/2013/meeting-04-21.log
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+Apr 21 15:08:08 <quantumsummers|c> roll call
+Apr 21 15:08:12 <dabbott> here
+Apr 21 15:08:16 <quantumsummers|c> here
+Apr 21 15:08:18 <rich0> here
+Apr 21 15:08:23 <quantumsummers|c> quorum
+Apr 21 15:08:42 * rich0 notes that next month we should announce the next election recording date in June. No action needed now.
+Apr 21 15:08:58 <quantumsummers|c> Motion: move all items to email, call open floor, and close the official meeting
+Apr 21 15:09:00 <dabbott> who is up
+Apr 21 15:09:26 <quantumsummers|c> oops, rich0 noted
+Apr 21 15:09:39 <quantumsummers|c> seems like I am up perhaps
+Apr 21 15:09:42 <rich0> quantumsummers|c: fine by me, but any motions (if any) should be posted
+Apr 21 15:09:55 <quantumsummers|c> rich0: certainly
+Apr 21 15:10:11 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to bluebottle
+Apr 21 15:10:32 <bluebottle> Sorry I'm late
+Apr 21 15:10:39 <dabbott> I think robbat2 is also up
+Apr 21 15:10:50 <quantumsummers|c> bluebottle: hello, no prob
+Apr 21 15:11:17 <bluebottle> I'm on 1024x600 - can someone else run the meeeting please
+Apr 21 15:11:33 <quantumsummers|c> bluebottle: already taken it
+Apr 21 15:11:41 <bluebottle> quantumsummers|c, thanks
+Apr 21 15:12:08 <quantumsummers|c> bluebottle: if you agree, we will move the meeting items (few if anything) to email, call open floor and end the meeting early.
+Apr 21 15:12:20 <_robbat21irssi> back
+Apr 21 15:12:32 <dabbott> hi _robbat21irssi
+Apr 21 15:13:17 <bluebottle> quantumsummers|c, seconded
+Apr 21 15:13:55 <_robbat21irssi> i votr aye, but ask one thing
+Apr 21 15:14:03 <quantumsummers|c> ask away
+Apr 21 15:14:14 <_robbat21irssi> the prior business re donating to osl per lance's request
+Apr 21 15:14:33 <_robbat21irssi> any objections to it?
+Apr 21 15:14:34 <bluebottle> I have not seen the request
+Apr 21 15:14:46 <_robbat21irssi> quantumsummers|c: mentioned it last meeting
+Apr 21 15:14:49 <quantumsummers|c> right. no objections but we need a proposal/request
+Apr 21 15:14:53 <bluebottle> but no objections to a regular donation
+Apr 21 15:14:55 <quantumsummers|c> I have not received anything from him
+Apr 21 15:15:02 <_robbat21irssi> but there wasn't any further detail
+Apr 21 15:15:05 <_robbat21irssi> ah
+Apr 21 15:15:08 <quantumsummers|c> right
+Apr 21 15:15:22 <quantumsummers|c> he had mentioned ~$500 per month to assist in the shortfall
+Apr 21 15:15:37 <rich0> Suggest taking to email/bugzilla. Would want to discuss the details.
+Apr 21 15:15:38 <quantumsummers|c> but stated he would provide a formal proposal
+Apr 21 15:15:42 <quantumsummers|c> yes
+Apr 21 15:15:43 <quantumsummers|c> agree
+Apr 21 15:15:47 <quantumsummers|c> I can file a bug
+Apr 21 15:15:50 <quantumsummers|c> now
+Apr 21 15:16:03 <rich0> At $500/month we should probably determine if we really need everything they're providing us (the answer might be yes, but we should be sure).
+Apr 21 15:16:07 <_robbat21irssi> please do, and i'll remind him re proposal
+Apr 21 15:16:08 <bluebottle> ot poke lance, or both
+Apr 21 15:16:39 <_robbat21irssi> rich0 for what we're getting, it's a bargain
+Apr 21 15:16:44 <bluebottle> rich0, $500/month is way below cost
+Apr 21 15:17:04 <rich0> My question wasn't so much whether we're getting our money's worth, but do we NEED what we're getting.
+Apr 21 15:17:14 <rich0> Happy to take it off the meeting, though.
+Apr 21 15:17:55 <quantumsummers|c> bug 466716
+Apr 21 15:18:01 <_robbat21irssi> need: yes, for both releng+infra
+Apr 21 15:18:10 <_robbat21irssi> but i'll back it up in the bug
+Apr 21 15:18:37 <quantumsummers|c> I will close Bug 418203 Google Summer of Code Invoices, I have uploaded 2012 now
+Apr 21 15:18:48 <bluebottle> ok
+Apr 21 15:18:51 <quantumsummers|c> ( will re-open for 2013)
+Apr 21 15:18:53 <rich0> Thanks - that really applys to any infra we consume - just want to make sure we're getting use out of what we're consuming, even if it is free to us.
+Apr 21 15:19:15 <rich0> Infra's word is good enough - just want to make sure it was considered.
+Apr 21 15:19:47 <rich0> quantumsummers|c: up to you, but you might consider opening a new one each year. Either that, or make it clear in a comment what is and isn't pending.
+Apr 21 15:20:14 <quantumsummers|c> rich0: sure. although now we have 2006 - 2012 all in one bug
+Apr 21 15:20:24 <bluebottle> We should review the need and the amount every year
+Apr 21 15:20:35 <bluebottle> ignore that
+Apr 21 15:20:38 <quantumsummers|c> bluebottle: agreed
+Apr 21 15:21:01 <quantumsummers|c> for my limited use (1/2 rack) I pay ~800 per month
+Apr 21 15:21:13 <bluebottle> my display system just died permanently :(
+Apr 21 15:21:18 <quantumsummers|c> includes bandwidth, power, etc
+Apr 21 15:21:22 <quantumsummers|c> bluebottle: ouch
+Apr 21 15:21:52 * bluebottle hopes its the video card ...
+Apr 21 15:22:30 <_robbat21irssi> anyway, thx, anything else to email
+Apr 21 15:22:37 <quantumsummers|c> ok, I'm going to call open floor now
+Apr 21 15:22:53 <quantumsummers|c> Formal Agenda has been moved to email.
+Apr 21 15:22:57 <quantumsummers|c> Open Floor!
+Apr 21 15:23:01 <quantumsummers|c> any takers?
+Apr 21 15:23:17 <quantumsummers|c> going once
+Apr 21 15:23:24 <quantumsummers|c> going twice...
+Apr 21 15:23:42 <quantumsummers|c> three times a lady? anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
+Apr 21 15:23:50 <quantumsummers|c> Open Floor is closed
+Apr 21 15:23:58 <quantumsummers|c> Here endeth this meeting.
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+May 19 15:01:35 * NeddySeagoon bangs the gavel to open the May 19, 2013 Gentoo Foundation Inc. trustees meeting.
+May 19 15:01:50 <NeddySeagoon> Roll call.
+May 19 15:02:00 <_robbat2|irssi> yo
+May 19 15:02:03 <dabbott> here
+May 19 15:02:04 <NeddySeagoon> robbat2, quantumsummers rich0 dabbott
+May 19 15:02:12 <NeddySeagoon> I'm logging
+May 19 15:02:52 <_robbat2|irssi> give rich0 and quantumsummers a few mins?
+May 19 15:03:02 <NeddySeagoon> rich0, said he may be on the road. I guess quantumsummers might be busy too
+May 19 15:03:06 <NeddySeagoon> OK
+May 19 15:06:18 <NeddySeagoon> Lets start, the three of us is a quorum ... we can update rich0 and quantumsummers if they join
+May 19 15:06:30 <_robbat2|irssi> ok
+May 19 15:06:52 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, It looks like you are first with Initiate Trustee Election
+May 19 15:07:40 <dabbott> I am just following this
+May 19 15:08:21 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, thats fine. After today, its update the members list and have elections kick it off.
+May 19 15:08:58 <dabbott> got it jmbsvicetto said he will be busy not sure who can do it
+May 19 15:09:37 <dabbott> maybe Tommy[D]
+May 19 15:09:38 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, I can do some of it if we are stuck but as a trustee, I would rather not.
+May 19 15:09:41 <_robbat2|irssi> given that i'm not running again, I can be an EO for this one
+May 19 15:10:06 <NeddySeagoon> _robbat2|irssi, thanks.
+May 19 15:10:44 <NeddySeagoon> We may as well move onto bugs.
+May 19 15:11:12 <NeddySeagoon> Bug 466716
+May 19 15:11:30 <_robbat2|irssi> hmm, where is that bot!
+May 19 15:11:51 <NeddySeagoon> I think we need a vote on this one so that quantumsummers has a mandate to write the cheque
+May 19 15:11:58 <NeddySeagoon> _robbat2|irssi, its a secure bug
+May 19 15:12:21 <_robbat2|irssi> (the bot is also awol)
+May 19 15:12:49 <dabbott> we were going for yearly this year correct
+May 19 15:13:28 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, for this year only. Next year, OUSL has other fundraising plans
+May 19 15:13:29 <_robbat2|irssi> is there any discussion needed from y'all?
+May 19 15:13:41 <NeddySeagoon> Not really -
+May 19 15:13:45 <NeddySeagoon> I vote Aye
+May 19 15:13:51 <_robbat2|irssi> <hat type="infra">I fully support the OSL donation plan</hat>
+May 19 15:13:51 <dabbott> none here i vote yes
+May 19 15:13:55 <_robbat2|irssi> I also vote aye
+May 19 15:14:16 <dabbott> quantumsummers: cut the check
+May 19 15:14:20 <NeddySeagoon> Motion Carried. Would someone update the bug please?
+May 19 15:14:49 <dabbott> ok will do
+May 19 15:15:15 <NeddySeagoon> Bug 429578. Should there be some attachments by now ?
+May 19 15:15:36 * NeddySeagoon looks at _robbat2|irssi
+May 19 15:16:03 <_robbat2|irssi> that's a really old bug, it was infra looking for any docs that trustees other than me had
+May 19 15:16:48 <NeddySeagoon> _robbat2|irssi, do we need it? We may not have an infra- rep on the board next year
+May 19 15:17:40 <_robbat2|irssi> more specifically, we're looking for the ones for the boxes purchased with the gsoc funds a few years ago, plus the ganeti boxes purchased last year
+May 19 15:17:57 <_robbat2|irssi> i think quantumsummers has all of them
+May 19 15:18:18 <NeddySeagoon> ok, we do need it then ... lets leave the bug for now.
+May 19 15:19:26 <NeddySeagoon> _robbat2|irssi, having an -infra guy on the board has worked really well four us this year. Is there another -infra person that we might prevail on to stand ?
+May 19 15:19:52 <_robbat2|irssi> i can ask them to consider running, but most of them are quite busy
+May 19 15:19:57 <_robbat2|irssi> while i'm not planning on running
+May 19 15:20:04 <_robbat2|irssi> i am willing to keep attending meetings
+May 19 15:20:33 <NeddySeagoon> _robbat2|irssi, that would work - an non-exec, non-voting board member
+May 19 15:21:40 <NeddySeagoon> I don't think we need to review any other bugs today
+May 19 15:22:19 <NeddySeagoon> That brings us to Membership Applications.
+May 19 15:22:47 <NeddySeagoon> As they are all Gentoo Devs, I thihnk we can deal with them in one vote.
+May 19 15:23:07 <NeddySeagoon> All those in favour our our 7 new members please say Aye
+May 19 15:23:11 <_robbat2|irssi> aye
+May 19 15:23:15 <NeddySeagoon> Aye.
+May 19 15:23:27 <dabbott> yes to all
+May 19 15:23:43 <NeddySeagoon> Motion carried - I'll do the emails.
+May 19 15:23:54 <dabbott> thanks NeddySeagoon
+May 19 15:24:38 <NeddySeagoon> I thought we had an Advertising Request ... it was more a paid suppoer ad request
+May 19 15:24:55 <_robbat2|irssi> hmm, let me check my email
+May 19 15:25:19 <dabbott> someone wanted to wire us a donation
+May 19 15:25:25 <_robbat2|irssi> ah right
+May 19 15:25:50 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, was going to take care of it
+May 19 15:25:56 <dabbott> quantumsummers: was going to check into it through paypal or the bank
+May 19 15:26:10 <_robbat2|irssi> yeah, we don't have any other details of who the donor is even
+May 19 15:26:16 <_robbat2|irssi> other than an email address that's quite anonymous
+May 19 15:26:24 <NeddySeagoon> I can't find the email. Maybe it was last month
+May 19 15:26:31 <_robbat2|irssi> may 13th
+May 19 15:26:46 <dabbott> i forwarded it from pr@
+May 19 15:26:48 <_robbat2|irssi> subjects 'Re: Donation' and 'Fwd: Donation'
+May 19 15:26:57 <NeddySeagoon> Not that one ... the paid support ad request
+May 19 15:27:45 <_robbat2|irssi> ah there , apr 1st
+May 19 15:27:50 <_robbat2|irssi> Subject: Comercial Gentoo support
+May 19 15:27:59 <_robbat2|irssi>
+May 19 15:28:39 <_robbat2|irssi> i see no issues if Tomas sent him to us
+May 19 15:28:59 <_robbat2|irssi> just need to get ad copy from him for the paid support page
+May 19 15:29:13 <NeddySeagoon> Me neither.
+May 19 15:29:19 <NeddySeagoon> _robbat2|irssi, yep.
+May 19 15:29:41 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, you want to follow up please ?
+May 19 15:29:58 <dabbott> I think he want to provide support to people using Gentoo commercially
+May 19 15:30:17 <_robbat2|irssi>
+May 19 15:30:24 <_robbat2|irssi> was the page to put them on
+May 19 15:30:29 <_robbat2|irssi> like axant
+May 19 15:30:38 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, yes - we can give him an ad on the paid support page.
+May 19 15:30:52 <NeddySeagoon> _robbat2|irssi, thats it
+May 19 15:31:00 <dabbott> ok I will get with him
+May 19 15:31:05 <_robbat2|irssi> hmm, we should also ask bonsaikitten if his support offering is still open, as the link is dead
+May 19 15:31:07 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, thanks
+May 19 15:31:19 <quantumsummers> sorry I'm late
+May 19 15:31:27 <_robbat2|irssi> ditto flameeys' support offering
+May 19 15:31:35 <NeddySeagoon> Hi quantumsummers hows the family ?
+May 19 15:31:36 <dabbott> _robbat2|irssi: i will ask him
+May 19 15:31:48 <dabbott> and fix the link
+May 19 15:32:11 <dabbott> ditto :)
+May 19 15:32:26 <quantumsummers> I will mail the check Monday or so
+May 19 15:32:34 <NeddySeagoon> Thanks quantumsummers
+May 19 15:32:34 <quantumsummers> NeddySeagoon: family is great
+May 19 15:32:46 <quantumsummers> baby girl has had a pleasant first week
+May 19 15:32:58 <dabbott> congrats ++
+May 19 15:33:07 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, I'm pleased they are all doing well
+May 19 15:33:08 <quantumsummers> thanks
+May 19 15:33:17 <quantumsummers> did we get an email from ago today?
+May 19 15:33:22 <quantumsummers> trustees@ that is
+May 19 15:33:40 <_robbat2|irssi> not that i've seen
+May 19 15:33:42 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, not that I have seen
+May 19 15:34:30 <dabbott> here is the latest members list with todays dev's included <+ please review
+May 19 15:34:43 <quantumsummers> hmm, well one should arrive soon I suppose
+May 19 15:34:53 <quantumsummers> thanks dabbott
+May 19 15:34:57 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, do you want to say anything about our 501(c)(3) registration status before we move on ?
+May 19 15:35:14 <quantumsummers> not too much happening
+May 19 15:35:24 <quantumsummers> just getting ready for the end of the FY
+May 19 15:35:29 <dabbott> its in the news the hold ups etc
+May 19 15:35:30 <quantumsummers> then things will pick up some
+May 19 15:35:44 <NeddySeagoon> From [Foundations] it looks like the IRS has it in for applications like ours too
+May 19 15:36:02 <_robbat2|irssi> dabbott: date on that file is wrong, says may 9th
+May 19 15:36:08 <quantumsummers> NeddySeagoon: this is the case, yes
+May 19 15:36:26 <quantumsummers> of course, with the recent shakeup, we may be in for better luck
+May 19 15:36:39 <NeddySeagoon> recent shakeup ?
+May 19 15:36:43 <dabbott> robbat2: i put it together then when i had some time will update
+May 19 15:36:56 <quantumsummers> yes, IRS head was canned, etc. Been in the news
+May 19 15:37:13 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, Not here it hasn't :)
+May 19 15:37:24 <NeddySeagoon> but its good to know
+May 19 15:37:28 <quantumsummers> "unfair scrutiny" or similar for some 501c* applications
+May 19 15:37:39 <quantumsummers> mainly c3 and c4
+May 19 15:37:46 <quantumsummers> anyway, google it, fairly interesting
+May 19 15:37:48 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers OK, I'll googl
+May 19 15:37:54 <_robbat2|irssi> i do have one AoB item to mention
+May 19 15:38:09 <NeddySeagoon> OK, leys do AoB now#
+May 19 15:38:20 <_robbat2|irssi> so my item, is an update on the SSL
+May 19 15:38:27 <_robbat2|irssi> the need for it is increasing w/ some of the portage issues
+May 19 15:38:41 <_robbat2|irssi> i was trying to get disconuts/free, but that's never quite worked out
+May 19 15:39:04 <quantumsummers> lets just go with verisign and bite hte bullet
+May 19 15:39:05 <_robbat2|irssi> so I wanted to check that a ballpark $500/year is going to be acceptable - basically gives us unlimited certs for that
+May 19 15:39:12 <quantumsummers> wfm
+May 19 15:39:24 <quantumsummers> who is the CA?
+May 19 15:39:25 <_robbat2|irssi> $500/year from digicert, for unlimited certs under
+May 19 15:39:30 <NeddySeagoon> If we need it, lets do it +1
+May 19 15:39:35 <dabbott> +1
+May 19 15:39:39 <quantumsummers> +1
+May 19 15:39:39 <_robbat2|irssi> ok, i'll put in an actual funding request for it
+May 19 15:39:46 <_robbat2|irssi> because it's kind of pricy
+May 19 15:40:04 <quantumsummers> very good, _robbat2|irssi, who will be technical contact and all that jazz?
+May 19 15:40:08 <NeddySeagoon> That works. It guess its the going rate
+May 19 15:40:40 <_robbat2|irssi> infra will be the contact point, they've got an API as well (that I already have working code for) to generate certs quick&easy
+May 19 15:40:46 <quantumsummers> I think that is a pretty good price for unlimited
+May 19 15:40:56 <quantumsummers> so its not a wildcad
+May 19 15:41:01 <quantumsummers> **wildcard
+May 19 15:41:22 <_robbat2|irssi>
+May 19 15:41:27 <_robbat2|irssi> that's the offering
+May 19 15:41:43 <_robbat2|irssi> it's not wildcard, but unlimited SANs
+May 19 15:41:46 <_robbat2|irssi> ~6 per cert
+May 19 15:42:13 <_robbat2|irssi> and a wildcard at the top level
+May 19 15:42:26 <quantumsummers> sounds great
+May 19 15:42:41 <NeddySeagoon> Sounds good to me
+May 19 15:42:42 <_robbat2|irssi> <-- look at the cert on that site for an example
+May 19 15:42:50 * quantumsummers would love to see the code too, since I need to look at renewing shortly
+May 19 15:43:03 <quantumsummers> I am with thawte now, and it is too expensive really
+May 19 15:43:14 <quantumsummers> the unlimited server bit looks really nice
+May 19 15:43:17 <_robbat2|irssi> if you just need a few certs and you know ahead of time, there are much cheaper options
+May 19 15:43:24 <_robbat2|irssi> or simple wildcards
+May 19 15:43:39 <_robbat2|irssi> the digicert offering is the best ongoing issuance option
+May 19 15:43:47 <quantumsummers> excellent
+May 19 15:44:16 <_robbat2|irssi> oh, we will need to look at a seperate cheap wildcard for bugzie
+May 19 15:44:26 <quantumsummers> _robbat2|irssi: why is that?
+May 19 15:44:29 <_robbat2|irssi> since the digicert offering will only be a toplevel wildcard
+May 19 15:44:33 <quantumsummers> ah
+May 19 15:44:43 <_robbat2|irssi> and bugzie attachments need an additional wildcard
+May 19 15:44:47 <quantumsummers> right
+May 19 15:44:47 <_robbat2|irssi> to match *
+May 19 15:44:54 <_robbat2|irssi> that we just go with a cheap wildcard
+May 19 15:45:17 <_robbat2|irssi> i'll put all of it in the funding request
+May 19 15:45:23 <quantumsummers> ok
+May 19 15:45:24 <_robbat2|irssi> and get more eyeballs on it
+May 19 15:45:28 <_robbat2|irssi> before we hit go
+May 19 15:45:51 <_robbat2|irssi> that's my AoB done
+May 19 15:46:08 <NeddySeagoon> _robbat2|irssi, it looks like you have thought it all through. Write up your funding request for the total cost of SSL certs for everything.
+May 19 15:46:33 <NeddySeagoon> Any more AoB ? None from me
+May 19 15:46:39 <quantumsummers> not here
+May 19 15:46:45 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, ?
+May 19 15:47:37 <dabbott> none here :)
+May 19 15:48:02 <NeddySeagoon> Date of Next Meeting - 16 Jun 2013 19:00 UTC. I will not be around. My wifte is looking for somewhere with no phone coberage and no internet
+May 19 15:48:39 <NeddySeagoon> Thats Fathers day in the USA too
+May 19 15:48:49 <_robbat2|irssi> given that we have a quorum now, can we announce the recording date now (2 months ahead?)
+May 19 15:49:14 <NeddySeagoon> _robbat2|irssi, yes. Today is the recording date for the election
+May 19 15:49:26 <dabbott> ok noted
+May 19 15:49:35 <_robbat2|irssi> err from the other thread it wasn't clear if it was today or next month
+May 19 15:50:12 <NeddySeagoon> The members list as it is at the end of this meeting defines who is qualified to vote or stand in the election
+May 19 15:50:52 <dabbott> lets move next month to 23
+May 19 15:51:05 <NeddySeagoon> We need to update -foundations-announce and the members list for use in the election in the next two weeks
+May 19 15:51:08 <_robbat2|irssi> rich0's mail said announce a june recording date in may, but then he thought he was a month ahead of shcedule
+May 19 15:51:58 <NeddySeagoon> Roughly 4 weeks nominations in June, 4 weeks to vote in July. New board meets mid Aug
+May 19 15:52:09 <dabbott> NeddySeagoon: can you do that this time so I can see it done, im not real clear really
+May 19 15:52:19 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, sure
+May 19 15:52:37 <NeddySeagoon> I need -foundations-announce updated first
+May 19 15:53:00 <_robbat2|irssi> quantumsummers: can you give me the diff of your members email data?
+May 19 15:53:06 <_robbat2|irssi> or just before/after snaps
+May 19 15:53:10 <_robbat2|irssi> and i'll apply that to the list
+May 19 15:53:13 <NeddySeagoon> Shall we move next months meeting to 23rd June ?
+May 19 15:53:38 <dabbott> yes
+May 19 15:53:48 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, you need to get todays new members
+May 19 15:54:10 <_robbat2|irssi> yes June 23rd works, i might just be a few mins late
+May 19 15:54:13 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, _robbat2|irssi Does 23rd June work for our next meeting ?
+May 19 15:54:24 <_robbat2|irssi> as I have a normal work meeting 16:00-19:00 UTC that day
+May 19 15:54:36 <_robbat2|irssi> err
+May 19 15:54:51 <_robbat2|irssi> i looked at may 23rd
+May 19 15:54:58 <NeddySeagoon> _robbat2|irssi, Thats a Sunday ... you must work some strange hours
+May 19 15:54:59 <_robbat2|irssi> yes, it works
+May 19 15:55:33 <_robbat2|irssi> NeddySeagoon: a variable 40-70 hours ;-)
+May 19 15:55:48 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, how does June 23rd work for you ?
+May 19 15:56:55 <NeddySeagoon> OK, we have 3 infavour of June 23. Lets move the meeting by one week. Same time and place
+May 19 15:57:30 <NeddySeagoon> I'll post the log and write to our new members.
+May 19 15:57:33 <dabbott> I will do the 2 motions
+May 19 15:57:44 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, can you do motions please ?
+May 19 15:57:55 <dabbott> yep
+May 19 15:58:07 <NeddySeagoon> That brings us to Open Floor
+May 19 15:59:34 * NeddySeagoon bangs the gavel to close the meeting
diff --git a/2013/meeting-06-23.log b/2013/meeting-06-23.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7ccbaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2013/meeting-06-23.log
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+Jun 23 15:07:15 <rich0> Roll Call: robbat2, dabbott, rich0 present for now
+Jun 23 15:07:22 <dabbott> present
+Jun 23 15:07:43 <robbat2> wait 2 mins for them?
+Jun 23 15:07:57 <rich0> Well, NeddySeagoon asked to get started without him.
+Jun 23 15:08:03 <rich0> Haven't heard from quantumsummers
+Jun 23 15:08:58 <rich0> I don't have anything exciting to report on copyright policies. Have an 80% draft that just needs a bit more cleanup, and of course implementation.
+Jun 23 15:09:06 <rich0> Anything we should discuss there?
+Jun 23 15:09:21 <dabbott> I'm logging and will post the logs
+Jun 23 15:09:29 <rich0> Thanks.
+Jun 23 15:09:35 <robbat2> sending that draft out to the nfp list might be worthwhile (incl the TODO list) if it's enough changes
+Jun 23 15:09:46 <robbat2> in the bugs we need quantumsummers for many of them
+Jun 23 15:10:00 <rich0> Let me take a quick look, but I agree - might be worth at least getting it out for comment.
+Jun 23 15:10:21 <robbat2> bug 473258, the chinese CD seller, motion for approving them?
+Jun 23 15:11:31 <dabbott> yes
+Jun 23 15:11:34 <rich0> Seems reasonable
+Jun 23 15:11:55 <rich0> robbat2: you fine with that?
+Jun 23 15:12:31 <rich0> Do we normally expect a portion of the sales, and if so, how much should we ask for?
+Jun 23 15:12:39 <rich0> I think we do.
+Jun 23 15:12:41 <robbat2> his price is so low
+Jun 23 15:13:05 <robbat2> i think stipulate if he raises his prices maybe we ask for a donation
+Jun 23 15:13:16 <robbat2> but it's $0.70USD/ea he's selling them for
+Jun 23 15:13:32 <rich0> Agreed - at that price I can't see asking him for a share.
+Jun 23 15:14:05 <rich0> Maybe tell him as long as the price is under 10 rmb he's fine, above that he should talk to us?
+Jun 23 15:14:22 <rich0> Or make it 50?
+Jun 23 15:14:33 <rich0> That's still < $10
+Jun 23 15:14:53 <robbat2> 50 seems reasonable
+Jun 23 15:14:58 <robbat2> dabbott, your take on it?
+Jun 23 15:15:15 <robbat2> the debian ones are 50RMB
+Jun 23 15:15:19 <dabbott> we have been working on good faith with the other vendors quantumsummers would know if any donate
+Jun 23 15:16:25 <dabbott> i can send them an email and add them to the vendor page
+Jun 23 15:16:25 <rich0> I'm fine with taking it offline if we feel his input is essential.
+Jun 23 15:16:33 <rich0> Works for me.
+Jun 23 15:16:40 * NeddySeagoon arrives and reads the backlog ...
+Jun 23 15:17:00 <rich0> NeddySeagoon: basically just jumping around taking items opportunistically.
+Jun 23 15:18:58 <dabbott> brb
+Jun 23 15:19:02 <NeddySeagoon> Will the chairman please contine
+Jun 23 15:19:16 <rich0> Do we have one?
+Jun 23 15:19:33 <NeddySeagoon> Well, whoever was leading the meeting ...
+Jun 23 15:19:46 <robbat2> none of us
+Jun 23 15:19:54 <NeddySeagoon> hehe
+Jun 23 15:19:54 <rich0> I think the reason we haven't really concluded a single item in 15min is that we're taking turns picking topics.
+Jun 23 15:20:13 <rich0> We did get roll call and logs.
+Jun 23 15:20:19 <robbat2> and we're done on that vendor
+Jun 23 15:20:27 <rich0> What was the conclusion?
+Jun 23 15:20:38 <robbat2> in favour, as long as it's under 50RMB
+Jun 23 15:20:41 <robbat2> without any donation
+Jun 23 15:20:44 <rich0> Ok, I think that is 3 of us.
+Jun 23 15:20:56 <robbat2> if goes 50RMB, we would like to see some donation
+Jun 23 15:20:57 <NeddySeagoon> I can see there is a metastructure change in the wind. It would be good to get the copyright stuff put to bead before that happens
+Jun 23 15:21:07 <rich0> And I didn't hear any concerns with copyright policy beyond getting the policy out on -nfp.
+Jun 23 15:21:43 <rich0> NeddySeagoon: what metastructure change? I've really only seen some random comments on IRC and an email thread with a few posts, but nothing serious that looks like a change.
+Jun 23 15:22:43 <NeddySeagoon> I have no idea what 50RMB buys is China its ok saying its <$10 but if it feeds a family for a month, 50RMB is a lot
+Jun 23 15:22:50 <rich0> Maybe table that to the end? I'd like to at least hit the agenda before I have to leave.
+Jun 23 15:23:23 <NeddySeagoon> rich0, there have been some discussions that GLEP39 is no longer relevant and may need some work
+Jun 23 15:23:35 <quantumsummers> hello, sorry I'm late
+Jun 23 15:23:39 <rich0> Yes, I saw those. I've yet to see a serious proposal though.
+Jun 23 15:23:47 * quantumsummers reads backlog
+Jun 23 15:24:11 <NeddySeagoon> From the agenda ... Trustee Election
+Jun 23 15:24:17 <rich0> Thanks!
+Jun 23 15:24:22 <robbat2> NeddySeagoon, <-- cost of living
+Jun 23 15:24:26 <NeddySeagoon> Its off and running, I've seen some nominations
+Jun 23 15:24:28 <rich0> I don't think anything is outstanding on that.
+Jun 23 15:25:35 <rich0> Anything to discuss? Or we just note and move on?
+Jun 23 15:25:37 <NeddySeagoon> robbat2, so it well less than a beer. Thats nominal to me
+Jun 23 15:25:53 <NeddySeagoon> rich0, note and move on
+Jun 23 15:26:12 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, your stuff ...
+Jun 23 15:26:36 <quantumsummers> ok
+Jun 23 15:26:48 <quantumsummers> just tidying up for the end of the fiscal year
+Jun 23 15:27:03 <quantumsummers> got checks (cheques) I am waiting to clear
+Jun 23 15:27:09 <quantumsummers> mainly to OSUOSL
+Jun 23 15:27:10 <NeddySeagoon> Thats end of June.
+Jun 23 15:27:21 <quantumsummers> correct, so in 1 week
+Jun 23 15:27:28 <rich0> quantumsummers: we do have that git repo - I don't think we've put any financies in it yet.
+Jun 23 15:27:28 <NeddySeagoon> Are we going to get a CPA invoice this year ?
+Jun 23 15:27:33 <quantumsummers> yes
+Jun 23 15:27:35 <quantumsummers> :)
+Jun 23 15:28:02 <quantumsummers> dumping data to them on July 1st, they will give a quote, though I expect $875
+Jun 23 15:28:04 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, yes to which question ?
+Jun 23 15:28:05 <robbat2> there were two donaters recently that wanted non-paypal means for bigger donations, did they get back to you?
+Jun 23 15:28:14 <quantumsummers> robbat2: not yet.
+Jun 23 15:28:42 <quantumsummers> I will poke again, basically I think if they want to mail a payment I can handle that. Otherwise, I think we should not do anything
+Jun 23 15:28:50 <quantumsummers> mainly for teh following reasons
+Jun 23 15:28:58 <quantumsummers> 1) credit card payments are costly to setup
+Jun 23 15:29:18 <quantumsummers> 2) wire transfers involves giving out our banking info to potentially unknown people
+Jun 23 15:29:35 <quantumsummers> I could setup a dedicated account for #2 though
+Jun 23 15:29:43 <quantumsummers> not sure if it is worth the trouble
+Jun 23 15:29:59 <rich0> So we make the policy paypal or checks?
+Jun 23 15:30:05 <rich0> Seems reasonable to me...
+Jun 23 15:30:11 <robbat2> they could probably mail you bank drafts as well
+Jun 23 15:30:12 <dabbott> +1
+Jun 23 15:30:19 <NeddySeagoon> What about currency conversions costs of random cheques? or do you want a USD money order ?
+Jun 23 15:30:20 <robbat2> but that's not very different than checks
+Jun 23 15:30:25 <quantumsummers> a bank draft would be better
+Jun 23 15:30:41 <quantumsummers> USD is fine, I doubt Cap1 will have trouble with conversion
+Jun 23 15:30:53 <quantumsummers> bank draft means there is no chance of a bounced check
+Jun 23 15:30:54 <NeddySeagoon> ok
+Jun 23 15:31:01 <quantumsummers> which would cost us the fee
+Jun 23 15:31:13 <rich0> Why not just put on the page a list of options in preferred order?
+Jun 23 15:31:20 <quantumsummers> seems fine to me
+Jun 23 15:31:32 <rich0> If somebody gives us $100 and we end up with only $50 that's still $50 more than we'd have if we told them to go away.
+Jun 23 15:31:40 <quantumsummers> I can put that together.
+Jun 23 15:31:44 <NeddySeagoon> rich0, true
+Jun 23 15:31:45 <quantumsummers> robbat2: where would you like that to live?
+Jun 23 15:31:58 <rich0> Is there already a page for that?
+Jun 23 15:32:12 <robbat2> we can put together a foundation page for it
+Jun 23 15:32:48 <rich0> Makes sense - just still a small link under the existing donate button, or redirect to that page with paypal as just one option.
+Jun 23 15:32:56 <NeddySeagoon> I needs a link from the Donate, beside PayPal
+Jun 23 15:33:06 <quantumsummers> yep
+Jun 23 15:33:24 <quantumsummers> so, page in foundation space, and a link under the sidebar
+Jun 23 15:33:36 <quantumsummers> I mean donate button on the sidebar
+Jun 23 15:33:47 <dabbott> is the foundation pages going to the wiki
+Jun 23 15:33:48 <robbat2> i'd say put together a more comprensive page
+Jun 23 15:33:49 <NeddySeagoon> sounds good
+Jun 23 15:33:57 <robbat2> and move the paypal button to that page too
+Jun 23 15:34:10 <quantumsummers> robbat2: I like that idea.
+Jun 23 15:34:11 <robbat2> one related bit I saw, is that another org I know got a big uptick on paypal
+Jun 23 15:34:21 <robbat2> when they made it have options for automatic monthly donations
+Jun 23 15:34:23 <rich0> makes sense
+Jun 23 15:34:32 <quantumsummers> in fact, I can have the CPA draft up some narrative re: legal aspects for a disclaimer, etc
+Jun 23 15:34:52 <robbat2> +1
+Jun 23 15:34:54 <NeddySeagoon> sounds like that would be good
+Jun 23 15:35:04 <quantumsummers> robbat2: do you know how to set that up? (the auto monthly deal?)
+Jun 23 15:35:23 <quantumsummers> I can look into it too
+Jun 23 15:35:31 <robbat2> yes I can help with that
+Jun 23 15:35:36 <robbat2> in july
+Jun 23 15:35:42 <quantumsummers> ok thanks
+Jun 23 15:36:48 <NeddySeagoon> Any update on 501(c)(3) registration status
+Jun 23 15:37:21 <quantumsummers> nothing on that. we'll see something soon from the CPA
+Jun 23 15:37:58 <NeddySeagoon> ok
+Jun 23 15:38:37 <NeddySeagoon> rich0, looks like we are up to date on the activity tracker. Any comments ?
+Jun 23 15:40:17 <rich0> nope - not until after the AGM
+Jun 23 15:40:32 <NeddySeagoon> Lets move onto bugs ...
+Jun 23 15:41:38 <NeddySeagoon> Bug 472574 - Developers from US-embargoed countries. quantumsummers did you ask for a legal opinion ?
+Jun 23 15:42:24 <quantumsummers> lets see, I know I wrote an email
+Jun 23 15:43:30 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, if you have a response, update the bug please. No need to do it right now
+Jun 23 15:43:33 <quantumsummers> so, I have not heard back, but it has not been long since I sent it. I am a bit behind in my queue
+Jun 23 15:43:56 <NeddySeagoon> np Its the long arm of the law ...
+Jun 23 15:44:00 <quantumsummers> sorry, the newborn (6 weeks tomorrow) is kicking my ass this time
+Jun 23 15:44:16 <quantumsummers> funny how that works
+Jun 23 15:44:24 <quantumsummers> she is not a good sleeper yet
+Jun 23 15:44:32 <quantumsummers> so my apologies if I am missing things
+Jun 23 15:44:45 <NeddySeagoon> I skipped the very young :)
+Jun 23 15:45:08 <NeddySeagoon> Bug 472656 can that be closed ?
+Jun 23 15:45:15 <quantumsummers> they provide quite the experience
+Jun 23 15:45:44 <robbat2> did we do something for it
+Jun 23 15:45:45 <quantumsummers> did we do anything for that?
+Jun 23 15:45:46 <dabbott> NeddySeagoon: yes it can
+Jun 23 15:45:51 <rich0> I think at this point it is too late to do anything on that one.
+Jun 23 15:46:19 <quantumsummers> hmm.
+Jun 23 15:47:38 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, ?
+Jun 23 15:47:57 <quantumsummers> oh nothing, just reflecting.
+Jun 23 15:48:35 <NeddySeagoon> Bug 473214 was discussed earlier
+Jun 23 15:48:36 <willikins> NeddySeagoon: "Non-paypal contribution method"; Gentoo Foundation, Proposals; CONF; rich0:trustees
+Jun 23 15:49:15 <NeddySeagoon> as was bug 473258
+Jun 23 15:50:13 <NeddySeagoon> This brings us to Membership Applications - Jack Morgan
+Jun 23 15:50:23 <rich0> aye
+Jun 23 15:50:28 <NeddySeagoon> All those in favour ...
+Jun 23 15:50:28 <dabbott> yes
+Jun 23 15:50:30 <robbat2> aye
+Jun 23 15:50:30 <NeddySeagoon> Aye
+Jun 23 15:50:42 <NeddySeagoon> I'll write the email ...
+Jun 23 15:50:43 <quantumsummers> aye
+Jun 23 15:51:00 <NeddySeagoon> Clean Up
+Jun 23 15:51:11 <NeddySeagoon> Date of Next Meeting - 21 Jul 2013 19:00 UTC
+Jun 23 15:51:20 <dabbott> for bug 473258 i can send them an email and add them to the vendor page
+Jun 23 15:51:29 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, thanks
+Jun 23 15:51:34 <dabbott> meeting date is fine here
+Jun 23 15:52:07 <robbat2> ditto good for me
+Jun 23 15:52:14 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, rich0 ?
+Jun 23 15:52:21 <quantumsummers> fine here
+Jun 23 15:52:32 <NeddySeagoon> Any other business ...
+Jun 23 15:52:39 <rich0> wfm
+Jun 23 15:52:44 <rich0> I have an AOB...
+Jun 23 15:52:53 <NeddySeagoon> rich0, you have the floor
+Jun 23 15:53:26 <rich0> We don't need to settle this immediately, but we might give thought to some way to improve meeting pace in the future. I'm not sure if audio makes sense, or some other approach. It just seems like we probably kill 30+min idling during meetings.
+Jun 23 15:53:43 <rich0> Some of that is probably irc lag.
+Jun 23 15:54:00 <NeddySeagoon> rich0, Audio is ok if we have a record, or a transcript
+Jun 23 15:54:10 <robbat2> voice doesn't help that much in my experience
+Jun 23 15:54:12 <rich0> I don't think we need a word-for-word.
+Jun 23 15:54:50 <rich0> Honestly, irc is more convenient, but it just seems like it takes a lot of time to basically resolve 3-4 bugs.
+Jun 23 15:55:14 <NeddySeagoon> I'm with robbat2. Its quite a chore enforcing meeting disipline on a 5 way audio link
+Jun 23 15:55:23 <rich0> Most of which didn't really involve much substance.
+Jun 23 15:55:49 <dabbott> We just need to be more prepared, check the bugs ahead of time on the ml etc
+Jun 23 15:56:06 <robbat2> i have a regular 6-way audio call every week, even with a dedicated project manager, we get less done than this IRC meeting
+Jun 23 15:56:07 <NeddySeagoon> rich0, we do not need word for word - we need minutes
+Jun 23 15:56:07 <quantumsummers> in terms of reducing meeting time, we could just state that some potion should be handled via bugz and/or email
+Jun 23 15:56:32 <quantumsummers> then only have important votes, AoB and Open Floor on IRC
+Jun 23 15:56:37 <dabbott> important bugs added to the agenda
+Jun 23 15:56:42 <quantumsummers> however, I am mostly for the status quo
+Jun 23 15:57:11 <NeddySeagoon> If we do more in email, we lose some of the transparency
+Jun 23 15:57:29 <NeddySeagoon> On balance, I prefer irc
+Jun 23 15:57:30 <rich0> Just frustrating - I basically postponed doing anything this afternoon to decide to approve a vendor, accept a member, and put more donation options on the website.
+Jun 23 15:57:53 <robbat2> ok, how do we make IRC itself go faster?
+Jun 23 15:58:11 <robbat2> the first 15 minutes were the worst, none of us stepped up as chairman
+Jun 23 15:58:22 <quantumsummers> sorry I was late
+Jun 23 15:58:26 <rich0> Yup - that is a good lesson-learned.
+Jun 23 15:58:29 <NeddySeagoon> members and vendors can be prepped in email and voted in public
+Jun 23 15:58:38 <rich0> How about we always start on time, pick a chair from whoever is here?
+Jun 23 15:59:00 <NeddySeagoon> rich0, yep - thats a plan
+Jun 23 15:59:08 <dabbott> rich0: +1
+Jun 23 15:59:10 <robbat2> set a target of 30 minutes end-to-end
+Jun 23 16:00:20 <NeddySeagoon> Hmm, I try to keep under an hour ... how about 50 min ... then when we keep doing that 40 min ...
+Jun 23 16:00:23 <rich0> I'm fine with taking time for substance - just seems like we drag quite a bit - minutes between lines.
+Jun 23 16:01:06 <NeddySeagoon> I try to prempt the end of agenda items but I don't always get it right
+Jun 23 16:01:30 <rich0> Yeah, some is IRC lag. Not sure if we can try to pick the same server or something?
+Jun 23 16:01:47 <robbat2> everybody run /ping
+Jun 23 16:01:49 <robbat2> and paste your output
+Jun 23 16:01:57 <robbat2> * Ping reply from 0.13 second(s)
+Jun 23 16:02:21 <NeddySeagoon> Ping reply from 0.10 second(s)
+Jun 23 16:02:24 <dabbott> Ping reply from 0.18 second(s)
+Jun 23 16:02:35 <rich0> Odd, I'm not getting a response. Might be a quassel thing.
+Jun 23 16:02:47 <robbat2> rich0, look in the server tab
+Jun 23 16:03:00 <NeddySeagoon> should we move to a smaller network ?
+Jun 23 16:03:12 <rich0> Ah, no response there, but it has an indication in the topic line of 53ms
+Jun 23 16:03:26 <robbat2> yeah we need to halve the /ping response
+Jun 23 16:03:30 <robbat2> to get one-way
+Jun 23 16:03:36 <quantumsummers> 88ms here
+Jun 23 16:03:37 <rich0> on barjavel
+Jun 23 16:03:57 <robbat2> ok, so IRC lag accounts at most 200ms
+Jun 23 16:03:59 <rich0> The issue is that the nodes could have 10s of latency between them for all we know.
+Jun 23 16:04:08 <rich0> The ping is just to the server.
+Jun 23 16:04:12 <rich0> Not to every server on the network.
+Jun 23 16:04:27 <dabbott> the lag on my end is pbkac
+Jun 23 16:04:45 <NeddySeagoon> should we join the same server for meetings ?
+Jun 23 16:05:00 <robbat2> i think the human factor is probably larger
+Jun 23 16:05:02 <rich0> I think that is a vicious cycle - we notice nothing in IRC, so we multitask, then everybody else sees nothing in IRC, so they multitask.
+Jun 23 16:05:24 <rich0> And you don't see all the neads nodding in the room...
+Jun 23 16:05:33 <NeddySeagoon> rich0, yep
+Jun 23 16:05:47 <robbat2> how to avoid that then?
+Jun 23 16:06:07 <rich0> Probably nazi chairing...
+Jun 23 16:06:07 <quantumsummers> hey folks, I have to run. sorry :-( family visit
+Jun 23 16:06:20 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, bye for now
+Jun 23 16:06:21 <quantumsummers> I will agree to whatever though, re: meeting stuff
+Jun 23 16:06:27 <quantumsummers> just let me know what you decide
+Jun 23 16:06:28 <rich0> adios
+Jun 23 16:06:30 <dabbott> quantumsummers: send me that app and latest db please :)
+Jun 23 16:06:41 <robbat2> we should wrap this, it's going on too long anyway
+Jun 23 16:06:41 <rich0> So, maybe we take this offline - we didn't do open floor yet.
+Jun 23 16:06:47 <robbat2> yes offline
+Jun 23 16:07:05 <NeddySeagoon> Shall we all use for the next meeting ?
+Jun 23 16:07:15 <rich0> I gotta run soon myself.
+Jun 23 16:07:28 <NeddySeagoon> any more other business
+Jun 23 16:07:32 <dabbott> NeddySeagoon: I don't think it will make much difference tbh
+Jun 23 16:08:09 <NeddySeagoon> we have agreed a who does what ...
+Jun 23 16:08:17 <dabbott> NeddySeagoon: I will post the log and update the minutes
+Jun 23 16:08:18 <NeddySeagoon> so Open floor ...
+Jun 23 16:09:06 <dabbott> Are the foundation pages going to the wiki?
+Jun 23 16:09:27 <dabbott> are just project pages?
+Jun 23 16:09:34 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, I don't know but I'm not keen
+Jun 23 16:10:00 <dabbott> I am fine where we are now tbh
+Jun 23 16:10:04 <NeddySeagoon> the Foundation pages are our legal entity stuff
+Jun 23 16:10:14 <rich0> NeddySeagoon: ++
+Jun 23 16:10:26 <robbat2> i think long-term they will probably end up moving but being locked to foundation
+Jun 23 16:10:27 <NeddySeagoon> I'm not happy for that to be on a Wiki
+Jun 23 16:11:14 * NeddySeagoon bangs the gavel to close the meeting
diff --git a/2013/meeting-07-21.log b/2013/meeting-07-21.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b85c780
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2013/meeting-07-21.log
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+Jul 21 15:05:54 <NeddySeagoon> Roll call ... my logger is here
+Jul 21 15:05:57 <rich0> here
+Jul 21 15:06:13 <dabbott> present && i am logging and will post
+Jul 21 15:06:25 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c, _robbat21irssi
+Jul 21 15:06:40 <_robbat21irssi> present
+Jul 21 15:07:03 <NeddySeagoon> We have a quorum ... not including rich0
+Jul 21 15:07:05 <quantumsummers|c> hello
+Jul 21 15:07:13 <NeddySeagoon> Hi quantumsummers|c
+Jul 21 15:07:22 <dabbott> hi quantumsummers|c rich0
+Jul 21 15:07:26 <quantumsummers|c> howdy
+Jul 21 15:07:43 <NeddySeagoon> Item 1. rich0s planned withdrawal from being a trustee, now he is elected to council
+Jul 21 15:08:27 <NeddySeagoon> Discussion on the list was to offer rich0 the office of assistant secretary until the AGM
+Jul 21 15:08:29 <rich0> I'm fine with accepting the asst secretary position in the interim. Let's re-eval after the new board forms.
+Jul 21 15:09:02 <quantumsummers|c> +1
+Jul 21 15:09:04 <dabbott> rich0: I really liked the way you kept us informed by the activity tracker
+Jul 21 15:09:19 <NeddySeagoon> I would like to extend the term to 15 Sep. Its a bit unfiar on the new board to need to decide at the AGM
+Jul 21 15:09:33 <quantumsummers|c> +1
+Jul 21 15:09:41 <dabbott> +1
+Jul 21 15:09:43 <rich0> sure
+Jul 21 15:10:32 <NeddySeagoon> #Motion to appoint rich0 to the office of Asst Sec until 15 Sep 2013. Position to be reconsided at that date
+Jul 21 15:10:39 <quantumsummers|c> seconded
+Jul 21 15:10:46 <NeddySeagoon> vote please
+Jul 21 15:10:48 <dabbott> aye
+Jul 21 15:10:49 <quantumsummers|c> aye
+Jul 21 15:10:49 <_robbat21irssi> aye
+Jul 21 15:10:52 <NeddySeagoon> aye
+Jul 21 15:10:57 <NeddySeagoon> carried
+Jul 21 15:11:15 <rich0> thanks :) I think...
+Jul 21 15:11:45 <NeddySeagoon> rich0, should stay on the alias meanwhile but lose his vote on the bord and not count towards a meeting quorum
+Jul 21 15:11:53 <dabbott> Ok for your first job ... :)
+Jul 21 15:12:19 <rich0> dabbott: don't get carried away unless you plan to double my salary...
+Jul 21 15:12:29 <quantumsummers|c> triple it!
+Jul 21 15:12:45 <NeddySeagoon> rich0, thats easy ... 2x nothing is still nothing
+Jul 21 15:12:57 <rich0> don't remind me
+Jul 21 15:13:04 <NeddySeagoon> Old business ... Trustee Election
+Jul 21 15:13:22 <NeddySeagoon> Its in the hands of elections nothing to add there.
+Jul 21 15:13:36 <_robbat21irssi> (i'm here, just minor work emergency)
+Jul 21 15:14:05 <NeddySeagoon> Do we need to clarifiy that trustees retain their seats and responsibilities until the end of the AGM ?
+Jul 21 15:14:21 <NeddySeagoon> That was always the intent
+Jul 21 15:14:52 <dabbott> whats the wording currently
+Jul 21 15:15:38 <NeddySeagoon> Its just not clear. Normally new trustees would be elected at the AGM, not before it
+Jul 21 15:15:56 <NeddySeagoon> Thats not practical for us
+Jul 21 15:16:20 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c, anything on the CPA or 501(c)(3) registration status ?
+Jul 21 15:16:26 <rich0> Just about any company makes its new board effective at the end of the AGM.
+Jul 21 15:16:43 <rich0> A board can't really claim to have done due diligence voting on matters they were not privy to 10 minutes earlier.
+Jul 21 15:16:49 <jmbsvicetto> NeddySeagoon: I thought the Bylaws stated that new board members start their term at the AGM?
+Jul 21 15:16:57 <quantumsummers|c> NeddySeagoon: nothing to report yet, just getting the summary data to them. I will have draft report prepared over the next couple weeks
+Jul 21 15:17:26 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c, to present at the AGM? That would be good timing
+Jul 21 15:17:34 <quantumsummers|c> yes, of course
+Jul 21 15:17:39 <NeddySeagoon> :)
+Jul 21 15:17:55 <quantumsummers|c> drafts will be passed around prior
+Jul 21 15:18:11 <quantumsummers|c> mainly so you guys can check the work ;)
+Jul 21 15:18:13 <NeddySeagoon> rich0, your bit. Foundation Activity Tracker I think this goes with your new office
+Jul 21 15:18:56 <rich0> Uh, sure... :) Not really much to say - the AGM activites are the biggest thing pending now.
+Jul 21 15:19:12 <rich0> One thing I'd suggest is that when assembling the financials consider commiting as much of it as you can into the git repo.
+Jul 21 15:19:19 <rich0> (the stuff that can't be made public)
+Jul 21 15:19:31 <NeddySeagoon> sounds good.
+Jul 21 15:21:07 <NeddySeagoon> Reminder for the AGM, we will need Secy, treasuerers and presidents reports
+Jul 21 15:21:31 <quantumsummers|c> rich0: yes, I am getting the entire history ready to commit
+Jul 21 15:21:38 <quantumsummers|c> mainly data files
+Jul 21 15:21:45 <quantumsummers|c> however, there are a bunch of PDF files/
+Jul 21 15:21:58 <quantumsummers|c> _robbat21irssi: do you mind if I commit those?
+Jul 21 15:22:20 <quantumsummers|c> they are blobs
+Jul 21 15:22:27 <_robbat21irssi> i'll review them with you after the meeting
+Jul 21 15:22:28 <NeddySeagoon> Item 4 Open Trustee Bugs
+Jul 21 15:22:28 <quantumsummers|c> ok
+Jul 21 15:22:32 <NeddySeagoon> Is there anything there we need to review today ?
+Jul 21 15:22:43 <quantumsummers|c> Bug 476722
+Jul 21 15:22:56 <rich0> Capturing it in whatever format it is in is more important than making it pretty.
+Jul 21 15:23:05 <quantumsummers|c> oops, that is new
+Jul 21 15:23:15 <rich0> My two cents. Long-term we should move to standard formats, but the bus factor is a bigger issue I think.
+Jul 21 15:23:27 <quantumsummers|c> I do have soemthing for bug 471266
+Jul 21 15:23:31 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c, its not in my trustee list
+Jul 21 15:23:35 <quantumsummers|c> rich0: you are talking about bank stuff right?
+Jul 21 15:24:00 <quantumsummers|c> so what I have are csv files for each year for each account (and monthly for paypal)
+Jul 21 15:24:08 <quantumsummers|c> I also have PDFs of statements from the banks
+Jul 21 15:24:11 <quantumsummers|c> that is it
+Jul 21 15:24:38 <quantumsummers|c> there may be some other PDFs too, scans of things like EIN, etc
+Jul 21 15:24:54 <quantumsummers|c> NeddySeagoon: yes, its in the list, the potential Iranian dev
+Jul 21 15:25:05 <quantumsummers|c> I think it is private, so I shall comment there
+Jul 21 15:25:08 <dabbott> Bug 471266 - (sobhan) New Developer: Sobhan Mohammadpour (sobhan)
+Jul 21 15:26:30 <quantumsummers|c> hmm, that bug does not contain the stuff
+Jul 21 15:26:32 <quantumsummers|c> anyway, I am in conversation with sflc regarding this
+Jul 21 15:26:33 <quantumsummers|c> we have a new council also
+Jul 21 15:26:34 <quantumsummers|c> our previous fellow left and did not give notice to us
+Jul 21 15:26:34 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c, lets leave it to sflc
+Jul 21 15:26:35 <quantumsummers|c> so I talked with Dr. Moglen and we have a new council now\
+Jul 21 15:26:38 <rich0> I think that saving PDFs of what we get isn't a bad idea for legal reasons. Wish git wasn't write-once-never-dispose-of though. Legally we might want to think about retention at some point (but right now we're certainly not saving too much).
+Jul 21 15:27:03 <rich0> Not sure the council matters here - this is entirely a legal issue.
+Jul 21 15:27:13 <quantumsummers|c> rich0: git can nuke old stuff just fine, but it is a little tricky
+Jul 21 15:27:16 <rich0> If we were talking about qualifications or something the council would be more relevant.
+Jul 21 15:28:01 <quantumsummers|c> rich0: all financial info/data I have saved, all of it
+Jul 21 15:28:07 <quantumsummers|c> we have SOX compliance to mind
+Jul 21 15:28:14 <quantumsummers|c> which I am taking care of
+Jul 21 15:28:14 <rich0> I think that issue is basically waiting on legal council. From what I've read it probably isn't an issue for being a dev so much, but he could probably never be reimbursed/etc.
+Jul 21 15:28:33 <dabbott> quantumsummers|c: the bug you want is 472574
+Jul 21 15:28:36 <NeddySeagoon> rich0, thats my view of the world too
+Jul 21 15:28:48 <quantumsummers|c> well, that depends though, since he is in an embargoed country, we may not be able to take his code contrib either
+Jul 21 15:29:04 <rich0> So either we go ahead without legal advice, or keep pushing on getting the legal advice.
+Jul 21 15:29:12 <quantumsummers|c> which is one thing I need to dicover, whether he has contrib or not
+Jul 21 15:29:20 <rich0> I'm fine with getting legal device.
+Jul 21 15:29:25 <quantumsummers|c> we are getting advice now, do that is good
+Jul 21 15:29:32 <quantumsummers|c> s/do/so/
+Jul 21 15:29:55 <rich0> If we're getting advice, I suggest we table the issue - no point in speculating if we've decided to get counsel. Better to wait until we can move forward.
+Jul 21 15:30:12 <dabbott> +1
+Jul 21 15:30:20 <_robbat21irssi> +1
+Jul 21 15:31:40 <NeddySeagoon> yep
+Jul 21 15:31:47 <dabbott> _robbat21irssi: can you handle Bug 477374
+Jul 21 15:32:02 <NeddySeagoon> anything else from the bugs list ?
+Jul 21 15:32:25 <quantumsummers|c> should we give that company a sidebar thing for $500?
+Jul 21 15:33:02 <quantumsummers|c> as far as the discussion, we had it and he was fine with not being in there before due to the smallish donation
+Jul 21 15:33:29 <quantumsummers|c> also, if anyone noticed the transfer from paypal (9000 USD) we did get a donation from a Limey of $5000
+Jul 21 15:33:35 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c not for a one time donation unless the side bar ad is time limited
+Jul 21 15:33:38 <quantumsummers|c> err Brit LD
+Jul 21 15:33:59 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c, I know what you meant :)
+Jul 21 15:34:03 <quantumsummers|c> this new donor asked for nothing
+Jul 21 15:34:25 <quantumsummers|c> and made sure he was clear in his offer for further donations in the future
+Jul 21 15:34:36 <quantumsummers|c> nice fellow
+Jul 21 15:34:45 <_robbat21irssi> dabbott: bug 477374: done, asked him for his new logo
+Jul 21 15:34:47 <quantumsummers|c> (I'll shut up now, that was it)
+Jul 21 15:35:05 <dabbott> _robbat21irssi: thanks
+Jul 21 15:35:32 <_robbat21irssi> re sidebar donations, should we set a min target for them?
+Jul 21 15:35:34 <quantumsummers|c> likely, yes
+Jul 21 15:35:35 <NeddySeagoon> side bar ads are for ongoing donations
+Jul 21 15:35:36 <_robbat21irssi> also that
+Jul 21 15:35:45 <dabbott> quantumsummers|c: did the fellow want his nick to be known sure would like to thank him personally
+Jul 21 15:35:50 <quantumsummers|c> _robbat21irssi: can you give an estimate of what the value is of current sidebar holders?
+Jul 21 15:36:09 <quantumsummers|c> I thanked him profusely via email
+Jul 21 15:36:17 <quantumsummers|c> that seemed enough to him
+Jul 21 15:36:35 <quantumsummers|c> and I didn't get his nickname, just email
+Jul 21 15:36:35 <dabbott> got it :)
+Jul 21 15:36:54 <NeddySeagoon> _robbat21irssi, minimum recurring target
+Jul 21 15:37:51 <NeddySeagoon> I think Morphodo Bug 476722 got mixed in there - is it covered or not ?
+Jul 21 15:38:24 <_robbat21irssi> quantumsummers|c: none of them are less than $50/month worth of hardware, most are more than that
+Jul 21 15:38:27 <NeddySeagoon> if not, its the next agenda item
+Jul 21 15:38:27 <dabbott> we can do it now i added it also at the end of the agenda
+Jul 21 15:38:40 <quantumsummers|c> _robbat21irssi: ok, great. thanks
+Jul 21 15:39:24 <quantumsummers|c> one other bug, that has been bugging me a little
+Jul 21 15:39:28 <quantumsummers|c> the bitcoin donation
+Jul 21 15:39:33 <quantumsummers|c> I see no way to support this
+Jul 21 15:40:06 <quantumsummers|c> personally, I am not familiar enough with how transactions are handled with financial institutions
+Jul 21 15:40:14 <NeddySeagoon> I don't see it being useful for a while yet. Particularly as its a very volitile currency
+Jul 21 15:40:39 <quantumsummers|c> it seems like we might just have a few bitcoins laying around collecting dust, so I am not in favor of this method
+Jul 21 15:41:01 <NeddySeagoon> +1
+Jul 21 15:41:02 <quantumsummers|c> anyone else have a comment on this?
+Jul 21 15:41:10 <_robbat21irssi> i'm not sure re IRS laws, but in Canada, the tax agency said you need to pay income tax on them when you convert to other currencies
+Jul 21 15:41:21 <quantumsummers|c> that seems correct
+Jul 21 15:41:26 <_robbat21irssi> capital gains of the growth in value etc
+Jul 21 15:41:31 <_robbat21irssi> like most investments
+Jul 21 15:41:41 <quantumsummers|c> I know the IRS is considering them as valueable
+Jul 21 15:41:53 <quantumsummers|c> any issues declining to accept them at this time"
+Jul 21 15:41:55 <quantumsummers|c> ?
+Jul 21 15:41:58 <NeddySeagoon> Just now, they are a PITA
+Jul 21 15:42:05 <quantumsummers|c> I agree with NeddySeagoon
+Jul 21 15:42:06 <NeddySeagoon> not from me
+Jul 21 15:42:26 <dabbott> quantumsummers|c: fine by me
+Jul 21 15:42:40 <quantumsummers|c> I'll consider that a majority
+Jul 21 15:42:45 <_robbat21irssi> if we accept them now, we just have to declare them as assets until we convert them
+Jul 21 15:42:45 <_robbat21irssi> but I don't see an issue with accepting them per se
+Jul 21 15:42:53 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c, that was carried
+Jul 21 15:43:04 <quantumsummers|c> I do not know how to handle them for an organization
+Jul 21 15:43:20 <quantumsummers|c> p2p it seems simple enough I guess
+Jul 21 15:43:23 <NeddySeagoon> _robbat21irssi, its all the paperwork that goes with them if they are ever used
+Jul 21 15:43:38 <NeddySeagoon> Lets just decline for now
+Jul 21 15:43:49 <quantumsummers|c> lets re-evaluate after some period of time not less than 6 months
+Jul 21 15:43:55 <quantumsummers|c> ok, declining
+Jul 21 15:44:36 <NeddySeagoon> Morphodo Bug 476722 - did we deal with that ?
+Jul 21 15:45:12 <dabbott> no
+Jul 21 15:45:27 <NeddySeagoon> I'm ok with a listing on the sponsors page but not the sidebar
+Jul 21 15:46:09 <quantumsummers|c> seems reasonable to me
+Jul 21 15:46:19 <dabbott> yep fine by me
+Jul 21 15:46:37 <NeddySeagoon> thats 3 yes. _robbat21irssi ?
+Jul 21 15:47:13 <NeddySeagoon> carried
+Jul 21 15:47:25 <NeddySeagoon> Membership Applications
+Jul 21 15:47:47 <quantumsummers|c> both are devs, so aye
+Jul 21 15:47:54 <NeddySeagoon> Pavlos Ratis and Chris Reffett have applied
+Jul 21 15:47:55 <dabbott> +1
+Jul 21 15:47:59 <NeddySeagoon> Aye from me
+Jul 21 15:48:16 <rich0> Wasn't there a community application as well?
+Jul 21 15:48:20 <_robbat2|irssi> sorry, freenode weirdness
+Jul 21 15:48:39 <_robbat2|irssi> and I don't have alternative backlog to see what I missed
+Jul 21 15:48:50 <_robbat2|irssi> 19:37 <@dabbott> quantumsummers|c: fine by me
+Jul 21 15:48:54 <quantumsummers|c> membership
+Jul 21 15:48:56 <_robbat2|irssi> 19:37 <@_robbat21irssi> if we accept them now, we just have to declare them as assets until we convert them
+Jul 21 15:48:56 <_robbat2|irssi> 19:37 <@_robbat21irssi> but I don't see an issue with accepting them per se
+Jul 21 15:48:57 <dabbott> _robbat21irssi:
+Jul 21 15:48:58 <_robbat2|irssi> 19:38 <@_robbat21irssi> maybe better as a comparision, would the foundation accept donations/assignments of stock from companies?
+Jul 21 15:49:04 <_robbat2|irssi> that's the last stuff I saw/said
+Jul 21 15:49:08 <quantumsummers|c> ah, we declined to support them
+Jul 21 15:49:12 <quantumsummers|c> I have updated the bug
+Jul 21 15:49:22 <quantumsummers|c> I will discuss with CPA also
+Jul 21 15:49:27 <quantumsummers|c> re-eval after some period
+Jul 21 15:49:45 <quantumsummers|c> the morphodo bug, we decided to not allow sidebar
+Jul 21 15:50:03 <rich0> Chris Gianelloni had also applied I believe
+Jul 21 15:50:42 <quantumsummers|c> rich0: you sure about that?
+Jul 21 15:50:48 <quantumsummers|c> do you have the ID?
+Jul 21 15:50:53 <dabbott> no he just asked why he was dropped I did see him asking to re join unless i missed it
+Jul 21 15:50:56 <quantumsummers|c> I thought he dropped it, perhaps I am mistaken
+Jul 21 15:50:56 <NeddySeagoon> rich0, he asked why he wasn't on the members list.
+Jul 21 15:51:26 <rich0> FYI - I'm getting a huge wash of what look like old messages - likely a split or something.
+Jul 21 15:51:27 <rich0> Ah, I see, he didn't actually ask to be added back.
+Jul 21 15:51:42 <NeddySeagoon> I didn't see a follow up
+Jul 21 15:51:50 <quantumsummers|c> me either
+Jul 21 15:52:02 <rich0> Never mind.
+Jul 21 15:52:03 <rich0> I looked at the email again - no follow-up on his part.
+Jul 21 15:52:04 <_robbat2|irssi> morphodo: ok re sidebar, if they want just sponsors page, that's fine.
+Jul 21 15:52:08 <quantumsummers|c> _robbat21irssi: ok, good.
+Jul 21 15:52:43 <NeddySeagoon> Cleanup ...
+Jul 21 15:52:43 <NeddySeagoon> Date of Next Meeting - 18 Aug 2013 19:00 UTC Thats the AGM
+Jul 21 15:52:49 <quantumsummers|c> +1
+Jul 21 15:52:55 <_robbat21irssi> maybe better as a comparision, would the foundation accept donations/assignments of stock from companies?
+Jul 21 15:53:02 <rich0> ++
+Jul 21 15:53:22 <dabbott> _robbat21irssi: thats what he said 35 a month and added to sponsors page and we voted ok
+Jul 21 15:53:26 <quantumsummers|c> _robbat21irssi: we can do that, I would have to talk with the CPA about how we should manage it of course, a
+Jul 21 15:54:03 <NeddySeagoon> _robbat21irssi, I would want notice of that question
+Jul 21 15:54:14 <_robbat2|irssi> wow freenode
+Jul 21 15:54:14 <_robbat2|irssi> i sent that 10+ mins ago
+Jul 21 15:54:14 <_robbat2|irssi> freenode seems to be resending stuff I said earlier
+Jul 21 15:54:20 <quantumsummers|c> weird
+Jul 21 15:54:44 <quantumsummers|c> well anyway, re: stock, I think that is much more standard asset than bitcoin and there is plenty of precendent
+Jul 21 15:54:45 <NeddySeagoon> Stock of Iranian companies ?
+Jul 21 15:54:48 <quantumsummers|c> heh
+Jul 21 15:54:53 <quantumsummers|c> funny guy, you
+Jul 21 15:55:04 <dabbott> next meeting is the AGM date is fine by me agenda from last year
+Jul 21 15:55:21 <dabbott> agenda should be about the same
+Jul 21 15:55:46 <NeddySeagoon> I think if the stock was traded in the USA, yes
+Jul 21 15:55:53 <quantumsummers|c> yes
+Jul 21 15:55:54 <quantumsummers|c> or EU
+Jul 21 15:55:55 <quantumsummers|c> or Japan
+Jul 21 15:55:56 <_robbat2|irssi> i said stock on purpose, as for Canada, it's mostly that bitcoin is being treated as mostly as stock for tax purposes
+Jul 21 15:55:57 <quantumsummers|c> all standard stocks should be ok
+Jul 21 15:55:59 <quantumsummers|c> really
+Jul 21 15:56:24 <quantumsummers|c> well, let me see what the CPA has to say. I venture a guess that they have not heard much about it
+Jul 21 15:56:26 <rich0> I think in general we should be willing to accept donations of any kind as long as it is legal and worth the effort.
+Jul 21 15:56:46 <rich0> If somebody offered us $10 worth of stock, probably not worth it. If somebody offered us $1M worth of bitcoins, we should probably take the time to figure out how to make it work.
+Jul 21 15:56:52 <quantumsummers|c> yes
+Jul 21 15:56:56 <quantumsummers|c> the latter being the key point
+Jul 21 15:56:57 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c, agreed. We would have to value such stock and show due digience over our investment management. That may be a pain
+Jul 21 15:57:03 <quantumsummers|c> yes
+Jul 21 15:57:13 <quantumsummers|c> or just cash in upon receipt
+Jul 21 15:57:26 <rich0> But these shouldn't really be preferred over some form of cash.
+Jul 21 15:57:40 <quantumsummers|c> anyway, it is worth a discussion. Cash is King
+Jul 21 15:58:26 <quantumsummers|c> discussion with the CPA, I mean
+Jul 21 15:59:26 <quantumsummers|c> some weird freenode stuffs going on here
+Jul 21 15:59:27 <quantumsummers|c> we ready for AoB?
+Jul 21 15:59:28 <quantumsummers|c> because, I have .... wait for it ....
+Jul 21 15:59:29 <quantumsummers|c> nothing
+Jul 21 15:59:29 <quantumsummers|c> :-)
+Jul 21 16:01:35 <dabbott> quantumsummers|c: still thinking about creating a Missouri Corp
+Jul 21 16:01:36 <quantumsummers|c> hello?
+Jul 21 16:01:36 <quantumsummers|c> anyone see this?
+Jul 21 16:01:37 <quantumsummers|c> am I alone
+Jul 21 16:01:51 <quantumsummers|c> **dances around** king in the castle
+Jul 21 16:01:59 <rich0> I'm here.
+Jul 21 16:02:03 <dabbott> quantumsummers|c: im here
+Jul 21 16:02:06 <rich0> But I think we may have lost half the team.
+Jul 21 16:02:37 <quantumsummers|c> dabbott: shelved for now
+Jul 21 16:02:50 <quantumsummers|c> not really useful, extra work, etc
+Jul 21 16:02:57 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c, that would work
+Jul 21 16:03:30 <_robbat2|irssi> *a CPA discussion yes
+Jul 21 16:03:30 <_robbat2|irssi> if freenode behaves, i was going to ask for any comments on the council/infra officer discussion
+Jul 21 16:03:30 <_robbat2|irssi> i think maybe we can't see each other
+Jul 21 16:03:45 <quantumsummers|c> hmm, this is turning into a freenode mess
+Jul 21 16:03:53 <quantumsummers|c> _robbat2|irssi: I think you should be that officer
+Jul 21 16:03:55 <dabbott> _robbat2|irssi: see you now wecome to our world
+Jul 21 16:04:03 <quantumsummers|c> I also think we are going bust with freenode here
+Jul 21 16:04:05 <dabbott> *welcome
+Jul 21 16:04:25 <dabbott> seconded
+Jul 21 16:04:29 <quantumsummers|c> as far as council officer, we may have that with rich0
+Jul 21 16:04:52 <dabbott> ++
+Jul 21 16:05:46 <dabbott> Neddys still not back
+Jul 21 16:05:59 <quantumsummers|c> there went Robin
+Jul 21 16:06:14 <quantumsummers|c> ok, this is getting out of hand
+Jul 21 16:06:34 <quantumsummers|c> Any other business?
+Jul 21 16:06:38 <quantumsummers|c> dabbott? rich0?
+Jul 21 16:06:42 <dabbott> nope
+Jul 21 16:06:48 <quantumsummers|c> Hi NeddySeagoon!
+Jul 21 16:06:55 <quantumsummers|c> I called AoB while you were in the mists of freenode whackyness
+Jul 21 16:06:56 <quantumsummers|c> no response
+Jul 21 16:07:40 <quantumsummers|c> seems pretty stable
+Jul 21 16:08:01 <quantumsummers|c> ok, well I have to go take care of some hungry baby and a toddler who just ended napping rather abruptly.
+Jul 21 16:08:05 <NeddySeagoon> I'm back
+Jul 21 16:08:05 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c we ready for AoB?
+Jul 21 16:08:05 <quantumsummers|c> hello
+Jul 21 16:08:05 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c because, I have .... wait for it ....
+Jul 21 16:08:06 <quantumsummers|c> yes
+Jul 21 16:08:06 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c nothing
+Jul 21 16:08:06 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c :-)
+Jul 21 16:08:06 <quantumsummers|c> :)
+Jul 21 16:08:06 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c hello?
+Jul 21 16:08:07 <NeddySeagoon> NeddySeagoon Oops I missed AoB
+Jul 21 16:08:07 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c anyone see this?
+Jul 21 16:08:07 <quantumsummers|c> NeddySeagoon: I am here
+Jul 21 16:08:08 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c am I alone
+Jul 21 16:08:08 <NeddySeagoon> NeddySeagoon I'm here
+Jul 21 16:08:09 <NeddySeagoon> I got that
+Jul 21 16:08:10 <NeddySeagoon> roll call - again
+Jul 21 16:08:10 <NeddySeagoon> I'm on
+Jul 21 16:08:10 <quantumsummers|c> ok, this is crazy
+Jul 21 16:08:19 <dabbott> im on
+Jul 21 16:08:43 <rich0> Well, unless something changes with freenode I suggest we just wrap up via email or something.
+Jul 21 16:08:43 <rich0> I don't see anything pressing, or any sign of AOB/etc.
+Jul 21 16:09:36 <dabbott> I will do the logs and the motions
+Jul 21 16:10:13 <dabbott> NeddySeagoon: ^^ if you return
+Jul 21 16:10:48 <NeddySeagoon> looks like just the two of us - my logger went away
+Jul 21 16:11:45 <NeddySeagoon> we agreed to wrop up in email
+Jul 21 16:11:48 -NickServ- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.
+Jul 21 16:11:48 -NickServ- You are now identified for dabbott.
+Jul 21 16:11:48 -NickServ- You are already logged in as dabbott.
+Jul 21 16:12:04 <_robbat2|irssi> i think we might need to get all of our IRC logs seperately
+Jul 21 16:13:19 <_robbat2|irssi> ok, whomever has the gavel, this is closed
+Jul 21 16:13:47 <dabbott> roll call _ if you want to send me your logs I will put together yours with mine to post
+Jul 21 16:13:58 <_robbat2|irssi> will do
+Jul 21 16:14:01 <_robbat2|irssi> bye for now
+Jul 21 16:14:16 <NeddySeagoon> 21:04 * NeddySeagoon bangs the gavel to close the meeting
+Jul 21 16:14:17 <dabbott> bye save me some coffee :)
+Jul 21 16:14:58 <dabbott> NeddySeagoon: send me your log and i will put it with robbins and mine
+Jul 21 16:15:14 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, OK
+Jul 21 16:15:27 <dabbott> NeddySeagoon: i will do the log and the motions
+Jul 21 16:15:43 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, I will do the emails to new members
+Jul 21 16:15:50 <dabbott> thanks
diff --git a/2013/meeting-08-18.log b/2013/meeting-08-18.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df40994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2013/meeting-08-18.log
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+Aug 18 14:59:35 * NeddySeagoon bangs the virtual gavel to open the Annual General Meeting of the Gentoo Foundation Inc.
+Aug 18 14:59:42 <NeddySeagoon> roll call
+Aug 18 14:59:54 <SwifT> i'm here
+Aug 18 14:59:55 <NeddySeagoon> I'm logging ... I think
+Aug 18 14:59:56 <dabbott> here
+Aug 18 15:00:10 <SwifT> also logging - just in case
+Aug 18 15:00:11 <dabbott> quantumsummers|c: EMAILED HE WILL BE LATE
+Aug 18 15:00:22 <SwifT> tsk tsk
+Aug 18 15:00:33 <NeddySeagoon> robbat2, ?
+Aug 18 15:00:44 <robbat2> yo
+Aug 18 15:01:40 * rich0 is in the peanut gallery
+Aug 18 15:01:43 <NeddySeagoon> For the AGM, we are required to have a quorum of members but I've never seen this channel over 29 so as we have a quorum of trustees, lets just do it. Any objections ?
+Aug 18 15:01:57 <Betelgeuse> here
+Aug 18 15:02:17 <SwifT> go for it
+Aug 18 15:02:27 <NeddySeagoon> thanks
+Aug 18 15:02:30 <dabbott> ++
+Aug 18 15:02:39 <Betelgeuse> why was there no email on gentoo-foundation-announce about AGM?
+Aug 18 15:02:54 <NeddySeagoon> First off ... the presidents report
+Aug 18 15:03:26 <robbat2> Betelgeuse, it was in the july 12th email
+Aug 18 15:03:32 <robbat2> but I agree it should be seperate in future
+Aug 18 15:04:08 <robbat2> NeddySeagoon, do you want actionable comments about that report now or later?
+Aug 18 15:04:15 <NeddySeagoon> The July 12 email satisfied the 60 days notice
+Aug 18 15:04:37 <NeddySeagoon> robbat2, I'll take the comments now and action them post meeting
+Aug 18 15:04:57 <robbat2> re Weakening, we had discussed more officers, do you want to raise that only later?
+Aug 18 15:05:20 <NeddySeagoon> robbat2, yes - I've hined at that at the end
+Aug 18 15:05:28 <NeddySeagoon> hinted*
+Aug 18 15:05:59 <robbat2> ok, i'll get back to it at the end of the meeting then; i'll send you my grammar & spelling fixes later too then
+Aug 18 15:06:15 <robbat2> i motion to approve the report, subject to minor cleanups
+Aug 18 15:06:29 <dabbott> seconded
+Aug 18 15:06:35 <SwifT> aye
+Aug 18 15:06:46 <NeddySeagoon> robbat2, that works. Any comments on content or other than grammer/style is the report accepted ?
+Aug 18 15:06:50 <Betelgeuse> NeddySeagoon: stricly speaking it did not because the email did not have enough info: "Notice stating the place, date and hour of the meeting"
+Aug 18 15:07:11 <Betelgeuse> However, I doubt it would have made a difference
+Aug 18 15:07:37 <NeddySeagoon> Betelgeuse hehe - it hasn't for the last 5 years
+Aug 18 15:07:57 <robbat2> NeddySeagoon, no comments about the content other than the officers remark
+Aug 18 15:08:18 <NeddySeagoon> robbat2, thank you
+Aug 18 15:08:42 <dabbott> we can add it to the tracker email gentoo-foundation-announce 60 days in advance about AGM
+Aug 18 15:08:47 <NeddySeagoon> Next Secretaries Report
+Aug 18 15:09:16 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, Sounds like one for your assistant
+Aug 18 15:09:22 <robbat2> NeddySeagoon, err, we should have the rest of the votes on accepting the president report first shouldn't we?
+Aug 18 15:10:15 <NeddySeagoon> robbat2, well, the quorum is you me and dabbott. SwifT and Betelgeuse don't take office until the end of the meeting
+Aug 18 15:10:24 <NeddySeagoon> Do I need to vote for my own report ?
+Aug 18 15:10:45 <NeddySeagoon> I+1 from me as I wrote it
+Aug 18 15:11:07 <robbat2> hmm, i suppose strictly speaking that's true
+Aug 18 15:11:14 <robbat2> their votes don't quite count yet
+Aug 18 15:11:51 <robbat2> in which case, simply for ease of tracking out motions: the motion to approve the presidents report is approved
+Aug 18 15:11:58 <robbat2> *is passed
+Aug 18 15:12:04 <NeddySeagoon> thank you
+Aug 18 15:12:08 <Betelgeuse> dabbott: the email to gentoo-dev-announce said: "The turnout for this election was 41.59%. We received 47 valid votes out from
+Aug 18 15:12:09 <dabbott> robbat2: thanks noted
+Aug 18 15:12:11 <Betelgeuse> a total of 113 eligible voters, with one pending vote."
+Aug 18 15:12:50 <NeddySeagoon> Next Secretaries Report
+Aug 18 15:13:00 <robbat2> yeah, something doesn't mesh in the numbers
+Aug 18 15:13:22 <robbat2> i think it was a copy & paste error from the last report
+Aug 18 15:13:32 <robbat2> yep,
+Aug 18 15:14:47 <NeddySeagoon> The election for Gentoo Foundation Trustees has concluded. We had 229 eligible voters with 76 voting for a turnout of ~33%. <--- looks wrong
+Aug 18 15:15:03 <robbat2> dabbott, please correct your report to say: We received 48 valid votes out from a total of 113 eligible voters, for a turnout of 42.4%. (The pending vote was accounted for)
+Aug 18 15:15:37 <dabbott> ok
+Aug 18 15:15:42 <robbat2> the pending vote was jcallen's, because the voter roster had him by his old username, abcd, and that had to be switched before votify accepted his ballot
+Aug 18 15:15:49 <dabbott> missed that section
+Aug 18 15:16:45 <robbat2> also, sometime this week I'll send you the list of voters, so we can update the rollcall, as we probably need to expire more people off it for non-voting
+Aug 18 15:17:51 <NeddySeagoon> meanwhile, I would like to propose a vote of thnaks to the outgoing trustees, quantumsummers|c rich0 and robbat2 and welcome quantumsummers|c relected for a further term, SwifT for returning after a break and Betelgeuse for his first term.
+Aug 18 15:18:15 <NeddySeagoon> robbat2, true - I need to update the ACL here too
+Aug 18 15:18:45 <NeddySeagoon> Do I have a second
+Aug 18 15:18:50 <robbat2> seconded
+Aug 18 15:18:55 <robbat2> (despite it being for myself)
+Aug 18 15:19:02 <NeddySeagoon> vote
+Aug 18 15:19:04 <NeddySeagoon> aye
+Aug 18 15:19:04 <robbat2> aye
+Aug 18 15:19:23 <dabbott> yes
+Aug 18 15:19:48 <SwifT> thanks ;) glad to be of assistance
+Aug 18 15:19:52 <NeddySeagoon> Welcome to the board SwifT and Betelgeuse
+Aug 18 15:20:33 <NeddySeagoon> We will come back to the Treasuers report when quantumsummers|c shows up
+Aug 18 15:20:55 <NeddySeagoon> Date of Next Meeting - 15th Sep 2012 19:00 UTC Does this work for everyone ?
+Aug 18 15:21:29 <SwifT> yup
+Aug 18 15:21:33 <dabbott> yes
+Aug 18 15:21:39 <Betelgeuse> wfm
+Aug 18 15:21:59 <NeddySeagoon> Any other business ...
+Aug 18 15:22:05 <NeddySeagoon> robbat2, ?
+Aug 18 15:22:12 <robbat2> NeddySeagoon, an additional request for future agendas
+Aug 18 15:22:19 <NeddySeagoon> robbat2, sure
+Aug 18 15:22:39 <robbat2> at the bottom of each agenda, can you include the actual tentatives dates of future meetings, other than saying "the 3rd sunday"
+Aug 18 15:22:59 <robbat2> for ease of review
+Aug 18 15:23:04 <dabbott> I can do that
+Aug 18 15:23:14 <NeddySeagoon> robbat2, OK, we can add the mettings calendar up to the next AGM
+Aug 18 15:23:16 <robbat2> easy, nice to review
+Aug 18 15:23:19 <robbat2> that works too
+Aug 18 15:23:25 <robbat2> anyway, so the main AoB item
+Aug 18 15:23:36 <robbat2> is that we wanted to propose more officers for the foundation
+Aug 18 15:24:04 <NeddySeagoon> yeah - alex and Denis should not be allowed to escape
+Aug 18 15:24:07 <robbat2> with calchan & antarus being candidates for that, as well as quantumsummers|c suggesting in a previous meeting that I might be the infra liasion officer
+Aug 18 15:24:39 <NeddySeagoon> robbat2, It that an appointment you acctept ?
+Aug 18 15:25:06 <robbat2> if antarus wants it instead of me, I'm happy to give it to him; otherwise I will accept it
+Aug 18 15:26:04 <robbat2> but he's off camping at the moment
+Aug 18 15:26:32 <NeddySeagoon> I would like to see the whole officer thing on the agenda for next month. rich0s temporary appointment runs out, other officers contine to server but were never appointed by the current board. e.g. me.
+Aug 18 15:26:58 <robbat2> maybe take it to email, and finalize at that meeting?
+Aug 18 15:27:07 <NeddySeagoon> Officers need to be reviewed and confirmed (or otherwise) in post
+Aug 18 15:27:23 <dabbott> NeddySeagoon: I will add it to the agenda
+Aug 18 15:27:48 <NeddySeagoon> Yeah - we can talk to calchan & antarus meanwhile too
+Aug 18 15:27:58 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, AoB ?
+Aug 18 15:28:06 <dabbott> none here
+Aug 18 15:28:15 <NeddySeagoon> SwifT, ?
+Aug 18 15:28:21 <SwifT> ok
+Aug 18 15:28:30 <NeddySeagoon> Betelgeuse, AoB ?
+Aug 18 15:28:54 <Betelgeuse> NeddySeagoon: not for the meeting, if someone has links of material that would be useful to read, please send
+Aug 18 15:29:10 <SwifT> has a few to start
+Aug 18 15:29:23 <NeddySeagoon> yep.
+Aug 18 15:29:46 <SwifT> I definitely like the activity tracker - would be nice to add pointers to the "how" as well (links would do just fine)
+Aug 18 15:29:50 <NeddySeagoon> I'll post logs ... dabbot will you do motions please ?
+Aug 18 15:30:06 <robbat2> and immediately after this meeting, i'm going to update the mail alias
+Aug 18 15:30:12 <dabbott> SwifT: please update at will Betelgeuse also
+Aug 18 15:30:20 <robbat2> to drop myself and rich0
+Aug 18 15:30:38 <robbat2> or do you want us around for a bit still?
+Aug 18 15:30:45 <NeddySeagoon> robbat2, rich0 is still an officer - please leave him on the alias
+Aug 18 15:31:18 <NeddySeagoon> robbat2, it may be good for you to stay on until the -infra liasion is sorted out
+Aug 18 15:31:28 <dabbott> yes
+Aug 18 15:31:33 <Betelgeuse> The "Articles of Incorporation of Gentoo Foundation, Inc." link is broken
+Aug 18 15:32:18 <NeddySeagoon> Open floor ...
+Aug 18 15:33:13 <NeddySeagoon> Betelgeuse, SwifT I have some document scans which were given to the 2008 board. I'll email them to you
+Aug 18 15:33:25 <SwifT> ok
+Aug 18 15:33:35 <robbat2> send to the alias rather than just them
+Aug 18 15:34:07 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, have you had time to fix your report or shall we take it to email along the quantumsummers|c report ?
+Aug 18 15:34:19 <dabbott> yea I fixed it
+Aug 18 15:34:25 <robbat2> SwifT, Betelgeuse: for documentation purposes, I'd like to note that all email on the trustees alias is privately archived; and you can get a copy of it again if you need it
+Aug 18 15:34:49 <NeddySeagoon> robbat2, everyone else already has this stuff - I suspect Swift has seen it too
+Aug 18 15:35:03 <robbat2> NeddySeagoon, just so it's definetly in the archive
+Aug 18 15:35:11 <NeddySeagoon> but OK, I'll send it to the alias
+Aug 18 15:35:44 <Betelgeuse> robbat2: what does privately mean in this context?
+Aug 18 15:35:57 <robbat2> Betelgeuse, if you want the archive, you need to ask somebody in infra for it
+Aug 18 15:36:01 <robbat2> it's not in the public archives
+Aug 18 15:36:19 <NeddySeagoon> As there ia nothing from quantumsummers|c we will take the Treasurers report and amended Secretaries report on the alias and vote next meeting
+Aug 18 15:36:36 <Betelgeuse> robbat2: ok
+Aug 18 15:36:42 * NeddySeagoon bangs the gavel to close the 2013 AGM
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+Sep 15 15:05:46 <SwifT> 3. Old business - (a.) Annual Report NM DUE Oct/Nov
+Sep 15 15:06:10 <dabbott> I have all the info needed
+Sep 15 15:06:48 <dabbott> Nov 15 is the deadline so I will do it next month
+Sep 15 15:07:18 <SwifT> ok
+Sep 15 15:07:37 <dabbott> we only need a vice president but required
+Sep 15 15:07:42 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to quantumsummers
+Sep 15 15:07:54 <dabbott> hi quantumsummers :)
+Sep 15 15:08:04 <quantumsummers> hello folks
+Sep 15 15:08:16 <SwifT> ok; do we need to find a vice president right now? or can this be handled outside the meeting?
+Sep 15 15:08:19 <SwifT> hi quantumsummers|c
+Sep 15 15:08:24 <SwifT> (without |c then)
+Sep 15 15:08:35 <quantumsummers> sorry am late been sick since 4am
+Sep 15 15:08:54 <dabbott> we don't need it now just open
+Sep 15 15:08:55 <SwifT> quantumsummers: no worries - just don't throw up on the keyboard
+Sep 15 15:09:14 <quantumsummers> on my phone in the sick room actually.
+Sep 15 15:09:46 <quantumsummers> regardless I'll try to reserve myself.
+Sep 15 15:09:51 <SwifT> are there any requirements on the vice president? For instance, need to be US resident or not?
+Sep 15 15:09:58 <quantumsummers> no
+Sep 15 15:10:59 <quantumsummers> only thing is that they must not be prohibited from serving as an officer by a US court.
+Sep 15 15:10:59 <SwifT> ok, I'll mail trustees@g.o to see who is candidate so we can fill it in
+Sep 15 15:11:30 <dabbott> quantumsummers: next month I will file with NM, should I open a bug for it?
+Sep 15 15:11:30 <quantumsummers> err, seem like I have been VP since ferris passed.
+Sep 15 15:11:55 <dabbott> ok sound good I will add it to the form for NM
+Sep 15 15:11:57 <SwifT> well, that would definitely be fine by me to keep you as VP
+Sep 15 15:12:08 <Betelgeuse> seconded
+Sep 15 15:12:09 <quantumsummers> on paper anyway. were we going to have robin or rich do that?
+Sep 15 15:12:36 <quantumsummers> dabbott bug if you need it.
+Sep 15 15:13:16 <dabbott> ok
+Sep 15 15:13:19 <quantumsummers> dabbott let's get together next week and go over the filing. OK?
+Sep 15 15:13:31 <dabbott> yes sounds good
+Sep 15 15:13:38 <quantumsummers> cool.
+Sep 15 15:13:54 <SwifT> ok; next on the agenda is the Activity Tracker
+Sep 15 15:14:22 <dabbott> its pretty easy online now I have all the info just need to pay and looks like it is a done deal
+Sep 15 15:14:23 <SwifT> it has seen a few changes since last meeting (annual report and such have been linked)
+Sep 15 15:14:55 <SwifT> I find it a very handy worktool!
+Sep 15 15:15:07 <quantumsummers> excuse me for a couple mins as I clean out.
+Sep 15 15:15:47 <SwifT> anything else for the activity tracker? things missing?
+Sep 15 15:16:14 <quantumsummers> not that bad. my report is not complete.
+Sep 15 15:16:20 <dabbott> no I just need to update the election process some more
+Sep 15 15:16:30 <quantumsummers> for which I apologize
+Sep 15 15:16:38 <SwifT> quantumsummers: do you have an idea when we might have it ready?
+Sep 15 15:17:37 <quantumsummers> not today, that is certain. I have most every thing back from our CPA.
+Sep 15 15:17:48 <SwifT> CPA?
+Sep 15 15:18:04 <quantumsummers> accountant
+Sep 15 15:18:12 <SwifT> ok
+Sep 15 15:18:30 <SwifT> are you also "in charge" for the IRS Return 990 ?
+Sep 15 15:18:49 <quantumsummers> I will commit to finishing it this week. Yes the 990ez
+Sep 15 15:19:00 <SwifT> ok, great
+Sep 15 15:19:17 <quantumsummers> CPA manages all the tough stuff
+Sep 15 15:19:43 <SwifT> as long as we file our stuff in due time
+Sep 15 15:19:50 <quantumsummers> not that the 990ez is tough, but that is their profession
+Sep 15 15:19:55 <SwifT> =)
+Sep 15 15:20:09 <quantumsummers> we will file on time no prob
+Sep 15 15:20:11 <SwifT> I think those are the things from the tracker that are in close proximity
+Sep 15 15:20:25 <SwifT> next?
+Sep 15 15:20:46 <dabbott> current efile info for review
+Sep 15 15:20:56 <quantumsummers> cool
+Sep 15 15:21:11 <SwifT> thx
+Sep 15 15:21:55 <Betelgeuse> dabbott: my address is wrong
+Sep 15 15:21:56 <SwifT> next on the agenda was quantumsummers with "Certified Public Accountant" (hah, now I see the abbrevation :-p ) and 501(c)3 registration status
+Sep 15 15:22:10 <Betelgeuse> dabbott: It's Iivisniemenaukio not Livisniemenaukio
+Sep 15 15:22:21 <SwifT> I assume some (most?) of that has already been said
+Sep 15 15:22:26 <dabbott> ok noted
+Sep 15 15:22:35 <quantumsummers> nothing new for that save what I noted above.
+Sep 15 15:22:46 <Betelgeuse> dabbott: I have never seen FD as country code for Finland.
+Sep 15 15:23:15 <SwifT> dabbott: my country is "BE" (Belgium), nog "BG" (Bulgaria)
+Sep 15 15:23:18 <quantumsummers> Just put Suomi in there ;-)
+Sep 15 15:23:42 <SwifT> unless it's not ISO codes in that file :p
+Sep 15 15:24:11 <Betelgeuse> SwifT: since both of ours are weird it might not be :D
+Sep 15 15:24:18 <quantumsummers> who knows these state govt forms have poor international QA
+Sep 15 15:24:43 <dabbott> yep it is drop down :)
+Sep 15 15:24:50 <SwifT> lol
+Sep 15 15:24:51 <quantumsummers> where poor is likely none.
+Sep 15 15:25:09 <SwifT> ok - next on the agenda is "Open trustee bugs"
+Sep 15 15:25:11 <quantumsummers> dabbott now we should file a but
+Sep 15 15:25:12 <Betelgeuse> quantumsummers: is there FI?
+Sep 15 15:25:28 <quantumsummers> I dunno ask David.
+Sep 15 15:25:52 <SwifT> anyone any trustee bugs that they want to discuss?
+Sep 15 15:26:15 <dabbott> Its a drop down that puts that info in there itself I entered the correct country
+Sep 15 15:26:37 <quantumsummers> I am not aware of any bugs that need attention.
+Sep 15 15:27:13 <quantumsummers> pretty soon I will file the gsoc summit reimbursement bugs
+Sep 15 15:27:32 <SwifT> ok - next on the agenda is "New Business - Officer status and vote"
+Sep 15 15:27:37 <quantumsummers> and get the Google po in there with the o hers
+Sep 15 15:28:53 <dabbott> I want to nominate Roy to continue as President
+Sep 15 15:29:01 <SwifT> seconded
+Sep 15 15:29:05 <quantumsummers> +1
+Sep 15 15:30:04 <Betelgeuse> I assume he's said he's willing?
+Sep 15 15:30:09 <quantumsummers> that is a fair certainty
+Sep 15 15:30:59 <dabbott> He just wanted it to be affirmed and recorded afair
+Sep 15 15:31:04 <SwifT> I have not seen any in either direction from him, and he still has to accept (or decline) his nomination, but I'm fairly certain he's going for it as well
+Sep 15 15:31:10 <Betelgeuse> ok
+Sep 15 15:31:10 <quantumsummers> I'd be very surprised if he did not.
+Sep 15 15:31:25 <quantumsummers> wfm.
+Sep 15 15:31:31 <SwifT> Betelgeuse: you ok with Roy being nominated for another year of presidency?
+Sep 15 15:31:55 <Betelgeuse> SwifT: sure
+Sep 15 15:32:05 <SwifT> great
+Sep 15 15:32:35 <SwifT> for vice presidency, quantumsummers is currently enlisted - for me, I also suggest keeping quantumsummers there ;)
+Sep 15 15:33:28 <dabbott> seconded unless he want to just be the treasurer
+Sep 15 15:33:34 <quantumsummers> in a few months I would like someone else as VP. let's just keep me in for the filings.
+Sep 15 15:33:49 <Betelgeuse> ok
+Sep 15 15:33:52 <SwifT> ok
+Sep 15 15:33:54 <quantumsummers> I planned to stay treasurer
+Sep 15 15:34:21 <SwifT> well, that brings us to the treasurer part nicely - +1 for quantumsummers as treasurer
+Sep 15 15:34:48 <dabbott> seconded
+Sep 15 15:34:49 <quantumsummers> up to now there have not been any duties specific to VP. we should change that with the new person.
+Sep 15 15:35:08 <quantumsummers> thanks for keeping me
+Sep 15 15:35:46 <dabbott> lets open a thread on the mail list for vp and duties and who would like the position
+Sep 15 15:35:53 <SwifT> Betelgeuse: you agree with quantumsummers for treasurer?
+Sep 15 15:35:57 <SwifT> dabbott: good idea
+Sep 15 15:36:04 <quantumsummers> good idea
+Sep 15 15:36:04 <Betelgeuse> SwifT: wfm
+Sep 15 15:36:07 <SwifT> dabbott: mailinglist (-nfp) or alias?
+Sep 15 15:36:16 <dabbott> alias for now
+Sep 15 15:36:19 <SwifT> k
+Sep 15 15:36:26 <SwifT> finally, secretary
+Sep 15 15:36:28 <quantumsummers> +1
+Sep 15 15:36:38 <quantumsummers> keep dabbott
+Sep 15 15:36:48 <SwifT> I think dabbott is doing a great job there, so I would like to keep him there for another year ;)
+Sep 15 15:36:58 <dabbott> yes thanks
+Sep 15 15:36:59 <quantumsummers> well said
+Sep 15 15:37:14 <Betelgeuse> wfm
+Sep 15 15:37:31 <SwifT> ok, I think we have all the standard officer roles done now
+Sep 15 15:37:46 <SwifT> next on the agenda?
+Sep 15 15:37:55 <SwifT> "Sponsorship Requests - Leaseweb"
+Sep 15 15:38:36 <dabbott> LeaseWeb is done I should have removed it from the agenda, its in infra hands now
+Sep 15 15:38:48 <SwifT> yup, we saw the leaseweb mails pass by
+Sep 15 15:38:51 <quantumsummers> cool
+Sep 15 15:39:04 <dabbott> Bug 482094
+Sep 15 15:39:05 <SwifT> so nothing for us anymore on Leaseweb?
+Sep 15 15:39:42 <quantumsummers> I'm sure robbat2 will let us kno if anything comes up
+Sep 15 15:39:57 <SwifT> next then is "Membership Applications - Doug Goldstein ( and Steven J. Long ("
+Sep 15 15:40:10 <dabbott> +1
+Sep 15 15:40:13 <Betelgeuse> +1
+Sep 15 15:40:16 <SwifT> +1 here as well
+Sep 15 15:40:20 <quantumsummers> Goldstein +1
+Sep 15 15:40:37 <quantumsummers> is Long a dev now?
+Sep 15 15:40:43 <SwifT> no he's not
+Sep 15 15:40:53 <SwifT> at least, not to my knowledge
+Sep 15 15:41:03 <dabbott> no community member Roy voiced his support
+Sep 15 15:41:13 <quantumsummers> hmm. I have not read his stuff. I will abstain.
+Sep 15 15:41:34 <Betelgeuse> I think he's been vocal on the mls
+Sep 15 15:41:41 <dabbott> I don't know him that well his history anyway
+Sep 15 15:41:47 <SwifT> from the Internets, I notice he's quite active for gentoo (forum & mailinglists) and shows mature interaction
+Sep 15 15:41:56 <dabbott> he helps on gentoo-cev-help
+Sep 15 15:42:12 <quantumsummers> yes. quite vocal. seems like he hit the devrel+ radar
+Sep 15 15:42:35 <quantumsummers> I trust you guys
+Sep 15 15:43:02 <quantumsummers> please proceed with my abstention.
+Sep 15 15:43:07 <SwifT> ok
+Sep 15 15:43:20 <dabbott> I'm ok with it
+Sep 15 15:43:21 <SwifT> so we welcome Doug (4+) and Steven (3+)
+Sep 15 15:43:43 <dabbott> I will send the mails to them
+Sep 15 15:43:43 <SwifT> that's it for the fixed agenda
+Sep 15 15:43:48 <SwifT> dabbott: great, thx
+Sep 15 15:44:07 <SwifT> dabbott: will you also update the membership list accordingly?
+Sep 15 15:44:16 <dabbott> yes will do
+Sep 15 15:44:32 <quantumsummers> thanks dabbott
+Sep 15 15:44:46 <quantumsummers> how do you like the app?
+Sep 15 15:44:54 <SwifT> ok - that's it for the (fixed) agenda;
+Sep 15 15:45:02 <quantumsummers> sucks don't it ;-)
+Sep 15 15:45:15 <dabbott> quantumsummers: great can we update it for 1.4 as 1.2 will be removed soonish
+Sep 15 15:45:57 <quantumsummers> sure. I think it will work with any django version, but lemme test in a venv
+Sep 15 15:46:00 <dabbott> sorry its on 1.3 so
+Sep 15 15:46:01 <SwifT> finally, "finishing touches" responsibilities
+Sep 15 15:46:19 <SwifT> Who will post the log? I can do that tomorrow early
+Sep 15 15:46:38 <dabbott> SwifT: i will do both
+Sep 15 15:46:45 <SwifT> dabbott: ok
+Sep 15 15:47:09 <SwifT> dabbott: with "both", you mean "post logs / minutes" ?
+Sep 15 15:47:16 <dabbott> I will add the motions for membership and officers
+Sep 15 15:47:21 <SwifT> great
+Sep 15 15:47:24 <dabbott> yep
+Sep 15 15:47:31 <dabbott> both
+Sep 15 15:47:47 <SwifT> i'd vote you in for a decade of secretary :;p
+Sep 15 15:48:04 <SwifT> I think we have had all agenda topics then; final is "open floor"
+Sep 15 15:48:30 <dabbott> as for the agenda SwifT Betelgeuse quantumsummers feel free to add to or remove items as needed tracker also :)
+Sep 15 15:48:39 <SwifT> dabbott: will do
+Sep 15 15:48:48 <quantumsummers> thanks dabbott
+Sep 15 15:48:51 <SwifT> quantumsummers: is the "treasurers report" linked ot the IRS filing?
+Sep 15 15:48:59 <SwifT> quantumsummers: or are they separate things?
+Sep 15 15:49:23 <quantumsummers> linked? we use the data from the CPA workup in the 990
+Sep 15 15:49:46 <quantumsummers> my report is aimed at a general audience
+Sep 15 15:50:14 <SwifT> ok
+Sep 15 15:50:24 <quantumsummers> so they are separate, formally.
+Sep 15 15:52:17 <SwifT> on the trademark stuff, I've mailed the django sw foundation to see if we are allowed to create a trademark license similar to theirs - once I have answer from them, I'll make a gentoo-ified version for us to discuss
+Sep 15 15:52:51 <dabbott> SwifT: thanks
+Sep 15 15:53:52 <SwifT> if nothing else, we can close this meeting - next is on october 20th, 1900UTC - this channel
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+Oct 20 15:02:24 <NeddySeagoon> roll call
+Oct 20 15:02:28 <dabbott> here
+Oct 20 15:02:56 <NeddySeagoon> Betelgeuse, quantumsummers|c SwifT
+Oct 20 15:02:57 <Betelgeuse> here
+Oct 20 15:03:18 <SwifT> here
+Oct 20 15:03:20 <NeddySeagoon> My logger is here
+Oct 20 15:03:36 <dabbott> me also
+Oct 20 15:03:59 <NeddySeagoon> We have a quorum ... lets start
+Oct 20 15:04:23 <NeddySeagoon> Annual Report NM DUE Oct/Nov
+Oct 20 15:04:43 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, is that yours ?
+Oct 20 15:04:53 <dabbott> we can efile i sent the info to quantumsummers|c so he can login and pay
+Oct 20 15:05:16 <dabbott> if nothing happens by the first I will do it
+Oct 20 15:05:51 <NeddySeagoon> ok - the action is with quantumsummers|c
+Oct 20 15:06:19 <dabbott> I think it is better to pay from the gentoo account not my personal
+Oct 20 15:06:29 <NeddySeagoon> Treasurer Report -> quantumsummers|c again ?
+Oct 20 15:06:45 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, agreed
+Oct 20 15:07:37 <NeddySeagoon> Foundation Activity Tracker only te report due ?
+Oct 20 15:08:17 <dabbott> yep
+Oct 20 15:09:07 <NeddySeagoon> the financial stuff needs quantumsummers|c
+Oct 20 15:09:34 <NeddySeagoon> Item 4 bugs
+Oct 20 15:11:22 <NeddySeagoon> Are there any pressing items ?
+Oct 20 15:12:19 <NeddySeagoon> SwifT, Betelgeuse dabbott ^^
+Oct 20 15:12:25 <SwifT> no, nothing that I see
+Oct 20 15:12:40 <SwifT> the Steven bug (cfr also emails) can be closed afaik
+Oct 20 15:12:48 <dabbott> yes
+Oct 20 15:12:51 <SwifT> he was accepted in in the previous meeting
+Oct 20 15:12:51 <NeddySeagoon> agreed
+Oct 20 15:13:34 <NeddySeagoon> care to update te bug ?
+Oct 20 15:13:47 <dabbott> Morphodo may be done, Robin was handling it afaik
+Oct 20 15:14:18 <SwifT> sure, I'll close and welcome Steven in the bug
+Oct 20 15:14:22 <dabbott> LeaseWeb is done I can close it
+Oct 20 15:14:48 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, thanks
+Oct 20 15:15:08 <NeddySeagoon> 5. New Business - None
+Oct 20 15:15:25 <NeddySeagoon> Cleanup
+Oct 20 15:15:36 <NeddySeagoon> Date of Next Meeting - 17 Nov 2013 19:00 UTC
+Oct 20 15:15:40 <NeddySeagoon> wfm
+Oct 20 15:15:46 <dabbott> Fine here
+Oct 20 15:15:51 <SwifT> yup
+Oct 20 15:16:03 <NeddySeagoon> Betelgeuse, ?
+Oct 20 15:16:26 <Betelgeuse> NeddySeagoon: just a minute
+Oct 20 15:16:28 <Betelgeuse> need to find my phone
+Oct 20 15:16:38 <NeddySeagoon> ok
+Oct 20 15:17:42 <Betelgeuse> NeddySeagoon: time ok
+Oct 20 15:17:57 <NeddySeagoon> Any other business ...
+Oct 20 15:18:08 <NeddySeagoon> SwifT, ?
+Oct 20 15:18:34 <SwifT> one thing
+Oct 20 15:18:57 <SwifT> I got feedback frmo the Django folks that they opened up their trademark text so we can easily base ours on it
+Oct 20 15:19:07 <SwifT> (regarding the usage guidelines of the Gento name and logo)
+Oct 20 15:19:24 <NeddySeagoon> Thats usefull :)
+Oct 20 15:19:32 <dabbott> thanks :)
+Oct 20 15:19:33 <SwifT> quantumsummers|c mentioned that license texts cannot be copyrighted, so it might not matter even, but I couldn't find a good resource on that, so better safe than sorry ;)
+Oct 20 15:19:50 <NeddySeagoon> yep
+Oct 20 15:19:55 <SwifT> i'll draft up a gentoo text based on the django text so we can discuss that in the next meeting
+Oct 20 15:20:02 <Betelgeuse> SwifT: probably such a rule wouldn't be global any way
+Oct 20 15:20:04 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, aob ?
+Oct 20 15:20:12 <dabbott> no
+Oct 20 15:20:45 <dabbott> I emaile quantumsummers|c I thunk he is at the Google summit
+Oct 20 15:20:49 <NeddySeagoon> Betelgeuse, true bu we are a OSA entity
+Oct 20 15:20:59 <NeddySeagoon> USA*
+Oct 20 15:21:25 <NeddySeagoon> Betelgeuse, aob ?
+Oct 20 15:21:31 <Betelgeuse> NeddySeagoon: in this case it would matter who contributed to the django text etc
+Oct 20 15:21:52 <Betelgeuse> NeddySeagoon: no
+Oct 20 15:22:08 <Betelgeuse> NeddySeagoon: no new members etc?
+Oct 20 15:22:37 <Betelgeuse> Guess I would have seen the emails on the alias
+Oct 20 15:23:03 <Betelgeuse> NeddySeagoon: Let's just mark for next meeting to check how big of a percentage of new devs apply to join
+Oct 20 15:23:06 <NeddySeagoon> Betelgeuse, that could affect copyright but not licence
+Oct 20 15:23:09 <Betelgeuse> I can check some numbers
+Oct 20 15:23:31 <NeddySeagoon> Betelgeuse, ok
+Oct 20 15:23:48 <NeddySeagoon> I have one item
+Oct 20 15:24:19 <NeddySeagoon> Sopt logs seem to be missing
+Oct 20 15:24:31 <NeddySeagoon> Sept*
+Oct 20 15:25:19 <dabbott> I must of forgot I will fix
+Oct 20 15:25:22 <NeddySeagoon> can someone post them please ?
+Oct 20 15:26:21 <dabbott> NeddySeagoon: ^^
+Oct 20 15:26:22 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, you want to do todayo log too ?
+Oct 20 15:26:56 <dabbott> yes I can do the log and todays also at the same time
+Oct 20 15:27:09 <NeddySeagoon> lastly, Open Floor
+Oct 20 15:27:18 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, thanks
+Oct 20 15:27:45 <dilfridge> err
+Oct 20 15:27:50 <dilfridge> may I?
+Oct 20 15:28:29 <dabbott> dilfridge: go ahead
+Oct 20 15:28:40 <NeddySeagoon> dilfridge, ?
+Oct 20 15:28:52 <dilfridge> just for your information, since I consider trustees to be one of the groups intrinsically entitled,
+Oct 20 15:29:11 <dilfridge> if any of you wants to have admin permissions for the facebook page, just message me.
+Oct 20 15:29:21 <dilfridge> that's all.
+Oct 20 15:29:40 <NeddySeagoon> thanks dilfridge
+Oct 20 15:29:47 * NeddySeagoon bangs the gavel to close the meeting
+Oct 20 15:30:06 <NeddySeagoon> thank you team
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+Nov 17 14:02:37 * NeddySeagoon bangs the virtual gavel to open the November meeting
+Nov 17 14:02:46 <Betelgeuse> hello
+Nov 17 14:02:50 <NeddySeagoon> Roll call
+Nov 17 14:03:06 <dabbott> present
+Nov 17 14:03:09 * quantumsummers is present
+Nov 17 14:03:13 <NeddySeagoon> SwifT, quantumsummers dabbott ?
+Nov 17 14:03:14 <SwifT> persent
+Nov 17 14:03:19 <SwifT> err, present
+Nov 17 14:03:45 <NeddySeagoon> we have a quorum
+Nov 17 14:03:53 * quantumsummers pokes Betelgeuse
+Nov 17 14:03:59 <NeddySeagoon> I'm logging
+Nov 17 14:04:06 <dabbott> me too
+Nov 17 14:04:25 <dabbott> make sure to reload the agenda
+Nov 17 14:04:26 <NeddySeagoon> well, my logger is here ...
+Nov 17 14:04:30 <Betelgeuse> quantumsummers: wazza?
+Nov 17 14:04:48 <NeddySeagoon> Foundation Activity Tracker ...
+Nov 17 14:04:55 <quantumsummers> Betelgeuse: missed you at the summit this year :)
+Nov 17 14:05:29 <Betelgeuse> quantumsummers: how sweat :)
+Nov 17 14:05:37 <quantumsummers> sweet I assume :D
+Nov 17 14:05:47 <SwifT> smelly sweet
+Nov 17 14:05:48 <SwifT> :)
+Nov 17 14:05:49 <quantumsummers> NeddySeagoon, all: the only major event was the irs 990-EZ filing, which is done
+Nov 17 14:05:53 <NeddySeagoon> IRS Return 990 due 15-Nov-2013
+Nov 17 14:05:56 <quantumsummers> done
+Nov 17 14:06:01 <Betelgeuse> quantumsummers: that too
+Nov 17 14:06:13 <quantumsummers> done did it a few weeks back actually
+Nov 17 14:06:34 <dabbott> how about the Treasurer Report?
+Nov 17 14:06:37 <NeddySeagoon> tracker needs to be updated. Can we still get rich0 to do that ?
+Nov 17 14:06:39 <quantumsummers> mark us for Nov 15th 2014
+Nov 17 14:06:43 <dabbott> did i miss it
+Nov 17 14:06:48 <quantumsummers> dabbott: have I not sent that in yet?
+Nov 17 14:06:58 <quantumsummers> geez, ok, let me see
+Nov 17 14:07:02 <quantumsummers> I have it somewhere
+Nov 17 14:07:10 <dabbott> NeddySeagoon: I will update the tracker he is busy with council
+Nov 17 14:07:12 <quantumsummers> gist, we are doing pretty well financially
+Nov 17 14:07:31 <quantumsummers> more income that expenses
+Nov 17 14:07:31 <NeddySeagoon> the slacker :)
+Nov 17 14:08:08 <quantumsummers> when you get to my section of things, I have some items
+Nov 17 14:08:13 <quantumsummers> though new business
+Nov 17 14:08:32 <NeddySeagoon> robbat2, was going to send me a patch for the presidents report too
+Nov 17 14:09:01 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, you have the floor
+Nov 17 14:09:17 <quantumsummers> thanks
+Nov 17 14:09:19 <NeddySeagoon> Financial | Legal Status ...
+Nov 17 14:09:30 <robbat2> sorry, i totally forgot
+Nov 17 14:09:31 <quantumsummers> so I have 2 groups looking at long-term donation/support
+Nov 17 14:09:39 <quantumsummers> negotiating a little with them
+Nov 17 14:09:43 <quantumsummers> so that is interesting
+Nov 17 14:09:46 <robbat2> and thanks for pinging me, because I have something in new business
+Nov 17 14:10:27 <quantumsummers> Also: we have some interest in "certifying" devs interested in doing Gentoo-related work on a contract bassis
+Nov 17 14:10:30 <quantumsummers> *basis
+Nov 17 14:11:03 <quantumsummers> so, it is similar to what we have now on the page for devs for hire
+Nov 17 14:11:18 <NeddySeagoon> Hmm .. we can certify that they are devs
+Nov 17 14:11:19 <quantumsummers> though the idea was to have them donate some portion
+Nov 17 14:11:42 <quantumsummers> have a section for those that support gentoo via donating some portion of the contract value
+Nov 17 14:11:43 <dabbott>
+Nov 17 14:11:53 <quantumsummers> exactly
+Nov 17 14:12:05 <quantumsummers> also Donnie has insisted that I put my company on there
+Nov 17 14:12:21 <quantumsummers> this all came from a convo with Donnie, Lance, Seemant, and Denis
+Nov 17 14:12:23 <NeddySeagoon> why not quantumsummers ?
+Nov 17 14:12:50 <quantumsummers> well, I had some concerns about conflict of interest, however I think those are all moot now
+Nov 17 14:13:12 <quantumsummers> after some discussion with my attorney and the Gentoo CPA, they thought it would be no biggie
+Nov 17 14:13:17 <quantumsummers> so I would like to be on there
+Nov 17 14:13:41 <quantumsummers> also, I am working up a proposal that would include some donation to the foundation based on a percentage of the contract
+Nov 17 14:13:46 <quantumsummers> this is the main thrust
+Nov 17 14:13:51 <dabbott> I say go ahead you are a dev like anyone else
+Nov 17 14:13:55 <quantumsummers> do we want something like that from peeps on that list
+Nov 17 14:14:03 <NeddySeagoon> I don't mind adding devs companies/names as long as we stop short of reccomendations
+Nov 17 14:14:08 <quantumsummers> right
+Nov 17 14:14:16 <quantumsummers> I agree with NeddySeagoon on that bit
+Nov 17 14:14:43 <quantumsummers> however, do we want to make some stipulation or identifyer that shows a donation would be made?
+Nov 17 14:14:49 <quantumsummers> on the apge
+Nov 17 14:14:51 <quantumsummers> pgae
+Nov 17 14:14:56 <dabbott> There is a disclaimer at the begining of the document
+Nov 17 14:14:57 <quantumsummers> argh, p.a.g.e.
+Nov 17 14:15:12 <NeddySeagoon> Its a caso of thes are devs for hire - you mak up your own mind if they can do your job
+Nov 17 14:15:25 <quantumsummers> dabbott: right, however what I am asking is if we want to denote who will make a donation based on an agreement
+Nov 17 14:15:26 <SwifT> i'm not sure the donation thingie would stick as a mandatory thing
+Nov 17 14:15:35 <quantumsummers> not mandatory
+Nov 17 14:15:57 <quantumsummers> just something that would denote that a donation would be made, like a badge or something
+Nov 17 14:16:13 <NeddySeagoon> I'm not concerned about the donations from devs
+Nov 17 14:16:22 <quantumsummers> ok, what about non-devs
+Nov 17 14:16:27 <dabbott> speaking of donations we still don't get the paypal emails
+Nov 17 14:16:36 <quantumsummers> dabbott: I know, I need to call
+Nov 17 14:16:39 <SwifT> ah, so the devs/companies that do donate something get a specific visualization... I'm okay with that
+Nov 17 14:16:47 <quantumsummers> dabbott: I fiddled with the settings, but it did nothing evidently
+Nov 17 14:16:52 <quantumsummers> SwifT: yes
+Nov 17 14:16:57 <dabbott> are they going to the spam hole
+Nov 17 14:16:59 <quantumsummers> something to that effect
+Nov 17 14:17:05 <quantumsummers> dabbott: not that I have seen
+Nov 17 14:17:28 <NeddySeagoon> Non devs ... I'm not sure ... lets run a pilot with devs first
+Nov 17 14:17:28 <quantumsummers> So, if there is some interest in this, I can draft up a doc outlining the policy for your review
+Nov 17 14:17:47 <dabbott> strange, we use to get them for every donation, I would send a thank-you note
+Nov 17 14:17:48 <quantumsummers> for example, I would be happy to give 10 % or 15 % of net
+Nov 17 14:17:59 <quantumsummers> dabbott: I know, then they just stopped
+Nov 17 14:18:01 <quantumsummers> weird
+Nov 17 14:18:10 <quantumsummers> we are still getting donations though
+Nov 17 14:18:13 <quantumsummers> regularly
+Nov 17 14:18:22 <Betelgeuse> It's not a donation if we make a contract based on income
+Nov 17 14:18:29 <quantumsummers> yes it is
+Nov 17 14:18:36 <NeddySeagoon> maybe paypal stopped tem
+Nov 17 14:18:40 <NeddySeagoon> them
+Nov 17 14:18:50 <Betelgeuse> quantumsummers: maybe different rules there then
+Nov 17 14:18:53 <quantumsummers> NeddySeagoon: well the option to receive the emails is still there
+Nov 17 14:19:05 <quantumsummers> Betelgeuse: yes, we would make it entirely voluntary
+Nov 17 14:19:16 <Betelgeuse> quantumsummers: then you need no contract
+Nov 17 14:19:24 <quantumsummers> not with the foundation
+Nov 17 14:19:30 <quantumsummers> I meant a contract with a client
+Nov 17 14:19:42 <NeddySeagoon> We do't want to be seen to be trading ...
+Nov 17 14:19:57 <Betelgeuse> quantumsummers: ah ok, that's your business
+Nov 17 14:19:58 <quantumsummers> yeah, it could get a little murky
+Nov 17 14:20:10 <quantumsummers> let me paint a picture
+Nov 17 14:20:22 <quantumsummers> client finds me on that consultants page
+Nov 17 14:20:33 <quantumsummers> client agrees to contract me for 10,000 USD
+Nov 17 14:20:38 <quantumsummers> I then do the work
+Nov 17 14:20:46 <quantumsummers> lets say I net 8,000USD
+Nov 17 14:20:58 <quantumsummers> then I donate 800USD to gentoo
+Nov 17 14:21:07 <quantumsummers> happy times
+Nov 17 14:21:09 <NeddySeagoon> the IRS is too kind
+Nov 17 14:21:21 <quantumsummers> I was not considering taxes prior to net
+Nov 17 14:21:37 <quantumsummers> anyway, just an example
+Nov 17 14:21:51 <quantumsummers> lets say there is some interest and it needs further fleshing out
+Nov 17 14:22:00 <quantumsummers> I will do that and we can talk about it at the next meeting
+Nov 17 14:22:01 <SwifT> perhaps (just a suggestion) the donation statement itself can be added/linked, so each company can tell how it would go forth
+Nov 17 14:22:05 <NeddySeagoon> I can see how it works and think its worth a try
+Nov 17 14:22:05 <SwifT> ok
+Nov 17 14:22:14 <quantumsummers> SwifT: great idea
+Nov 17 14:22:31 <NeddySeagoon> Sounds good
+Nov 17 14:22:34 <quantumsummers> cool
+Nov 17 14:22:49 <quantumsummers> let's see, I think that is the main thing I wanted to discuss
+Nov 17 14:22:55 <quantumsummers> so, therefore, I am finished
+Nov 17 14:23:18 <quantumsummers> thanks for entertaining my blather
+Nov 17 14:23:21 <NeddySeagoon> Has the CPA sent in an invoice yet ?
+Nov 17 14:23:42 <quantumsummers> no, I should receive this one any day however
+Nov 17 14:23:49 <quantumsummers> it will be < $1000
+Nov 17 14:23:58 <quantumsummers> like 975 or so
+Nov 17 14:24:13 <quantumsummers> I forget what they said
+Nov 17 14:24:24 <dabbott> quantumsummers: sounds good, thanks
+Nov 17 14:24:28 <NeddySeagoon> OK ... I'm a little unhappy it will cover wark over 3 FYs
+Nov 17 14:24:29 <quantumsummers> also, I already reimbursed all for the gsoc mentor summit
+Nov 17 14:24:51 <NeddySeagoon> sounds good
+Nov 17 14:24:52 <quantumsummers> NeddySeagoon: I think some of that went into my bill
+Nov 17 14:24:56 <quantumsummers> previously
+Nov 17 14:25:00 <quantumsummers> no biggie
+Nov 17 14:25:05 <dabbott> for sure :)
+Nov 17 14:25:07 <quantumsummers> I didnt notice
+Nov 17 14:25:45 <NeddySeagoon> OK ... as long as its kept separate from here on
+Nov 17 14:25:55 <quantumsummers> absolutely
+Nov 17 14:26:23 <NeddySeagoon> Any movement on 501(c)(3) registration status
+Nov 17 14:26:32 <quantumsummers> nothing that I have seen
+Nov 17 14:26:49 <dabbott> quantumsummers: I can help out if I get the numbers, Can we start to post a financial report every 4 months Jan, May, and the AGM in Aug?
+Nov 17 14:26:52 <quantumsummers> I'll give a call next week, probably a good idea
+Nov 17 14:27:03 <quantumsummers> dabbott: Lets do quarterly
+Nov 17 14:27:05 <dabbott> For the Jan and May only need a balance sheet listing the balances of all accounts, this could be kept on the wiki, and for the Aug (AGM) a more detailed report.
+Nov 17 14:27:16 <quantumsummers> sure, I have been wanting to do this too
+Nov 17 14:27:25 <quantumsummers> quarterly makes more sense though
+Nov 17 14:27:34 <dabbott> ok
+Nov 17 14:27:38 <quantumsummers> and should be pretty easy
+Nov 17 14:27:41 <NeddySeagoon> Item 4 Bugs. I've been slacking. Do we need to review bugs ?
+Nov 17 14:28:33 <quantumsummers> the only one that I have been somewhat active with is the embargoed country thing
+Nov 17 14:28:51 <dabbott> and the copyright
+Nov 17 14:29:54 <quantumsummers> yeah, we could just stick the new year in the template or just stick a circle-C with no year
+Nov 17 14:30:03 <robbat2> i'll fix that one quickly
+Nov 17 14:30:05 <quantumsummers> I am fond of the latter
+Nov 17 14:30:09 <robbat2> since it's infra-territory
+Nov 17 14:30:15 <robbat2> no, it should be the year of the last change
+Nov 17 14:30:20 <quantumsummers> thanks robbat2
+Nov 17 14:30:35 <dabbott> robbat2: to the rescue ++
+Nov 17 14:30:36 <SwifT> I believe USA and some other countries require a year to be init
+Nov 17 14:31:28 <NeddySeagoon> any more bugs ?
+Nov 17 14:32:11 <NeddySeagoon> robbat2, there is nothing in new business - your turn
+Nov 17 14:32:29 <robbat2> so I went and spoke to #ntp the other day because I had a fun bug in NTP
+Nov 17 14:32:39 <robbat2> and I was approached by one of their head folk
+Nov 17 14:32:48 <robbat2> to ask if Gentoo would consider joining the NTP consortium
+Nov 17 14:33:10 <robbat2>
+Nov 17 14:33:26 <robbat2> debian and netbsd are already there
+Nov 17 14:33:29 <NeddySeagoon> What are the risks and opportunities ?
+Nov 17 14:33:57 <robbat2> they will be expanding the site to explicitly mention open-source distribution membership
+Nov 17 14:34:12 <robbat2> because distros don't quite fit under the institutional membership
+Nov 17 14:34:32 <SwifT> yeah, quite expensive otherwise :p
+Nov 17 14:34:45 <dabbott> so what is the fee
+Nov 17 14:34:52 <quantumsummers> pretty pricey
+Nov 17 14:34:53 <robbat2> from US, they'd like some reciprocal PR, and possibly a much smaller donation
+Nov 17 14:35:03 <robbat2> i was asked not to state the fee publically
+Nov 17 14:35:09 <robbat2> so I can put it in email if you want
+Nov 17 14:35:13 <quantumsummers> seems reasonable, assuming it was not too $$$
+Nov 17 14:35:31 <robbat2> what I'm trying to get from them
+Nov 17 14:35:35 <robbat2> is what value we actually get from it
+Nov 17 14:35:59 <robbat2> we already get advanced security notifications via the normal channels
+Nov 17 14:36:08 <NeddySeagoon> everone uses NTP - even Windows users
+Nov 17 14:36:28 <robbat2> i mean what value we get from the membership
+Nov 17 14:36:33 <robbat2> that we don't have otherwise
+Nov 17 14:36:45 <robbat2> if you want to do it for general goodwill, i'm fine with that
+Nov 17 14:37:03 <NeddySeagoon> Its worth following up
+Nov 17 14:37:15 <SwifT> if debian is also under that open-source distributino membership, perhaps we can ask them as well what their decision was (and reasoning) to become a member?
+Nov 17 14:37:53 <quantumsummers> good idea
+Nov 17 14:38:03 <NeddySeagoon> thers no harm in asking
+Nov 17 14:38:08 <quantumsummers> I am interested in greater collab with Debian
+Nov 17 14:38:15 <quantumsummers> esp. w.r.t. init
+Nov 17 14:38:30 <quantumsummers> anything else we can work together on is great
+Nov 17 14:38:32 <robbat2> ok, i'll discuss it a bit more with the NTP guys, and bring back a proposal
+Nov 17 14:38:37 <quantumsummers> thanks robbat2
+Nov 17 14:38:49 <robbat2> i need to get my act together and write up funding requests for some SSL certs too
+Nov 17 14:39:27 <NeddySeagoon> if we are going to support random FOSS prajects, we need some guideliness on how we pick and choose
+Nov 17 14:40:03 <NeddySeagoon> any more robbat2 ?
+Nov 17 14:40:05 <quantumsummers> (reminds me, I do have another New Business item)
+Nov 17 14:40:09 <robbat2> that's it from me
+Nov 17 14:40:22 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers, ...
+Nov 17 14:40:25 <quantumsummers> ok
+Nov 17 14:40:27 <quantumsummers> thanks
+Nov 17 14:40:53 <quantumsummers> so I talked with our previous SFLC rep at the mentor summit. Karen Sandler now is the Exec Director at the Gnome Foundation
+Nov 17 14:41:11 <quantumsummers> they have a GSOC style program called Outreach Program for Women
+Nov 17 14:41:17 <quantumsummers> I would like Gentoo to participate
+Nov 17 14:41:30 <quantumsummers> it is not cheap, but I think we would get a lot out of it
+Nov 17 14:41:50 <NeddySeagoon> Why the gender discrimination ?
+Nov 17 14:41:51 <quantumsummers> there is some funds matching, and I am more than happy to run a specific fundraiser for this
+Nov 17 14:42:14 <quantumsummers> NeddySeagoon: I assume that is meant to be funny, but in FOSS we have <4% women
+Nov 17 14:42:26 <quantumsummers> in proprietary sw there is 18%
+Nov 17 14:42:43 <quantumsummers>
+Nov 17 14:42:55 <quantumsummers> it is not just code, can be lots of things
+Nov 17 14:43:05 <quantumsummers> PR, writing, code, design, marketing, etc
+Nov 17 14:43:30 <quantumsummers> last I checked gentoo is less than 1% women devs so we are not doing too well there
+Nov 17 14:43:41 <quantumsummers> might be 0% now
+Nov 17 14:44:04 <quantumsummers> I plan to write up a proper proposal for this, but please take a look and consider it
+Nov 17 14:44:07 <NeddySeagoon> Not really. I'm old enough to remember 'bussing' in the South of the USA and all the positive discrimination that grew out of it.
+Nov 17 14:44:34 <quantumsummers> I am not sure what positive discrimination you could mean, affirmative action?
+Nov 17 14:45:02 <quantumsummers> at any rate, it is for women and those that identify as women
+Nov 17 14:45:21 <quantumsummers> no age limit either, so not necessarily students
+Nov 17 14:45:28 <dabbott> wormo is the only woman dev afaik and she has not been able to be very active
+Nov 17 14:45:34 <quantumsummers> right
+Nov 17 14:45:38 <robbat2> quantumsummers, it's non-zero, but not by far
+Nov 17 14:45:49 <robbat2> there are more than wormo
+Nov 17 14:45:50 <quantumsummers> robbat2: indeed, I thought wormo retired
+Nov 17 14:46:02 <quantumsummers> well, all the more reason
+Nov 17 14:46:50 <NeddySeagoon> Thats another way to put it. In the UK at least, things went too far ... I'wm concerned that this might be another instance of that, in years to come
+Nov 17 14:47:02 <dabbott> we can discuss over email
+Nov 17 14:48:07 <NeddySeagoon> Its not an issues right now ... the problem comes when its served its usefulness
+Nov 17 14:48:34 <quantumsummers> this is a year by year thing, so we are not obligated to much
+Nov 17 14:48:47 <quantumsummers> anyway, I can't see anything but positive points now
+Nov 17 14:48:55 <quantumsummers> happy to be informed
+Nov 17 14:48:58 <quantumsummers> email it is
+Nov 17 14:49:07 <NeddySeagoon> I'm fine with it on a year by year basisi
+Nov 17 14:49:18 <quantumsummers> great
+Nov 17 14:49:33 <quantumsummers> that is the way we would handle it, year by year
+Nov 17 14:49:35 * quantumsummers is done now for real this time :)
+Nov 17 14:49:40 <NeddySeagoon> Date of Next Meeting - 15 Dec 2013 19:00 UTC
+Nov 17 14:49:52 <dabbott> ok here
+Nov 17 14:49:57 <SwifT> ok
+Nov 17 14:50:05 <robbat2> i fixed that copyright bug now
+Nov 17 14:50:15 <NeddySeagoon> thanks robbat2
+Nov 17 14:50:32 <Betelgeuse> thanks
+Nov 17 14:50:33 <robbat2> the frontpage is cached btw, so you won't see it right away
+Nov 17 14:50:33 <dabbott> NeddySeagoon: I can post the logs and minutes
+Nov 17 14:50:43 <NeddySeagoon> Betelgeuse, quantumsummers ^^
+Nov 17 14:50:56 <quantumsummers> date works for me
+Nov 17 14:51:08 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, thanks
+Nov 17 14:51:20 <NeddySeagoon> Open Floor ...
+Nov 17 14:51:28 <Betelgeuse> NeddySeagoon: ok
+Nov 17 14:52:07 * NeddySeagoon is still learning dvorak-uk
+Nov 17 14:52:46 * NeddySeagoon bangs the gavel to close the meeting
diff --git a/2013/meeting-12-15.log b/2013/meeting-12-15.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c01ef0d
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+Dec 15 14:00:08 <NeddySeagoon> Roll call
+Dec 15 14:00:34 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, SwifT quantumsummers|c
+Dec 15 14:00:36 <dabbott> I'm logging too, present
+Dec 15 14:00:50 <NeddySeagoon> SwifT, said he may not make it
+Dec 15 14:00:51 <SwifT> make it just in time
+Dec 15 14:00:52 <quantumsummers|c> hello
+Dec 15 14:00:52 <dabbott> SwifT: said he is on the road
+Dec 15 14:01:01 <SwifT> just have to take my coat off
+Dec 15 14:01:09 <dabbott> sorry SwifT hello :)
+Dec 15 14:01:13 <SwifT> np
+Dec 15 14:01:23 <NeddySeagoon> We have a quorum - lets start
+Dec 15 14:01:24 <SwifT> and I still drove within the limits :p
+Dec 15 14:01:30 * quantumsummers|c may have to run off to manage kids from time to time
+Dec 15 14:02:00 <dabbott> hi quantumsummers|c Betelgeuse o/
+Dec 15 14:02:14 <NeddySeagoon> Foundation Activity Tracker - looks like everything is up to date
+Dec 15 14:02:48 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, Quarterly Financial Statements ...
+Dec 15 14:03:17 <dabbott> I put together that wiki page for review, is this what we want to do?
+Dec 15 14:03:41 <dabbott> if it is just need the numbers to proceed
+Dec 15 14:03:57 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, looks good to me. Do yo intend to bigrate the history?
+Dec 15 14:04:07 <quantumsummers|c> working on packaging them now dabbott
+Dec 15 14:04:09 <NeddySeagoon> migrate*
+Dec 15 14:04:09 <dabbott> yes
+Dec 15 14:04:27 <dabbott> quantumsummers|c: sounds good :)
+Dec 15 14:05:09 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c, your turn ... Treasurer Report (I missed that)
+Dec 15 14:06:47 * SwifT guesses one of his kids ran off ;)
+Dec 15 14:07:24 <dol-sen> if he says we have $15M, I change my mind about that desk ;)
+Dec 15 14:07:26 <NeddySeagoon> looks lke quantumsummers|c is rounding up children ... Swift your turn Gentoo Trademark License Agreement
+Dec 15 14:07:33 <quantumsummers|c> well we dont have that
+Dec 15 14:07:46 <SwifT> quantumsummers|c: the floor is yours
+Dec 15 14:08:23 <quantumsummers|c> gonna have to come back .. runs
+Dec 15 14:08:34 <SwifT> ok, i'll do a bit on the trademark license then
+Dec 15 14:08:45 <SwifT> I wrote up a new text based on the django one and sent it to you guys
+Dec 15 14:08:46 <NeddySeagoon> hes outnumbered :)
+Dec 15 14:09:01 <SwifT> i have a few things I'm not certain about, mentioned as notes in the document
+Dec 15 14:09:35 <SwifT> the most important one is to know if the new license has at least the same things are the current one
+Dec 15 14:10:02 <SwifT> if it does, then there is no issue with people/orgnizations that based the name/logo usage on the previous (well, current ;-) license
+Dec 15 14:10:03 <NeddySeagoon> SwifT, I only have some trivia ... but I'm nervous about the council representing Gentoo
+Dec 15 14:10:28 <SwifT> I could drop that part; Django had something like that so I just copied ;)
+Dec 15 14:11:13 <NeddySeagoon> We can say that existing licenced activities are not affcted
+Dec 15 14:11:57 <SwifT> so keep the current one (albeit with a marking that it is no longer applicable to new applications) and refer to it for the previous applications (that predate the new license)
+Dec 15 14:12:28 <SwifT> should we incorporate some timing in the license? Like ask applicants to check on a yearly basis if there are updates to it?
+Dec 15 14:12:30 <NeddySeagoon> It saves having to validate that old and new are compatible
+Dec 15 14:13:56 <SwifT> a second question I have is if we should discuss the license on -nfp or -project before going live?
+Dec 15 14:14:19 <NeddySeagoon> That souns overy onourous - wolud we really expect licencees to change? Users should consult the licence at each use
+Dec 15 14:15:11 <SwifT> it would help us that we don't need to keep older licenses at hand for eternity
+Dec 15 14:15:13 <NeddySeagoon> Discuss on -nfp and post an announce on -project
+Dec 15 14:16:02 <NeddySeagoon> Are we really going to say "you can't do that any more" ?
+Dec 15 14:16:08 <SwifT> most licenses are time-bound, but that is not that common in the free software world (more in propriatary one)
+Dec 15 14:16:28 <NeddySeagoon> How oten is the licence likely to change?
+Dec 15 14:16:34 <SwifT> it's more to handle misinterpretations better
+Dec 15 14:16:45 <NeddySeagoon> agreed
+Dec 15 14:16:46 <SwifT> at the pace we do it, it'll be somewhere in 2038 when Unix time changes ;)
+Dec 15 14:17:12 <SwifT> otoh, we do already have an "interpretation" clause in it
+Dec 15 14:17:23 <SwifT> "The Gentoo Foundation reserves the right to determine if a usage of the Gentoo trademark meets the requirements and standards of this license. "
+Dec 15 14:17:51 <NeddySeagoon> If it came to the "you can't do that any more" we would probably offer an exception anyway, which is just another licence
+Dec 15 14:18:02 <NeddySeagoon> yep
+Dec 15 14:18:29 <SwifT> so, to deal with the few notes I had:
+Dec 15 14:18:44 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, Betelgeuse your thoughts ?
+Dec 15 14:18:51 <SwifT> (1.) Gentoo-related software projects: does this apply to us?
+Dec 15 14:19:03 <SwifT> You may use the Gentoo name in the form "Gentoo-foo" or "foo-Gentoo" in any software project that can be used to augment or extend the capabilities of official Gentoo project software, provided that:
+Dec 15 14:19:06 <dabbott> looks fine to me
+Dec 15 14:19:07 <SwifT> The project is distributed under the terms of an OSI-approved open source license;
+Dec 15 14:19:10 <SwifT> The website for the project does not imply that it is official or otherwise endorsed by the Gentoo Foundation, or by the Gentoo Council as representatives of the Gentoo project.
+Dec 15 14:19:24 <SwifT> no objections to keep it in?
+Dec 15 14:20:07 <NeddySeagoon> or by the Gentoo Council as representatives of the Gentoo project. is not good as the council has no legal stats
+Dec 15 14:20:12 <NeddySeagoon> status.
+Dec 15 14:20:23 <SwifT> yes, i'll drop the references to the council in the document
+Dec 15 14:20:32 <NeddySeagoon> thanks
+Dec 15 14:20:36 <SwifT> (2.) Other commercial activity: You may not use the Gentoo name in the registered name of any company that offers Gentoo project related services.
+Dec 15 14:20:39 <SwifT> You may not incorporate the Gentoo name or logo into the name of any product to be sold by a commercial entity when that product or entity is Gentoo project related.
+Dec 15 14:21:13 <SwifT> ok to keep that in?
+Dec 15 14:21:33 <NeddySeagoon> The Gentoo Foundation is properly called The Gentoo Foundation Inc.
+Dec 15 14:21:49 <NeddySeagoon> wfm
+Dec 15 14:21:49 <SwifT> ok, will add the "Inc" part to it
+Dec 15 14:22:00 <SwifT> is it "The Gentoo Foundation Inc." or "The Gentoo Foundation, Inc." ?
+Dec 15 14:22:13 <NeddySeagoon> the former
+Dec 15 14:22:44 <SwifT> ok
+Dec 15 14:23:26 <dabbott> yep GENTOO FOUNDATION, INC thats in NM
+Dec 15 14:23:57 <dabbott>
+Dec 15 14:23:58 <NeddySeagoon> I did not do a proper compare with the old terms of use, but I did not see any clashes
+Dec 15 14:24:02 <SwifT> ok then, i'll update the document and first send it to and after a few days, if there are no further remarks, see if the community has any feedback on the gentoo-nfp@g.o mailinglist.
+Dec 15 14:24:09 <Betelgeuse> SwifT: can we get a link to your draft for the logs
+Dec 15 14:24:16 <SwifT> sure:
+Dec 15 14:24:52 <SwifT> after gentoo-nfp discussion we'll see by mail if we can move it to the site immediately, or if it needs another discussion on IRC, k?
+Dec 15 14:25:10 <SwifT> dabbott: do hey always shout there? ;)
+Dec 15 14:25:12 <dabbott> sounds good thanks SwifT
+Dec 15 14:25:28 <NeddySeagoon> yep
+Dec 15 14:25:33 <NeddySeagoon> As quantumsummers|c is still MIA, lets move onto bugs
+Dec 15 14:25:34 <Betelgeuse> SwifT: sounds like a good plan
+Dec 15 14:25:59 <Betelgeuse> SwifT: when posting to the ml, let's list clearly the motivation too
+Dec 15 14:26:17 <NeddySeagoon>
+Dec 15 14:26:28 <SwifT> Betelgeuse: k, i'll send it to trustees@g.o to make sure I have it in ;)
+Dec 15 14:26:36 <NeddySeagoon> bug 492386
+Dec 15 14:26:37 <willikins> NeddySeagoon: "Fund the setup of an opensource chocolate to use at conventions"; Gentoo Foundation, Proposals; CONF; dabbott:trustees
+Dec 15 14:27:12 <NeddySeagoon> I vote No - its not a good use of funds
+Dec 15 14:27:16 <SwifT> i don't think chocolate is a good PR investment for us
+Dec 15 14:27:30 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, Betelgeuse
+Dec 15 14:27:31 <dabbott> I vote no, stickers, dvd's, t-shirts even but no to food
+Dec 15 14:28:07 <dabbott> I would go for funding a dinner
+Dec 15 14:28:07 <NeddySeagoon> Thats 3 Nos ... Betelgeuse quantumsummers|c ?
+Dec 15 14:28:26 <Betelgeuse> Thought that doesn't seem to be directly the chocolate
+Dec 15 14:29:32 <NeddySeagoon> I've lost a bug ...
+Dec 15 14:29:47 <Betelgeuse> well directly as in directly buying chocolate
+Dec 15 14:30:24 <Betelgeuse> I vote yes and let's move on
+Dec 15 14:30:34 <Betelgeuse> (it could be an ok item for our web shop etc.)
+Dec 15 14:30:43 <dabbott> NeddySeagoon: I closed the bug for dolsen it here
+Dec 15 14:30:47 <Betelgeuse> buying the produced chocolate for FOSDEM probably not
+Dec 15 14:31:20 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, thanks
+Dec 15 14:32:00 <NeddySeagoon> Bug 492384
+Dec 15 14:32:01 <willikins> NeddySeagoon: "Update the process to request funds from the foundation"; Gentoo Foundation, Proposals; CONF; dabbott:trustees
+Dec 15 14:32:38 <NeddySeagoon> Do we need any changes ? the process seems to work well
+Dec 15 14:33:27 <NeddySeagoon> The idea ot the process is to gather all the information
+Dec 15 14:34:25 <SwifT> we do need to add in how to proceed, like David sais in the bug
+Dec 15 14:34:42 <dabbott> I think I just need to add where to send the request and submit a bug for the request
+Dec 15 14:34:43 <SwifT> if we work with a bugreport, there is traceability
+Dec 15 14:35:26 <NeddySeagoon> ok, lets make it a bug
+Dec 15 14:35:31 <SwifT> i don't know if there are reasons to make a bug private?
+Dec 15 14:35:33 <SwifT> sec, fire alarm
+Dec 15 14:35:55 <Betelgeuse> SwifT: I hope infra archives trustees like it does for many aliases
+Dec 15 14:36:03 <NeddySeagoon> SwifT, yes. Personal information
+Dec 15 14:36:19 <Betelgeuse> still bugzilla is beneficial for future trustees
+Dec 15 14:36:22 <NeddySeagoon> Betelgeuse, it does
+Dec 15 14:36:22 <Betelgeuse> so they can search back
+Dec 15 14:37:45 * NeddySeagoon posts SwifTs mobile number in a public bug :)
+Dec 15 14:38:17 <dabbott> I was going to add to the document, send the request to trustees@gentoo and then we can make the bug
+Dec 15 14:38:38 <NeddySeagoon> yes, that works
+Dec 15 14:38:53 <dabbott> we don't have to require them to do the bug also
+Dec 15 14:39:03 <NeddySeagoon> Bug 477374 Is this closed now?
+Dec 15 14:39:09 <dabbott> they just need to attach the form to the email
+Dec 15 14:39:32 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, I like that workflow
+Dec 15 14:40:03 <dabbott> ok will do
+Dec 15 14:40:11 <SwifT> 'ts ok, dead battery
+Dec 15 14:40:47 <NeddySeagoon> Bug 477374 Is this closed now?
+Dec 15 14:40:52 <SwifT> dabbott: ok, agree (mail to trustees and we make bug)
+Dec 15 14:41:05 <Betelgeuse> sounds good
+Dec 15 14:41:23 <SwifT> I don't have access to bug 477374
+Dec 15 14:42:44 <dabbott> robbat2: was working on it afaik
+Dec 15 14:43:11 <dabbott> SwifT: Its a bug for a sponsors logo change
+Dec 15 14:43:15 <NeddySeagoon> SwifT, you are on the cc: list now
+Dec 15 14:43:32 <SwifT> thx
+Dec 15 14:44:12 <dabbott> NeddySeagoon: we should cc infra maybe robbat2 is not on the trustee alias anymore
+Dec 15 14:44:16 <NeddySeagoon> ok, lets leave it. Thats all the current bugs, unless anyone else has some ?
+Dec 15 14:44:32 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott, true
+Dec 15 14:44:55 <Betelgeuse> dabbott: I got the impression that he would be based on him answering a thread
+Dec 15 14:45:05 <Betelgeuse> still we should probably think who should remain now
+Dec 15 14:45:36 <NeddySeagoon> -infra or robbat2 ?
+Dec 15 14:45:53 <dabbott> -infra
+Dec 15 14:46:45 <SwifT> what donation did ostc give? It's not mentioned on the sponsors page
+Dec 15 14:47:44 <NeddySeagoon> SwifT, need quantumsummers|c for that probably
+Dec 15 14:47:51 <SwifT> ah it was financial
+Dec 15 14:48:10 <NeddySeagoon> New Business
+Dec 15 14:48:30 <NeddySeagoon> Bug 493344 is closed
+Dec 15 14:48:33 <willikins> NeddySeagoon: "Standing Desk for Brian Dolbec (aka dol-sen)"; Gentoo Foundation, Proposals; RESO, WORK; dabbott:trustees
+Dec 15 14:48:49 <NeddySeagoon> Cleanup
+Dec 15 14:48:53 <dabbott> dol-sen: any comments?
+Dec 15 14:49:28 <dabbott> NeddySeagoon: I can do the logs and minutes
+Dec 15 14:49:35 <NeddySeagoon> Date of Next Meeting - 19 Jan 2013 19:00 UTC
+Dec 15 14:49:44 <dabbott> fine here
+Dec 15 14:49:52 <Betelgeuse> ok
+Dec 15 14:49:56 <SwifT> ok
+Dec 15 14:50:14 <NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c ?
+Dec 15 14:50:29 <NeddySeagoon> Any other business ...
+Dec 15 14:50:46 <dabbott> none here
+Dec 15 14:50:52 <NeddySeagoon> None from me
+Dec 15 14:50:57 <SwifT> nope, none from me either
+Dec 15 14:51:04 <NeddySeagoon> Betelgeuse, ?
+Dec 15 14:51:10 <Betelgeuse> NeddySeagoon: no
+Dec 15 14:51:34 <NeddySeagoon> Who will post the log? Minutes? dabbott has volenteered
+Dec 15 14:51:42 <Betelgeuse> dabbott wfm
+Dec 15 14:51:46 <Betelgeuse> kudos!
+Dec 15 14:51:54 <NeddySeagoon> Open Floor ...
+Dec 15 14:52:02 <dabbott> yep I got it :) I do both at the same time
+Dec 15 14:52:57 * NeddySeagoon bangs the gavel to close the meeting